Emerging Threats in the 21st Century: Strategic Foresight and Warning Seminar Series: Warning for Readiness in the New Threat Environment

Emerging Threats in the 21st Century: Strategic Foresight and Warning Seminar Series: Warning for Readiness in the New Threat Environment

Author(s): Vivian Fritschi, Beat Habegger, Chris Pallaris
Editor(s): Andreas Wenger, Victor Mauer, Myriam Dunn
Series: CRN Reports
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2007

The report reviews the outcome of the third of three CSS/GFP seminars. The topic of the seminar was on factors influencing the readiness of policy and operational organizations to address potential threats. The group addressed issues such as the warning-response gap, specific needs for counter-terrorism warning, long-term foresight, and new approaches to warning and communication. The seminar series ended with a roundtable discussion, looking at issues such as the relationship between intelligence and the policy process or key challenges of getting policymakers and operational personnel to act on warning.
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