Factsheet: Expressions of Resilience

Factsheet: Expressions of Resilience

From ‘Bounce Back’ to Adaptation

Author(s): Jennifer Giroux, Tim Prior
Series: Risk and Resilience Reports
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2013

Resilience is widely viewed as a desirable feature for systems that could be exposed to threats or disturbance. It implies strength and flexibility; elasticity and durability. Derived from the Latin word resilïre which literally means to ‘spring’ or ‘bounce back’, the early use of resilience in a threat or disturbance context encapsulated this fundamental meaning - where risk managers designed systems to preferably return to a normal functioning state quickly after a disturbance. The ‘bounce back’ has subsequently become an outward expression of resilience in many contexts, but the term and its meaning are not universally used...
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