Focal Report 6: Assessing Threats in Cyberspace

Focal Report 6: Assessing Threats in Cyberspace

Interrogating Methodological Approaches & The Challenges of Today's Complex Risk Environment

Author(s): Gabriel Brönnimann, Thomas Gartmann, Jennifer Giroux, Manuel Suter, Myriam Dunn Cavelty
Series: Risk and Resilience Reports
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2012

This report examines and compares publicly available public and private cyber threat reports so to identify similarities and differences in threat assessment methodology, audience, and purpose. Overall, our findings observe a shift from the (near exclusive) use of quantitative methods to a mixed-method approach that increasingly favors qualitative methods - such as anecdotal evidence and in-depth case studies - to assess and communicate cyber incidents.
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