An Intelligence-based Approach to Countering Social Media Influence Operations

An Intelligence-based Approach to Countering Social Media Influence Operations

Author(s): Matteo Bonfanti
Journal Title: Romanian Intelligence Studies Review
Volume: 2018
Issue: 19
Pages: 47-67
Publisher(s): National Institute for Intelligence Studies
Publication Year: 2019

The paper describes an intelligence-based approach to understand and counter influence operations that are sponsored, directed or conducted by State or non-state actors on or through social media. It examines the extent to which the collection and analysis of social media data and further contextual information can provide actionable insight into influence-aimed activities. It also discusses how to employ such insight for tailoring effective counter-measures. The paper starts by conceptually framing social media platforms as tools for exercising influence – or cyber-influence– over a target. It then examines the crafting of intelligence on influence operations from social media data and metadata. It outlines the collection and analytical techniques that produce social media intelligence, presents their general advantages and limits, and highlights the challenge of enriching the knowledge on influence operations with further contextual information and intelligence. The paper concludes by proposing recommendations on how to implement the intelligence-based approach to countering social media influence.
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