
The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is an independent policy research institute that conducts research on the economic and political challenges facing Europe and the EU. This series is produced by the European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes (ENEPR), which is composed of leading socio-economic research organizations from throughout the EU and managed by CEPS. It disseminates to a wider public research undertaken and already published by ENEPRI member institutes.

Publishers: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Publications: Fiscal Stabilisation Plans and the Outlook for the World Economy
The Impact of Housing Market Institutions on Labor Market Mobility
An Econometric Analysis of Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Development
Economic Impact of Regulation in the Field of Liberal Professions in Different Member States
Financial Structure and its Impact on the Convergence of Interest Rate Pass-Through in Europe
Voting Power Derives from the Poll Distribution
Alternative Tax-Benefit Strategies to Support Children in the European Union
Household Incomes and Redistribution in the European Union
Agency Costs and Investment Behaviour
Europe's Financial Perspectives in Perspective
Compensation of Regional Unemployment in Housing Markets
The Trade-Induced Effects of the Services Directive and the Country-of-Origin Principle
Knowlege Capital as the Source of Growth
Environmental Policy Competition and Differential Tax Competition
From Bound Duties to Actual Protection
Tax Competition and Public Input
Impact of Public R&D Financing on Employment
Human Capital, R&D and Competition in Macroeconomic Analysis
Hub-and-Spoke or Else? Free Trade Agreements in the Enlarged EU
Economic Effects of Free Trade Between the EU and Russia
Is the European Economy a Patient and the Union its Doctor?
Speed of Convergence and Relocation
A Gravity Model Under Monopolistic Competition
Financial Consequences of Widowhood in Europe
Integration and Conditional Convergence in the Enlarged EU Area
Impact of Public R&D Financing on Private R&D
The Impact of Unemployment on Individual Well-Being in the EU
Has Trade Any Importance in the Transmission of Currency Shocks?
Can Labour Market Institutions Explain Unemployment Rates in New EU Member States?
Factor Mobility and Regional Disparities
Convergence of Real GDP Per Capita in the EU15
Time-Varying Nairu and Real Interest Rates in the Euro Area
Back on Track?
Structural Estimates of Equilibrium Unemployment in Six OECD Economies
Fiscal Policy in the New Open Economy Macroeconomics and Prospects for Fiscal Policy Coordination
European Wage Coordination
Youth Unemployment in the OECD
Convergence in Social Protection Across EU Countries, 1970-1999
Mutual Recognition in Goods and Services
The Impact of the Euro on Trade
How to Finance Eastern Enlargement of the EU
Mutual Recognition, Unemployment and the Welfare State
Internal Migration in Regions of Germany
Interdependent Growth in the EU
Equilibrium Rates and Wage Flexibility in Europe
Midlife Caregiving and Employment
Turkey's Performance in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment
Is the ECB Sufficiently Accountable and Transparent?
What Drove Relative Wages in France?
Maastricht and the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime in Transition Countries During the Run-Up to EMU
Foreign Direct Investment and Company Taxation in Europe
European Labour Markets and the Euro
Asymmetric Labour Markets in a Converging Europe
Fiscal Decentralisation & Economic Growth in High-Income OECD Countries
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