Religion and Mediation

Religion and Mediation

How can conflict transformation and mediation processes adequately address the interplay between religion and politics? This question is at the heart of our Culture and Religion in Mediation program (CARIM) which supports those working to address violent conflicts where religion plays a role. CARIM is a joint initiative of the CSS and the Thematic Area “external page Religion, Politics, Conflict” of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). We promote a non-judgmental approach to the role of religion in conflict in order to further mediation and conflict transformation processes which lead to mutually acceptable outcomes and co-existence between actors with different worldviews.

Process Support: Together with our partners at the Swiss FDFA, we offer direct support to conflict actors and third parties engaged in mediation and conflict transformation processes where there is an interplay between religion and politics. This can include mediation training, coaching, assistance with process design, research on particular aspects of the conflict, facilitation of contacts and identification of experts.

Research and Knowledge Management: Our research seeks to better understand and address the interplay of culture, religion and politics and thereby improve conflict transformation processes. Drawing on the Swiss FDFA’s expertise on religion and politics and the CSS’s expertise in the field of mediation, we seek to improve existing tools as well as to develop and promote new ways of dealing with conflicts where this interplay is present.

Training and Outreach: In addition to capacity-building in support of specific processes, we collaborate with our FDFA partners on training and policy work in order to enhance the specific skills, knowledge and awareness of third parties and policy makers on how to engage in conflicts shaped by an interplay between religion and politics. In November 2014 the first edition of our Religion and Mediation Course (RMC) took place.