Mediation Support in Peace Processes

Mediation can be understood as a process, where an acceptable, impartial third party assists actors in a conflict to negotiate mutually acceptable agreements. How can such a process best be supported? This question is at the core of the “Mediation Support Project” (MSP), which supports mediators and conflict parties in gaining knowledge and skills for effective peace negotiations. Launched in 2005, MSP is a joint project between the CSS and swisspeace, with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) as its initiator and main partner.
Process Support: In close collaboration with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, we assist mediators and negotiators in gaining the skills and techniques for mediation and negotiation processes. The careful preparation of negotiating parties before negotiations is essential for effective peace processes.
Research and Knowledge Management: Focusing on the links between actors, content, context and process, we seek to learn from practitioners and further develop peace mediation methodology. We look at mediation skills, techniques and topics, examining how process design allows for a structured way of working on a conflict, thereby helping parties reach an inclusive and sustainable agreement.
Trainings and Workshops: We design and implement tailor-made trainings and workshops in peace mediation, including co-organizing the annual Peace Mediation Course and contributing to the UN Ceasefire Mediation and Management Course. Our main target group includes conflict parties, mediators, peace promotion experts, staff of intergovernmental organizations, and diplomats. We also develop training tools for negotiation and mediation trainings, e.g. role plays, exercises, and handbooks.
Networking: We provide networking platforms for peace mediators, such as roundtables and international gatherings and, as MSP, we coordinate the Mediation Support Network.