
The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is an independent policy research institute dedicated to producing sound policy research leading to constructive solutions to the challenges facing Europe today. These policy papers are prepared for the European Security Forum of the Centre for European Policy Studies -International Institute for Strategic Studies by independent experts presenting EU, Russian and US viewpoints on a range of topics.

Publishers: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
Publications: The Political Future of Afghanistan
Somalia and the Pirates
Obama's Foreign Policy: Is This Change We Can Believe In?
The Strategic Consequences of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis
What Prospects for Normative Foreign Policy in a Multipolar World?
The Rise of China: Policies of the EU, Russia and the US
What is 'Just' Secession? (Is Kosovo Unique?)
Does Europe Need a New Missile Defence System?
Between Baghdad, Tehran, Riyadh and Jerusalem: Is There a Way for the Greater Middle East?
Afghanistan: Mission Impossible?
Quid Ukraine's Strategic Security?
European Energy Security: What Should it Mean? What to Do?
Between Suicide Bombings and Burning Banlieues: The Multiple Crises of Europe's Parallel Societies
Strategic Implications of the EU Crisis
Iran: The Moment of Truth 
The Rise of China with Special Reference to Arms Supplies
A European Balkans?
European Homeland Security Post-March 11th and Transatlantic Relations 
Russia and the West 
What Strategy for the Greater Middle East?
European Security Strategy: Is it for Real?
Turkey's Strategic Future
The Future of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime 
Pre-emptive Military Action and the Legitimate Use of Force
European and Transatlantic Defence-Industrial Strategies
Iraq - If or When?
European Security and Defence Policy: Taking Stock
The Role of Europe in the Middle East
Russia's Security Policy and EU-Russian Relations
The War Against Terrorism and the Transformation of the World Order
The EU's Rapid Reaction Capability
NATO Enlargement 
The Macedonian Crisis and Balkan Security 
Missile Defence and European Security 
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