
The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), an autonomous institute within the UN, conducts research on disarmament and security to assist the international community in its disarmament thinking, decisions and efforts. Through its research projects, publications, small meetings and expert networks, UNIDIR promotes creative thinking and dialogue on contemporary and future disarmament and security challenges. The Disarmament Forum is one of the main periodical publications of UNIDIR and provides an overview of the activities of the institute as well as a summary of the most important issues in the field of disarmament.

Publishers: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
Publications: Shared Risks: An Examination of Universal Space Security Challenges
Agent of Change? The CW Regime
Confronting Cyberconflict
Children and Conflict
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones
Beyond the BTWC RevCon
Civil Society and Nuclear Disarmament
Arms Control Verification
Maritime Security
Implementing the Convention on Cluster Munitions
A Safer Space Environment?
Tackling Illicit Brokering
Ideas for Peace and Security
Arms Control in the Middle East
The Complex Dynamics of Small Arms in West Africa
Uranium Weapons
Engaging Non-State Armed Groups
ICTs and International Security
Central Asia at the Crossroads
The Peacebuilding Commission
Missile Control?
Cluster Munitions
Toward a Stronger BTWC
CTBT: Passing the Test
Taking Action on Small Arms
Investing in Security
North-East Asian Security
Science, Technology and the CBW Regimes
The 2005 NPT Review Conference
Human Rights, Human Security and Disarmament
India and Pakistan
Strengthening Disarmament and Security
Women, Men, Peace and Security
Disarmament, Development and Mine Action
Nuclear Terrorism
Making Space for Security
The CWC Review Conference
Children and Security
Human Security in Latin America
NGOs as Partners: Assessing the Impact, Recognizing the Potential
(R)evolution in Military Affairs
Education for Disarmament
The Middle East
NMD: Jumping the Gun?
Biological Weapons: From the BWC to Biotech
Peacekeeping: Evolution or Extinction?
Small Arms Control: The Need for Coordination
What Next for the NPT?
Framework for a Mine-free World
On-site Inspections: Common Problems, Different Solutions
Fissile Materials: Scope, Stocks and Verification
The New Security Debate
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