
The Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) is a research center focused on the security implications of globalization. It conducts research, sponsors courses, and promotes dialogue between policy analysts and practitioners. The CISSM Working Papers deal with a range of issues in the field of international relations, policy and other related topics.

Publishers: Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM)
Publications: Forwarding Multilateral Space Governance: Next Steps for the International Community
A Framework for Categorizing Disruptive Cyber Activity and Assessing its Impact
Iranian Public Opinion on the Nuclear Negotiations
Questionnaire - Iranian Public Opinion on the Nuclear Negotiations
Expanding Nuclear Weapons State Transparency to Strengthen Nonproliferation
OSCE Principles in Practice
Terrorism Against Democracy
Rethinking US-China Security Cooperation
Challenges to Developing a Global Satellite Climate Monitoring System
On the Importance of MC&A to Nuclear Security
Developing a Nuclear Material Control and Accounting System in Russia
Climate Change and its Impact on the Political Dynamics of Pakistan
Micro-Level Analysis of Civil Violence
Cooperative Security in Europe: New Wine, New Bottles
Some Moral Considerations for Civilian-Peacekeeper Protection Alliances
Reconsidering the Morality of Deterrence
Challenges Facing the Religious Community in Addressing Global Climate Change
The Churches, Foreign Policy, and Global Poverty
The Cybersecurity Situation
A Culture of Protests: The Government Overthrow in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2010
Cooperative Airspace Security in the Euro-Atlantic Region
On Critical Infrastructure Protection and International Agreements
China's Spent Nuclear Fuel Management
Respect and Security Sector Reform
Reducing the Threat of State-to-State Cyber Attack Against Critical Infrastructure Through International Norms and Agreements
Security Policy and the Question of Fundamental Change
Civil Protection and the Image of the "Total Spoiler"
Walking Kenya Back from the Brink
Peacekeeper Impartiality: Standards, Processes, and Operations
Prudent Regulation of Geoengineering
Intertwined Inequities: Micro-Level Economic Determinants of Civil Conflict
Care and Counterinsurgency
Security Policy and the Question of Fundamental Change
Can Future Nuclear Power Be Made Proliferation Resistant?
National Intelligence Agencies and Transnational Threats
Requirement and Feasibility for the Transition from a Ballistic Missile Capability to an Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Capability
Potentially Constructive Implications of Disaster in Iraq
The Localized Nature of Violence in Iraq
Is Being 'Partial to the Peace Agreement' the Same as 'Protecting the People'
Revising Nuclear Deterrence
Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of the "Dangerous Activities" Categories Defined by the CSSM Controlling Dangerous Pathogens Project
The Sovereignty Belongs to God Option for the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif and/or the Old City
Decarbonizing the Global Energy System: Implications for Energy Technology and Security
Measuring Legimitacy in Weak States
Satellites, Security and Scandal
Cooperative Oversight of Dangerous Technologies Lessons from the International Atomic Energy Agency Safeguards System
A Plan for Comprehensive Unilateral Withdrawal
Promoting Nuclear Warhead Reductions
The Definition and Measurement of Dangerous Research
Prospects for Security Transformation
Lift-Off for Space Weapons?
Protective Oversight of Biotechnology
Federal Regulation of Scientific Research
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