CSS News and Impact

All stories that have been tagged with Euro Atlantic

Prospects of a Transatlantic Arsenal of Democracy

Euro Atlantic

Pyongyang’s Relations with Moscow and Beijing

Euro Atlantic

ETH CSS Evening Talk: Ukraine, the US, and European Security

Euro Atlantic

Time to Make ‘Peace’ with the Bandits

Euro Atlantic

European Security Cooperation with the Indo-Pacific

Euro Atlantic

Heightened Nuclear Risks and the Risk Reduction Agenda

Euro Atlantic

Knowledge Security at Stake

Euro Atlantic

The Challenges of Wartime Polling in Ukraine

Euro Atlantic

Geopolitical Echoes of the Karabakh Conflict

Euro Atlantic

Bulletin 2023 on Swiss Security Policy

Euro Atlantic

US-China Interdependence: Implications for Switzerland

Euro Atlantic

Central Asia in an Era of Great-Power Rivalry

Euro Atlantic

The Promise and Paradox of Science Diplomacy

Euro Atlantic

Sicherheit 2023: Aussen-, Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitische Meinungsbildung im Trend

Euro Atlantic

Hotspot Balkans: Serbia and Kosovo

Euro Atlantic

Reaching for the Stars: China's Space Ambitions

Euro Atlantic

Strategic Trends 2023: Order and Alignment

Euro Atlantic

The United Nations and Counterterrorism

Euro Atlantic

The Biological Weapons Ban and Scientific Progress

Euro Atlantic

Survey Security 2023: slight majority for NATO rapprochement - more critical assessment of neutrality

Euro Atlantic

The Promise and Peril of Wargaming

Euro Atlantic

Russia’s Footprint in Africa

Euro Atlantic

The “Rules-Based Order”: Conflicting Understandings

Euro Atlantic

Navigating Stormy Seas in US-China Relations

Euro Atlantic

Lynching in Latin America (LYLA) dataset

Euro Atlantic

Russia’s Future as an Energy Power

Euro Atlantic

Bulletin 2022 on Swiss Security Policy

Euro Atlantic

Minsk’s Signals: Belarus and the War in Ukraine

Euro Atlantic

The China Factor in Russia’s War in Ukraine

Euro Atlantic

Ukraine’s Uncertain Path to the EU

Euro Atlantic

Beyond Nuclear Deterrence

Euro Atlantic

Russia as a Nuclear Power

Euro Atlantic

Seoul’s Bolstered Defense Ambitions

Euro Atlantic

Central Asia: Challenges Intensify, Geopolitics Doesn’t

Euro Atlantic

Tense Triangle in Asia: The South Korea Factor

Euro Atlantic

US-China “Tech Decoupling”: A Swiss Perspective

Euro Atlantic

Sicherheits- und verteidigungspolitische Kooperation der Schweiz in Europa: Optionen zur Weiterentwicklung

Euro Atlantic

Finland’s NATO accession

Euro Atlantic

NATO’s Strategic Concept: Tempered Ambitions

Euro Atlantic

The War in Ukraine and Global Nuclear Order

Euro Atlantic

Nachbefragung der Studie «Sicherheit 2022» aufgrund des Krieges in der Ukraine

Euro Atlantic

Geopolitical Dimensions of the Energy Transition

Euro Atlantic

French Defense at a Crossroads

Euro Atlantic

The IT Army of Ukraine

Euro Atlantic

Sicherheit 2022. Aussen-, Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitische Meinungsbildung im Trend

Euro Atlantic

Andreas Wenger: «Die Schweizer Neutralität wird neu justiert»

Euro Atlantic

Annual Report 2021

Euro Atlantic

Russia’s War and the Global Nuclear Order

Euro Atlantic

Sicherheitsordnung nach Moskaus Ukraine-Invasion

Euro Atlantic

The War Against Ukraine Shapes NATO’s Future

Euro Atlantic

NATO’s Adaptation to the Russia Threat

Euro Atlantic

Russia’s War in Ukraine: India’s Balancing Act

Euro Atlantic

Strategic Trends 2022: Arms and Influence

Euro Atlantic

“Neutrality is only one means among many”

Euro Atlantic

European Defense Policy: Zeitenwende, Ltd.

Euro Atlantic

Russia’s War in Ukraine: China’s Calculus

Euro Atlantic

Political and Economic Consequences of Russia’s War against Ukraine

Euro Atlantic

Germany’s Security Revolution Is Already Stalling

Euro Atlantic

France: A European Pioneer in the Geopolitics of Technology

Euro Atlantic

The War in Ukraine: First Lessons

Euro Atlantic

“We won’t see a second Cold War”

Euro Atlantic

AUKUS: Below the Surface

Euro Atlantic

The State of the Islamic State

Euro Atlantic

Focus Ukraine

Euro Atlantic

Understanding Capability-Based Planning

Euro Atlantic

Ukraine-Konflikt - «Ausgang und Ausmass der Ukraine-Krise sind nicht absehbar»

Euro Atlantic

Are these the last ERC grants for ETH?

Euro Atlantic

Europe: Greater Autonomy, Better Allies

Euro Atlantic

Bulletin 2021 on Swiss Security Policy

Euro Atlantic

Microchips: Small and Demanded

Euro Atlantic

Sicherheitspolitische Trends 2022–2030: Grossmächtekonflikt und Technologiewettbewerb

Euro Atlantic

Redesigning Nuclear Arms Control for New Realities

Euro Atlantic

Swiss security policy in an unstable world

Euro Atlantic

The Taliban Takeover and China-Russia Relations

Euro Atlantic

Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova between Russia and the West

Euro Atlantic

Ein nichtständiger Sitz im UNO-​Sicherheitsrat: Die Rolle von Verteidigungsministerien und Armeehauptquartieren in einem länderspezifischen Vergleich

Euro Atlantic

From Robots to Warbots: Reality Meets Science Fiction

Euro Atlantic

European Fighter Programs: A Preliminary Assessment

Euro Atlantic

The Future of European Strategy in a Changing Geopolitical Environment: Challenges and Prospects

Euro Atlantic

Contemporary Christian Nationalism in the US

Euro Atlantic

COVID-19: Germany Rethinks Civil Protection

Euro Atlantic

Multilateralism in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for the OSCE

Euro Atlantic

Confidence and security-building on the Korean Peninsula and the role of Switzerland

Euro Atlantic

Sicherheit 2021. Aussen-, Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitische Meinungsbildung im Trend

Euro Atlantic

NATO’s Strategic Concept: Three Do’s and Don’ts

Euro Atlantic

Europe and the Nuclear Ban Treaty

Euro Atlantic

Weaponized and Overhyped: Hypersonic Technology

Euro Atlantic

Annual Report 2020

Euro Atlantic

Strategic Trends 2021: New Power Configurations and Regional Security

Euro Atlantic

Focus Belarus

Euro Atlantic

Geostrategic Storm in the Indian Ocean

Euro Atlantic

Intersectional Conflict Analysis: Religion and Gender

Euro Atlantic

Nord Stream 2: It’s Time to Change Perspective

Euro Atlantic

European Drone Clubs Stall Strategic Autonomy

Euro Atlantic

Undermining Trust: Rearmament in the Western Balkans

Euro Atlantic

COVAX Needs a Political Future

Euro Atlantic

Arms Control Without Treaties

Euro Atlantic

Yemen – A Playing Field for Regional Powers

Euro Atlantic

CSDP Missions: Addressing their Limited Reform Impact

Euro Atlantic

Belarus in Upheaval: Three Scenarios

Euro Atlantic

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