
The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) is a think tank for German development policy. The DIE Briefing Papers summarize current events and the results from the research and consulting efforts of DIE. The reports are available in German and English.

Publishers: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Publications: Financing Global Development: The BRICS New Development Bank
Financing Global Development: Beware of ‘End Poverty’ Euphoria and Trigger-Happy Reform of Concessional Finance
Financing Global Development: The Role of Local Currency Bond Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
Financing Global Development: Can Foreign Direct Investments be Increased through International Investment Agreements?
The G-7 and the Post-2015 Process: Role and Deliverables
Let’s Walk Our Talk
Can the Tourism Industry Contribute to International Adaptation Finance?
What is the Potential for a Climate, Forest and Community Friendly REDD+ in Paris?
What Should Development Policy Actors Do About the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)?
Measuring Green Growth: Why Standardisation is (Sometimes) Not Desirable
Advancing Female Education by Improving Democratic Institutions and Women's Political Representation
Proposal for a Global Framework for Climate Action to Engage Non-State and Subnational Stakeholders in the Future Climate Regime
Making Global Health Governance Work: Recommendations for How to Respond to Ebola
Post 2015: Setting Up a Coherent Accountability Framework
Post 2015: Enter the UN General Assembly - Harnessing Sustainable Development Goals for an Ambitious Global Development Agenda
Conflicting Objectives in Democracy Promotion
Why Power Matters in Payments for Environmental Services (PES)
The Future of the ODA Concept
"Beyond Aid” and the Future of Development Cooperation
Post 2015: Getting Down to the Nitty-Gritty
Presenting Results in Development Cooperation: Risks and Limitations
How to Shape Development Cooperation?
A Strong Voice for Global Sustainable Development
The Availability of Trade Finance
Is the Earth Flat or is it a Cube?
Post 2015: How to Design Goals for (Inter)National Action?
Post 2015: Why the Development Finance Debate Needs to Make the Move from Quantity to Quality
Post 2015: Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development
International Technology Cooperation: Lessons for the Upcoming Technology Mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Post 2015: Special Event on Post-2015 - Stuck in the Process?
Minderungspolitik in Schwellenländern, Indonesien als klimapolitischer Vorreiter?
Assist Those Most in Need, or Most of Those in Need? The Challenge of Allocative Efficiency for Aid Effectiveness
Post 2015: The International Battle Against Tax Fraud and Evasion
Who’s the Boss?
Post 2015: Warum ist der Wasser-Energie-Land-Nexus für die künftige Entwicklungsagenda wichtig?
Post 2015: Die internationale Bekämpfung von Steuerhinterziehung und -vermeidung
Komplementarität in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Post 2015: What It Means for the United Nations Development System
Post 2015: How Emerging Economies Shape the Relevance of a New Agenda
50 Years of Peer Reviews by the OECD's Development Assistance Committee
50 Jahre entwicklungspolitische Länderprüfungen (Peer Reviews) der OECD
ACP-EU Relations beyond 2020: Exploring European Perceptions
Complementarity in Development: Bringing Private Foundations on Board
Post-2015: The EU Can Contribute More than Aid to the Global Development Agenda
Energie für alle: über technische Lösungen hinaus zur Armutsreduktion beitragen
Do We Really Need a Multilateral Investment Agreement?
Climate Change Mitigation in Emerging Economies: The Case of Indonesia
Universal Energy Access
Post 2015: What Can the European Union Learn from Past International Negotiations?
Post 2015: Why is the Water-Energy-Land Nexus Important for the Future Development Agenda?
Post 2015: Reconsidering Sustainable Development Goals
From Poverty Reduction to Mutual Interests?
Post 2015: What Can Be Learnt from the Impact of Health Performance on Donor Policies for Health Assistance?
Agriculture in the International Climate Negotiations
Can the EU Confront Inequality in Developing Countries?
What Opportunities Do the New EU International Investment Agreements Offer for Developing Countries?
Sustainability Standards and Certification – Towards Sustainable Palm Oil in Indonesia?
History Repeats? The Rise of the New Middle Classes in the Developing World
Post 2015: How to Reconcile the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Options for Improving the Communication of Seasonal Rainfall Forecasts to Smallholder Farmers
Nach 2015: Wie lassen sich die Millennium Development Goals mit den in Rio beschlossenen Sustainable Development Goals verbinden?
Environmental Change and Migration: Perspectives for Future Action
Die „neue“ Sichtbarkeit: Zur Auflösung des Zielkonfliktes zwischen der Wirksamkeit und Sichtbarkeit der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Afrikanische Entwicklungstrends: Konkurrierende Institutionelle Arrangements für Klimapolitik
Lessons from Delivering as One – Options for UN Member States
Landwirtschaft in den internationalen Klimaverhandlungen
The European Endowment for Democracy between Wishful Thinking and Reality
Umweltwandel und Migration: Welche Handlungsperspektiven gibt es?
Community and Local Governance for Peace and Development in Nepal
Welche Chancen bieten die neuen internationalen Investitionsabkommen der EU für Entwicklungsländer?
The Financing of Development Cooperation at the United Nations
African Developments: Competing Institutional Arrangements for Climate Policy
Rio+20 and the Future of the UN Sustainability Architecture – What Can we Expect?
Sustainable Water Management Through Green Economy?
Visibility Vis-à-Vis Effectiveness of Aid
Changing Global Patterns of Poverty
The World Development Report 2012 "Gender Equality and Development"
Ist die Erde eine Scheibe oder ein Würfel? Politische Konditionalität, Entwicklungshilfe und Demokratie
Aid – Dinosaur or Development Engine for Sub-Saharan Africa?
A Response to the Weaknesses of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
African Developments: Political Trends in Recent Elections in Sub-Saharan Africa
Results Based Aid: Limitations of New Approaches
The G20: Its Role and Challenges
Burden-Sharing and Allocation Criteria under the UN Climate Regime
Ergebnisbasierte Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Demokratieförderung im Zeitalter Sozialer Medien
Sonderrolle der Landwirtschaft
Democracy Promotion in the Age of Social Media
Improving Donor Support for Governance
Die Finanzierung von Sicherheit und Entwicklung
African Development Trends: Lessons Learnt from the Global Financial Crisis
Finanzkrise und Internationaler Handel – Folgen für Entwicklungsländer
Kriterien der Lastenteilung und Allokation im UN-Klimaregime – weder gerecht noch wirksam
Multi-Donor Budget Support: Only Halfway to Effective Coordination
Sustaining EU Financing for Security and Development
Die G20: Rolle und Herausforderungen
Accountability Through Dialogue: The Presidencîa Aberta e Inclusiva in Mozambique
Taxation of Non-Renewable Natural Resources
Industrial Policy in Developing Countries
Afrikanische Entwicklungstrends: Anpassung an den Klimawandel als Herausforderung für afrikanische Wasser-Governance
African Developments: The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is an Opportunity for African Agriculture
Reforming Public Financial Management Systems in Developing Countries as a Contribution to the Improvement of Governance
The Influence of China, Russia and India on the Future of Democracy in the Euro-Asian Region
Reform of the UN Development System: New Multilateralist Reform Coalition Needed
Integrated Fiscal Decentralisation: Taking New Aid Modalities to the Local Level
International Trade and Climate Change
State Fragility Indices
Budget Support as an Aid Instrument
New Approaches to Social Protection: Microinsurance
African Developments: Continental Conflict Management
Aid for Trade - An Opportunity for Re-thinking German Aid for Growth
Brazil as an Emerging Actor on International Development Cooperation
African Developments
Neue Strategien der sozialen Sicherung
India: A New Partner in Democracy Promotion?
Wirkungsevaluation in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Russia: Supporting Non-Democratic Tendencies in the Post-Soviet Space?
Emerging Powers in Their Regions
Policy Advice in Development Cooperation: A Distinct Type of Policy Advice
Gender Equality Promotes Development
EU and UN Development Cooperation: What Should Germany Work for?
Should We Engage in Development Cooperation With Countries That Have a Notoriously Low Tax Ratio?
The Reorganisation of EU Foreign Relations
Budgethilfe in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
A Better Link Between Security and Development in the European Union?
Institutional Reform Needs of Germany’s Bilateral Development Cooperation
China's Policies for Overcoming the Crisis
Globalisation at the Crossroad: An 'International Panel on Systemic Risks in the Global Economy' is Needed
Elections 2009: What Role Does Global Development Policy Play in the European Parliament?
The Convergence of Peacebuilding and State Building
India's Development Cooperation – Opportunities and Challenges for International Development Cooperation
Financing Adaptation to Climate Change through Budget Support
The Three Cs of Democracy Promotion Policy: Context, Consistency and Credibility
Leveraging Private Investments in Climate Change Mitigation
Increasing Domestic Resource Mobilization by Tackling Tax Flight
Southern Non-DAC Actors in Development Cooperation
Foreign Direct Investment – A Means to Foster Sustainable Development?
Are Cash Transfers a Suitable Alternative to Energy and Food Subsidies?
Development Finance by Regional Development Banks
Financing for Development Series: Increasing Government Revenues from the Extractive Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Financial Crisis and Developing Countries
Barriers to Successful Implementation of Renewables-based Rural Electrification
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries
Implementing the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Where Does Germany Stand?
Rising Food Prices: Causes, Implications, and Challenges for Development Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Labour Rights in the People's Republic of China
Statehood and Governance: Challenges in South Asia
Statehood and Governance: Challenges in Southeast Asia
Reform of United Nations Development Cooperation
South-South Cooperation
Macroeconomic Challenges of Scaling up Aid
Climate Change Threatens Global Development and International Stability
A Demographic Dividend for the Developing Countries?
Trilateral Development Cooperation with "New Donors"
Statehood and Governance: Challenges in the Middle East and North Africa
Statehood and Governance: Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa
Statehood and Governance: Challenges in Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus
Statehood and Governance: Challenges in Latin America
China’s Africa Policy: Opportunity and Challenge for European Development
The World Bank’s Africa Action Plan: New Actions?
The African Peer Review Mechanism – How Far so Far?
Unstable Multipolarity? China’s and India’s Challenges for Global Governance
The European Union's Strategy for Africa – Coherence in the Face of a Complex, Changing Continent?
Between Protectionism, Poverty Orientation, and Market Efficiency: Reform of the EU Sugar Market Organization
Between Frustration and Optimism: The Development Outcome of the Millennium+5 Summit
L20 and ECOSOC Reform: Complementary Building Blocks for Inclusive Global Governance and a more Effective UN
The Millennium Development Goals - Thinking beyond the Sachs Report
How much Aid is Good for Africa - A Big Push as a Way Out of the "Poverty Trap"?
Diagnosis and Reform of Public Financial Management Systems: a Key Cross-cutting Issue for Program-based Approaches in Development Policy
International Instruments for Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Strengthening the United Nations through Deepened Cooperation with NGOs, the Private Sector, and Parliaments
Donor Coordination: a Basic Requirement for More Efficient and Effective Development
New Proposals on Attaining Debt Sustainability after the HIPC Initiative
Reform Agenda 2005: The United Nations at a Historic Fork of the Road
Impact Analysis of Development Cooperation is Feasible
Development Policy - a Core Element of European Security Policy
Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Policy in Development Cooperation: What Role for Renewable Energy Technologies?
The Development-Military Relationship: the Start of a New Alliance?
International Debt Crises
Helping Young German Professionals to Join International Development Organizations
The World Trading System After Cancún
E-Government – an Approach to State Reform in Developing Countries?
Development of Local Government
Approaches to Overcoming Regional Water Poverty
The Monterrey Consensus: The Conference on Financing for Development
Integrating Gender Into Poverty Reduction Strategies
Improving Coherence between Development Policy and Other Policies
Approaches to Crisis-Preventing and Conflict-Sensitive Development Cooperation
Is the Target of Halving Extreme Poverty by 2015 Achievable?
A Global ICT Skills Offensive to Bridge the Digital Divide Between North and South
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the World Trading System
Promoting Regional Integration in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
The IMF’s Principal Tasks
Promoting the Private Sector for Employment and Poverty Reduction
A Larger Role for the Regional Development Banks
Partnerschaft mit Schwellenländern
The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee and German Development Cooperation
Promotion of Civil Society in Developing Countries: the Example of European Development Cooperation
Development Cooperation and Stability in South-Eastern Europe: a Herculean or a Sisyphean Task?
Protection and Sustainable Use of Tropical Forests: Points of Departure in the Brazilian Timber Industry
Water Scarcity in Developing Countries?
United Nations Development Cooperation Challenges and Reforms at the End of the 1990s
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