
The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) was founded in 1996 by the governments of Denmark, Germany and Schleswig-Holstein. It is a non-partisan and interdisciplinary institution which conducts practice-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe. The ECMI Issue Briefs discuss minority issues from different fields and perspectives, including economic inclusion, inter-ethnic relations in former Yugoslavia and institutional designs to accomodate competing group interests.

Publishers: European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)
Publications: Minority Rights Governance: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Equal Treatment when Budgeting for Education
Instigations of Separatism in the Baltic States
‘Roma’ Policy Making: Key Challenges & Possible Solutions
What Next for Moldova’s Minorities after Crimea?
What do the Crimean Tatars Face in Crimea?
The Situation of Roma between Human Rights and Economics
Ethnic Minority Women in Georgia - Facing a Double Burden?
Beyond the (Non) Definition of Minority
Changing the Angle: Does the Notion of Non-Territorial Autonomy Stand on Solid Ground?
Beyond the Limits of Multiculturalism: The Role of Europe's Traditional Minorities
Self-Determination and National Minorities
A Resolvable Frozen Conflict? Designing a Settlement for Transnistria
Cyprus – Should the UN withdraw?
National Minorities in the 21st Century Europe
Convergence in European Policy Making
The Recent Flow of Asylum-Seekers from Georgia to Poland
A Way Out? Initial Steps Towards Addressing Romani Issues in Georgia
Economic Exclusion of Ethnic Minorities: Indicators and Measurement Considerations
Economic Exclusion of Ethnic Minorities: On the Importance of Concept Specification
Language Loss and the Ethnic Identity of Minorities
Ethnic Data Collection: The Case of the Civil Service in Eastern Europe
Reciprocity or the Higher Ground? The Treatment of Ethnic Russians in Georgia after the
The Economic Dimension of Minority Participation in Europe
The Aspect of Culture in Promoting Social Inclusion in the European Union
The Lisbon Strategy and Ethnic Minorities: Rights and Economic Growth
A New Challenge for Kosovo's Emerging Democracy
Cyprus after the Failure of the Annan-Plan
Violence in Kosovo and the Way Ahead
The Spectre of Territorial Division and the Ohrid Agreement
The Instrumentalization of Minorities in the Montenegrin Dispute over Independence
Constitutional Reform and the 'Spirit' of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Armenian Minority in Georgia: Defusing Interethnic Tensions
Croat Self-Government in Bosnia - A Challenge for Dayton?
Testing Macedonia
Communists of Moldova and the Future of the Country's Ethno-Political Conflicts
Language Policy in Multilingual Switzerland: Overview and Recent Developments
Ethnopolitical Conflicts in Eastern Europe and the OSCE
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