
DCAF is an international foundation whose mission is to assist the international community in pursuing good governance and reform of the security sector by developing and promoting appropriate norms at international and national levels. Security sector reform provides an opportunity to transform security policies, institutions and programmes, creating opportunities to integrate gender issues, which are key to operational effectiveness, local ownership and strengthened oversight. This series includes a number of best practice materials to support Gender and SSR.

Publishers: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
Publications: Gender-Responsive Organizational Climate Assessment in Armed Forces
Gender and Complaints Mechanisms
Training Manual for Community Women in Sierra Leone
Practice Note 1 - Security Sector Reform and Gender
Practice Note 2 - Police Reform and Gender
Practice Note 3 - Defence Reform and Gender
Practice Note 4 - Justice Reform and Gender
Practice Note 5 - Penal Reform and Gender
Practice Note 6 - Border Management and Gender
Practice Note 7 - Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector and Gender
Practice Note 8 - National Security Policy-Making and Gender
Practice Note 9 - Civil Society Oversight of the Security Sector and Gender
Practice Note 10 - Private Military and Security Companies and Gender
Practice Note 11 - Security Sector Reform Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation and Gender
Practice Note 12 - Gender Training for Security Sector Personnel
Practice Note 13 - Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Resolutions in Security Sector Reform
Checklist for Gender Curriculum Review
Gender and SSR Toolkit User Guide
Tool 1 - Security Sector Reform and Gender
Tool 2 - Police Reform and Gender
Tool 3 - Defence Reform and Gender
Tool 4 - Justice Reform and Gender
Tool 5 - Penal Reform and Gender
Annex - Penal Reform and Gender
Tool 6 - Border Management and Gender
Tool 7 - Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector and Gender
Tool 8 - National Security Policy-Making and Gender
Tool 9 - Civil Society Oversight of the Security Sector and Gender
Tool 10 - Private Military and Security Companies and Gender
Tool 11 - Security Sector Reform Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation and Gender
Tool 12 - Gender Training for Security Sector Personnel
Tool 13 - Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Resolutions in Security Sector Reform
Annex: International and Regional Laws and Instruments Related to Security Sector Reform and Gender
Best Practices in Teaching Gender to the Military
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