
The Center for Global Development (CGD) is an independent, not-for-profit think tank that works to reduce global poverty and inequality. CGD Essays contain contributions by CGD staff on various topics in the field of aid and development.

Publishers: Center for Global Development (CGD)
Publications: MDGs to SDGs: Have we Lost the Plot
Corporate Commitments to Deforestation-free Supply Chains: An Expedition
The ADB's Bold Move and What it Can Mean for the MDBs
The Aid Ring Fence: Protection or Prison?
Does the Rise of the Middle Class Lock in Good Government in the Developing World?
Zimbabwe: From Hemorrhage to Stability, A Personal Journey
Can Rich Countries Be Reliable Partners for National Development?
Emerging Market Macroeconomic Resilience to External Shocks: Today versus Pre–Global Crisis
How China and the United States Can Come to Terms on the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
In Defence of Britain’s Overseas Aid
Technology in the Service of Development: The NADRA Story
Latin America: The Day After is This Time Different?
The Sudden Rise of Carbon Taxes, 2010–2030
Deliberative Polling as a Catalyst for Action on Climate Change
The Pacific Alliance: A Way Forward for Latin American Integration
The WHO Global Code of Practice: A Useful Guide for Recruiting Health Care Professionals?
Skilled Migration from Mexico: Trends, Concerns, and Outlook
Shaking Up the Donor Shakedown at the World Bank
Building a Think-and-Do Tank: A Dozen Lessons from the First Dozen Years of the Center for Global Development
The Nature of the BEast: What Behavioral Economics is Not
Here’s the Best Thing the United States Has Done in Afghanistan
Verging on Merging at the Inter-American Development Bank
A UN Declaration on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
How Feedback Loops Can Improve Aid (and Maybe Governance)
Seize the Spotlight: A Case for Gulf Cooperation Council Engagement in Research on the Effects of Labor Migration
Thinking Through When the World Bank Should Fund Coal Projects
The Early Success of India’s Health Insurance for the Poor, RSBY
The Moral Imperative toward Cost-Effectiveness in Global Health
Creating a Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
Global Citizens and the Global Economy
Global Government, Mixed Coalitions, and the Future of International Cooperation
Imagine There’s No Country: Three Questions About a New Charter City in Honduras
Overselling Broadband: A Critique of the Recommendations of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development
Where is the Virtue in the Middle Class?
In Praise of Debt
Incentive Proliferation? Making Sense of a New Wave of Development Programs
Can Aid Work? Written Testimony Submitted to the House of Lords
Technology and USAID: Three Cheers and a Thousand Cautions
Bentham from the Crypt Once More
The Peace Corps in a Smaller World
Getting to a "Grand Bargain" for Aid Reform
Getting Better in Pictures
Solow's Return: Inventions, Ideas and the Quality of Life
Shared Goals: Measuring Overall Development Progress in Pakistan
Advanced Economies Pose Three Financial Risks to Developing Countries in 2011
Not Just Aid
The Arc of the Jubilee
The Legacy of the Jubilee Debt Relief Movement
Beyond Short-Term Thinking
People and Places: Can They Align to Bring Growth to Africa?
Where Are the BITs? How US Bilateral Investment Treaties with Africa Can Promote Development
Challenging Corruption in Africa
The Clash of the Counter-bureaucracy and Development
Sustaining and Leveraging AIDS Treatment
Tailored Aid for a Tailored Age?
The Global AIDS Transition
Using Incentives to Prevent HIV Infections
Technologies, Rules, and Progress: The Case for Charter Cities
Reviving the Global Education Compact: Four Options for Global Education Funding
Global Nutrition Institutions: Is There an Appetite for Change?
Development Aid and Its Criticisms: The View from Zambia
How the Economic Crisis is Hurting Africa
Dambisa Moyo's (Serious) Challenge to the Development Business
Toward Measuring the Impact of the World Food Program's Purchase for Progress Initiative
Guatemala ... Teetering on the Brink?
How Can we Avoid Another Food Crisis in Niger?
The Right Response in Latin America to Oil and Food Price Pressures: Fight Inflation Now!
Integration in the Americas: One Idea for Plan B
Don't Close the Golden Door: Our Noisy Debate on Immigration and its Deathly Silence on Development
Modernizing Foreign Assistance for the 21st Century: An Agenda for the Next US President
Power and Roads for Africa
Learning While Doing
The Good News Out of Africa
From World Bank to World Development Cooperative
Smart Samaritans: Is There a Third Way in the Development Debate?
"We Fall Down and Get Up": State Failure, Democracy and Development in Sierra Leone
The US Response to Precarious States
The Chinese Aid System
The World Bank: Toward a Global Club
Liberia's External Debt
Billions for War, Pennies for the Poor: Moving the President's FY2008 Budget from Hard Power to Smart Power
USAID’s Track Record in Family Planning
US Foreign Aid Reform
Building and Running an Effective Policy Index
Reforming US Development Policy
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