
The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is an independent policy research institute dedicated to producing sound policy research leading to constructive solutions to the challenges facing Europe today. The CEPS Special Reports cover a wide range of CEPS studies that do not fall into any of the other formal series.

Publishers: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Publications: An Assessment of the Economic Impact of Brexit on the EU27
Migration versus Mobility in EU External Action towards Asia
Labour Market Integration of Refugees: A Comparative Survey of Bosnians in Five EU Countries
Which Model for Brexit?
Assessing the Euro Area´s Shock-Absorption Capacity: Risk Sharing, Consumption Smoothing and Fiscal Policy
New Thrust for the CDSP from the Refugee and Migrant Crisis
The EU Deal to Avoid Brexit: Take it or Leave
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Challenges and Opportunities for Consumer Protection
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: The Services Dimension
The Geostrategic Implications of TTIP
Antitrust, Regulation and the Neutrality Trap
Transatlantic Investment Treaty Protection
Public Procurement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Negotiations
Agriculture, Food and the TTIP: Possibilities and Pitfalls
An Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area: A Simulation Exercise of Two Options
Enhancing the Legitimacy of EMU Governance
Who Calls the Shots in the Committees of the New European Parliament?
Does EU Regulation Hinder or Stimulate Innovation
Improving the Effectiveness of Sanctions: A Checklist for the EU
The Framework for Various Approaches and the New Market Mechanism
Economic Incentives for Indirect TTIP Spillovers
The Impact of TTIP: The Underlying Economic Model
The Market Stability Reserve in Perspective
The Role of Market Mechanisms in a Post-2020 Climate Change Agreement
The European Parliament’s New Role in Trade Policy
Towards Effective Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP
What Are the Effects of the EU Budget: Driving Force or Drop in the Ocean?
Exploring a Regional Approach to EU Energy Policies
Carbon Leakage: Options for the EU
Composition and Drivers of Energy Prices and Costs in Energy Intensive Industries
Impact of the Decarbonisation of the Energy System on Employment in Europe
The Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership Four Years On
The Steel Industry in the European Union
Carbon Leakage: An Overview
EEAS 2.0: Recommendations for the Amendment of Council Decision 2010/427/EU Establishing the Organisation and Functioning of the European External Action Service
Access Barriers to Services Markets
Towards a Eurasian Economic Union
Who remembers Turkey’s pre-accession?
When the Rising Dragon Sees Fading Stars
The Future of Clean Development Mechanism
How to Deal with Macroeconomic Imbalances?
Backloading: A Necessary, but Not Sufficient First Step
A Framework for Various Approaches Under the UNFCCC
The Use of Innovative Financial Instruments for Financing EU Policies and Objectives
Securing EU Growth from Services
The Implications for the EU and National Budgets of the Use of EU Instruments for Macro-Financial Stability
Workplace Innovation and Technological Change
Women's Labour Market Performance in Europe
Mid-Term Evaluation of the 2009-14 European Parliament
The EU between Pooling & Sharing and Smart Defence
The Benefits of Investing in Electricity Transmission
Expanding Carbon Markets through New Market-based Mechanisms
The Power of Simplicity
The External Communication Activities, Tools and Structures of the European Comission
Three Possibilities for Reform of the Procedure of the European Commission in Competition Cases under Regulation 1/2003
A New Mortgage Credit Regime for Europe
Innovative Approaches to EU Blending Mechanisms for Development Finance
The EU Emissions Trading System and Climate Policy Towards 2050
Sectoral Approaches to Climate Change
The Merit of Sectoral Approaches in Transitioning Towards a Global Carbon Market
Getting Started Now: Capacity Building for the Data System Foundations of Sectoral Approaches
The Modernisation of EU Anti-Cartel Enforcement
Medium-term Employment Challenges
The Future of the Eurozone and Gold
Education and Political Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in the EU
Education and Political Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in the EU
EU Policy on Education
The Educational System in Belgium
The Educational System in Luxembourg
The New European Parliament
EU-Turkey Accession Negotiations: Impact Assessment of Chapter 10 on Information Society and Media
Informing the Immigration Debate
Informing the Data Protection Debate
Informing the Borders Debate
Informing the Asylum Debate
Obsolete Pesticides
Implementation of Directive 2004/38 in the Context of EU Enlargement
Safeguarding the Rule of Law in an Enlarged EU
State of the Art on the European Court of Justice and Enacting Citizenship
Good Practices as International Norms?
A Shared Struggle for Truth and Accountability
How to Make European Pensions Adequate and Sustainable?
Replacing and Displacing the Law
Transjudicial Conversations about Security and Human Rights
The Canadian Security Certificate Regime
The Ever-Changing Union
The Requirements for a Commission Notice on the Concept of Abuse under Article 82 EC
The EU’s External Cooperation in Criminal Justice and Counter-terrorism
Tracing Terrorists: The EU-Canada Agreement in PNR Matters
Security, Risk and Human Rights: A Vanishing Relationship?
Miscarriages of Justice and Exceptional Procedures in the
Is Social Europe Fit for Globalisation?
The European Commission After Enlargement: Does More Add up to Less?
I Own the Pipes, You Call the Tune
Asthma in the EU: Towards Better Management and Regulation of a Public Health Issue
The Treaty of Lisbon
Second Generation Structural Reforms: De-Regulation and Competition in Infrastructure Industries
A Qualitative Analysis of a Potential Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and South Korea
Lisbon II, Two Years on - An Assessment of the Partnership for Growth and Jobs
Kaliningrad - Enclaves and Economic Integration
Old Rules, New Game - Decision-Making in the Council of Ministers After the 2004 Enlargement
Lisbon Relaunched - What Has Changed? Is it Working Better?
Adaptation as a Strategic Issue in the Climate Negotiations
Justice and Home Affairs Issues at European Union Level
The Cross-Atlantic Exchange to Advance Long-Term Care
Citizenship & Education Policies - Value for Money?
Ex Post Evaluation of the MAP 2001-2005 Initiative and Suggestions for the CIP 2007-2013
Informing European Citizens? Evaluating the Activities of the European Commission in the Field of Information
Towards Communication? Evaluating the Activities of the European Commission in the Field of Communication
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme
Improving the Clean Development Mechanism
Die Auswirkungen der ATC-Liberalisierung auf die deutsche Textilwirtschaft
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