
The Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) is an independent, nonprofit research and policy institute dedicated to expanding the understanding of international affairs, particularly the interrelationship between conflict, security and development. The ISDP Policy Brief Series includes articles that address the wide range of issues that fall within the areas of interest of the ISDP.

Publishers: Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP)
Publications: Containing Crisis on the Korean Peninsula
Gendered Globalization: Sino-Nordic Policy Solutions
Creatively Managing China-Vietnam Relations in the South China Sea
China´s March West: Pitfalls and Challenges in Greater Central Asia
Hydropower and Social Conflict in Vietnam: Lessons for Myanmar
Myanmar and the Case for UN Resolution 1325
Curbing Militancy: Regulating Pakistan's Madrassas
Averting Crisis in the Spratlys: Towards a Regional Naval Forum
The Rohingya and Islamic Extremism: A Convenient Myth
Anchoring Indo-Japanese Maritime Relations
Myanmar's Fragile Ceasefire
ASEAN and Conflict Management: The Need for a High Council
After the Deal: The EU and Iran's Energy Promise
Politicking and the Philippine Peace Process
Why South Korea Needs THAAD Missile Defense
Breaking the Deadlock: Security Building on the Korean Peninsula
Remorse and Reform: Abe's Stormy Spring
Human Rights in North Korea: Pressure and Engagement
China's Myanmar Policy: Dilemma or Strategic Ambiguity?
Tackling Europe’s “Spice” Problem
Empowering Tamil Women: Recovery in Post-Conflict Sri Lanka
People’s or Party’s Army in Vietnam?
Vietnam’s Proactive Foreign Relations
The Limits of Russia’s “Pivot to Asia”
Mending Sino-Japanese Relations
Creative Diplomacy and North Korea
It's Democracy Stupid: Overcoming the Middle-Income Trap
Turkey and China: An Emerging Partnership?
Towards a
Mitigating Militancy in Northwest Pakistan
Eurasian Union versus Silk Road Economic Belt?
China-Vietnam Drilling Rig Incident: Reflections and Implications
North Korea’s Diversifying Diplomatic Ties
Tensions in Cyberspace: Toward a Code of Conduct
West Africa’s New Drug of Choice: The Rise of Methamphetamine
Reed Bank: Next Flashpoint for China and the Philippines in the South China Sea?
Rethinking National Security: China’s New Security Commission
The South China Sea: Challenges for ASEAN
Tallying the Hidden Environmental Costs of Drug Production
Japan and Illicit Drugs: A Neglected Success Story
Missiles and Reunions: Thaw or Freeze on the Korean Peninsula?
Desecuritizing the Kurdish Question and Emerging Regional Dynamics
Toward Crisis Management in East Asia’s Seas
Pakistan’s Nuclear Security: Separating Fact from Fear
China and Vietnam: Managing Tensions in Troubled Waters
Carving up the Skies: China’s New Air Defense Zone
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