
The Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) is an independent foundation engaged in research on international, environmental, energy and resource management politics. The FNI Reports offer detailed studies within the research fields of global governance and sustainable development, climate policy and pollution, marine affairs, biodiversity and biosafety, European energy and environmental politics, corporate social responsibility and many others.

Publishers: Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI)
Publications: International Agreements and Processes Affecting an International Regime on Access and Benefit Sharing under the Convention on Biological Diversity
'Genetic Resources' in the CBD
The Law of Maritime Delimitation and the Russian–Norwegian Maritime Boundary Dispute
The Grey Zone Agreement of 1978
New Dawn for Electricity?
The Scramble for the Arctic?
On the Optimal Allocation of Green Technology Under Climate Change Agreements
Sustainable Urban Development and the Chinese Eco-City
The Political Economy of Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Development
Balancing Building Blocks of a Functional ABS System
Regulative Change Targeting Energy Performance of Buildings in Sweden
Nord Stream: Not Just a Pipeline
Farmers' Rights in Peru
EU Internal Energy Market Policy
EU Environmental State Aid Policy
Hydrocarbons and Jurisdictional Disputes in the High North
Rapid Turns in European Renewable Energy Policy
Evaluering av støtteordningen Demokratimidlene
Driving Forces and Barriers to Improved Energy Performance of Buildings
Helping People Build a Better World? Barriers to More Environmentally Friendly Energy Production in China
International Payment for Forest Conservation
Norwegian Actors in the Fields of Energy and Climate Change in China
Success Stories from the Realization of Farmers' Rights Related to Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Climate Change in the North and the Oil Industry
A Multi-level Analysis of the EU Linking Directive Process
Evaluering av miljøvernsamarbeidet mellom Norge og Russland
Competing Knowledge Claims and GMO Assessment by the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board
Standardized CSR and Climate Performance
Den utenrikspolitiske håndteringen av Elektronsaken
Legal Aspects of Exchange, Use and Conservation of Farm Animal Genetic Resources
EU- og EØS-midler på miljøområdet i Sentral- og Øst-Europa
CSR in the European Oil Sector: A Mapping of Company Perceptions
Assessing Domestic Adaptation to EU Policy: Detecting Mechanisms at Work
Decreasing German Climate Ambitiousness: Simply Due to Economic Problems, or Do Politics Matter?
Paper Tiger Meets White Elephant?
EU Enlargement and Environmental Policy: The Bright Side
Patentet som forvaltningsvedtak
Omfang og innhold av produktpatent på plantegener
Realising Farmers’ Rights under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
The Effectiveness of EU Auto-Oil: A Slippery Business?
Farmers’ Rights in Ethiopia
Farmers’ Rights in India
Farmers’ Rights in Peru
International Initiatives to Address Tropical Timber Logging and Trade
Coastal State Jurisdiction and Vessel Source Pollution
“Boring for miljøet”: Russland og miljø i den norske petroleumsdiskursen
Diskurser i norsk atompolitikk
Biofuels - The New Oil for the Petroleum Industry?
'Doing Good' in Murmansk?
China in the International Politics of Climate Change
Implementing EU Emissions Trading: Institutional Misfit?
Shifting Strategies in the Global Climate Negotiations
Results from an International Stakeholder Survey on Farmers' Rights
Strategies and Regulations Pertaining to Access to and Legal Protection of Aquaculture Genetic Resources
The History of Farmers' Rights
The Commission on Sustainable Development: A Study of Institutional Design, Distribution of Capabilities and Entrepreneurial Leadership
Legal Implications for the Russian Northern Sea Route and Westward in the Barents Sea
Klimaskapte beslutningsendringer? En analyse av klimahensyn i petroleumspolitiske beslutningsprosesser
The Long and Winding Road to the Internal Energy Market
Breakthrough for "the South"?
Limits to Corporate Social Responsibility
Efficient Implementation of the Clean Development Mechanisms in China
Energy Sector Integration in Europe
Svalbard og Fiskevernsonen: Russiske persepsjoner etter den kalde krigen
Shell: Struggling to Build a Better World?
The Role of Green NGOs in Promoting Climate Compliance
Energy Taxation in Europe
ExxonMobil: Tiger or Turtle on Social Responsibility?
Convergence or Divergence?
Evaluation of the Barents Health Programme
Leadership Change in the World Health Organization
Beyond Petroleum: Can BP deliver?
Beyond Nuts and Bolts
Military Nuclear Waste and International Cooperation in Northwest Russia
The Approval System for Joint Implementation Projects in Russia
Technological Change and the Role of Public Policy: An Analytical Framework for Dynamic Efficiency Assessments
Gas Flaring and Global Public Goods
Case Studies of the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes
The Interplay of International Regimes
Foreign Military Research in a Coastal State’s Maritime Zones
Northern Sea Route Cargo Flows and Infrastructure- Present State and Future Potential
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