
The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is a leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. ODI Background Notes provide a summary or snapshot of an issue or of an area of ODI's work in progress.

Publishers: Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Publications: Securing Communities: The What and the How of Community Policing
Adapting Systematic Reviews for Social Research in International Development
Old Age, Disability and Mental Health: Data Issues for a Post-2015 Framework
Of Institutions and Butterflies: Is Isomorphism in Developing Countries Necessarily a Bad Thing?
Social Protection Pathways
Adolescent Girls, Capabilities and Gender Justice
A Guide for Planning and Strategy Development in the Face of Complexity
Germany’s Private Climate Finance Support
Knowledge, Policy and Power in International Development
Finance for Emergency Preparedness: Links to Resilience
Providing Practical Guidance for In-Country Programming: the Value of Analysing Knowledge, Policy and Power
Replenishing the 11th European Development Fund
Unlocking Progress on REDD+: Sector Coordination in Uganda
Childhood Vulnerability to Climate Change in Marginalised Vietnamese Communities
Social Protection and Social Exclusion
The Politics of Social Protection: Why are Public Works Programmes so Popular with Governments and Donors?
Options for Including Disaster Resilience in Post-2015 Development Goals
Japan’s Private Climate Finance Support
The United States’ Private Climate Finance Support
The UK’s Private Climate Finance Support
Let Business Do Business
Where do European Institutions Rank on Donor Quality?
Following the Money: Examining the Evidence on ‘Pro-Poor’ Budgeting
The Politics of Gender and Social Protection in Viet Nam
Separated at Birth, Reunited in Rio?
The Politics of Gender and Social Protection in Indonesia
What if Three Quarters of the World's Poor Live (and Have Always Lived) in Low Aid Countries?
Assessing the Policy Influence of Research
Dealing with Legacies of Violence: Transitional Justice and Governance Transitions
How Does Access to Social Protection Programmes Affect the Decision to Migrate?
From High to Low Aid
Technically Sound and Politically Achievable?
The European Commission’s Legislative Proposals for Financing EU Development Cooperation
Promoting Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Development Agencies
Japan’s Private Climate Finance Support
Resilience: A Risk Management Approach
Transforming Disaster Risk Management: A Political Economy Approach
Developing Capacities for Better Research Uptake
Key Busan Challenges and Contributions to the Emerging Development Effectiveness Agenda
What if Development Aid Were Truly 'Catalytic'?
Vulnerabilites of Movement: Cross-Border Mobility Between India, Nepal and Bangladesh
Rethinking Cash Transfers to Promote Maternal Health
Food, Finance and Fuel: The Impacts of the Triple F Crisis in Nigeria, with a Particular Focus on Women and Children
The Euro Zone Crisis: Risks for Developing Countries
A Post-2015 Global Development Agreement
Coordinating Post-Conflict Aid in Southern Sudan
Achieving Pro-poor Growth Through Investment in Rural Feeder Roads
Going Beyond Aid Effectiveness to Guide the Delivery of Climate Finance
Fast-Start Finance to Address Climate Change
Climate Change as Part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Involving Legislators in Evidence-Informed Policy Processes
Population Mobility and HIV and AIDS
Not everything that Connects is a Network
Jobs, Growth and Poverty
The 'Mainstreaming' Approach to Climate Change Adaptation
Leveraging Private Investment
Diversifying Exports in the Context of Climate Change
Learning How to Learn
Mapping the New Infrastructure Financing Landscape
A post-Washington Consensus Approach to Local Economic Development in Latin America?
Microfinance as a Development and Poverty Reduction Policy
Insights from Recent Evidence on Some Critical Issues for Budget Support Design
After 2015: Progress and Challenges for Development
A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Policy Influence
Does Development Give Poor People What They Want?
Towards a Characterisation of Adaptive Capactiy
Financing European Development Cooperation
Reinvigorating the Pursuit of More Effective Aid in Uganda
The Humanitarian's Dilemma
Overcoming Social Barriers to Adaptation
What Do Public Financial Management Assessments Tell Us About PFM Reform?
Tackling Child Vulnerabilities Through Social Protection
Improving Research Quality: How Good is the Literature on the Impact of Education on HIV and AIDS?
Making the Case for Sanitation and Hygiene
Improving the Prominence of Child Rights in Poverty Reduction Strategy Processes
Purchasing Power Parity Measures
Setting Up the European External Action Service
Turning Crisis into Opportunity for Children Affected by HIV and AIDS
The REDD+ Outlook: How Different Interests Shape the Future
The Relevance of Climate Change Integrated Assessment Models in Policy Design
Financing Adaptation: Matching Form With Function
Strengthening Science-Policy Dialogue in Developing Countries
Policies for Low Carbon Growth
The Global Economic Crisis and Impacts on Children and Caregivers
Child Rights and Aid: Mutually Exclusive?
Communities of Practice: Linking Knowledge, Policy and Practice
Outcome Mapping: A Realistic Alternative for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Maintaining a Competitive Edge for Cambodian Industry
Putting the Social Back into Social Protection
Gender Vulnerabilities, Food Price Shocks and Social Protection Responses
Options for Architectural Reform in European Union Development Cooperation
Supply and Distribution Chains of Multinationals: Harnessing their Potential for Development
Mutual Accountability at Country Level: Emerging Good Practice
What Will Climate Change Mean for Groundwater Supply in Africa?
Adapting to Climate Change in the Water Sector
Climate Change, Water and Food Security
Flood Management and Equity
Children in Times of Economic Crisis
Harnessing Core Business for Development Impact
Achieving 'Green Growth' in a Carbon Constrained World
The Global Financial Crisis and Developing Countries
Policy Briefs as a Communication Tool for Development Research
Where Next for TICAD: Building Lasting Partnerships
Strengthening Humanitarian Networks: Applying the Network Functions Approach
Who is Working to Influence Policies on Trade and Poverty in Latin America?
Aid Effectiveness: The Role of Qualitative Research in Impact Evaluation
Marketing Reforms in Ghana’s Cocoa Sector
The Cocoa Sector
Analyzing the Relationship between Democracy and Development
Hybrid Regimes and the Challenges of Deepening and Sustaining Democracy in Developing Countries
The Poverty and Inequality Debate in the UK
Corruption and Anti-Corruption Efforts
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on $2-a-Day Poverty and Child Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
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