
The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) is an inter-governmental organization dedicated to providing the resources, tools and professional skills needed to establish or strengthen the rule of law and good governance, primarily in developing countries, countries in economic transition and those emerging from armed conflict. The IDLO Articles Series typically features research-based working papers and academic texts.

Publishers: International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
Publications: La Ricostruzione dello Stato di Diritto in Afghanistan
Doing Justice to Sustainable Development
Partecipazione professionale delle donne nel settore della giustizia in Afghanistan
Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
The Cancun Agreements and Legal Preparedness for Climate Change in Developing Countries
Trade and Investment Under the UNFCCC
The Future of Global Forests After The Cancun Climate Change Conference
Reducing Emissions From Deforestation and Forest Degradation, Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Respect For Human Rights: Mexico's Approach
International Law and Climate Migrants: A Human Rights Perspective
Cancun Conference on Climate Change: Enhanced Attention on Adaptation
From Copenhagen to Cancun: A Changing Climate for Human Rights in the UNFCCC?
Towards Customary Legal Empowerment: An Introduction
Stating the Customary: An Innovative Approach to the Locally Legitimate Recording of Customary Justice in Namibia
Engaging with Customary Justice Systems
Interaction between Customary Legal Systems and the Formal Legal System of Peru
Reducing Injustice? A Grounded Approach to Strengthening Hybrid Justice Systems
Engaging with Customary Law to Create Scope for Realizing Women’s Formally Protected Land Rights in Rwanda
Customary Legal Empowerment
Two Faces of Change: The Need for a Bi-Directional Approach to Improve Women’s Land Rights in Plural Legal Systems
Gender Equality on the Horizon
Ensuring Access to Justice Through Community Courts in Eritrea
Unlikely Allies: Working with Traditional Leaders to Reform Customary Law in Somalia
Policy Proposals for Justice Reform in Liberia
Negotiating Land Tenure: Women, Men and the Transformation of Land Tenure in Solomon Islands
Bush Justice in Bougainville
Legal Aspects of Climate Change Policy
How Climate Change Can Catalyze Sustainable Land-Management
Linking Climate Change With Biodiversity-Related Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Legal Frameworks to Support REDD Pro-Poor Outcomes
International Law and Climate Finance
Rights-Based Frameworks for Climate Finance
Trade and Investment Implications of Carbon Trading for Sustainable Development
Foreign Investment Law and Climate Change
Making Jobs work: The Right to Work, Jobs and Green Structural Change
What is Legal Empowerment?
Land Rights and the Millennium Development Goals
Legal Empowerment of Unwed Mothers
Women's Inheritance and Property Rights
HIV and Legal Empowerment
Allies Unknown
No Rights Without Accountability
Securing the Land Rights of the Rural Poor
Empowering the Disadvantaged After Dictatorship and Conflict
Justice Reform's New Frontier
The Mystery of Legal Empowerment: Livlihood and Community Justice in Bolivia
Taking the Rules of the Game Seriously: Mainstreaming Justice in Development
Increasing Local Voice and Benefit in Natural Resource Investment
Promoting Legal Empowerment in the Aftermath of Disaster
Empowering the Poor to Access Criminal Justice
Supporting Stability and Justice
L’Organizzazione Internazionale di Diritto per lo Sviluppo (IDLO) e il Piano d’Azione del Senegal Contro la Tratta di Esseri Umani
Legal Aspects of Small Business and Economic Livelihoods Development
Guidebook on the Rights of the Child in Sri Lanka
Counter Terrorism Legal Framework
Les marchés publics dans les pays en développement
Water Tenure Reform and Public Access to Water as a Basic Need
Le cadre juridique de la gestion des ressources hydriques
Anti-Corruption: A Capacity Building Approach
The Legal Framework of Water Resource Management
Strengthening Environmental Law Compliance and Enforcement in Indonesia
Sustainable Post-Disaster Response
Guardianship, Inheritance and Land Law in Post-Tsunami Aceh
Putting Regulation Before Responsibility
WTO & Human Rights: Examining Linkages and Suggesting Convergence
Access to Justice: A Conceptual and Practical Analysis with Implications for Justice Reforms
Lessons Learned on HIV/AIDS and Gender and the Legal Implications in Sub-Saharan Africa
Lessons Learned on Judicial & Prosecutorial Reform in Post-Conflict Countries
Lessons Learned on Practical and Prosecutorial Skills Training for Kosovo
Voices of Development Jurists
Voices of Development Jurists
The Regulation of Bribery in the United States
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