
The CIDOB Foundation is a research, training and documentation center on international relations and development studies. This series features short policy papers on international relations published exclusively in digital format.

Publishers: Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB)
Publications: Morocco's Progress is Slow, Shaky but Real
Tragedies in the Mediterranean
Self-Inflicted Marginalization?
The Foreign Policy of Greece's Syriza-Anel Coalition Government: An Early Appraisal
Misunderstandings and Tensions, a New Normality in EU-Russia Relations?
What is so Attractive about the "Islamic State"?
Economic Will be the Test of Tunisian Exceptionalism
España en el conflicto Unión Europea-Rusia: el impacto de las sanciones
Fifteen Trends for 2015
L’armée et l’Exercice du Pouvoir au Burkina Faso
The Army and the Exercise of Power in Burkina Faso
¿Pausa o retroceso en las libertades fundamentales de los ciudadanos comunitarios?
Principales tendencias en el actual mapa político latinoamericano
"Power from the People, for the People": The Communist Party of China and Political Reform with Chinese Characteristics
Kosovo: Multiple Crises and A Challenging Future
Climate Change and the 'Big Three': Preparing the Ground for a Post-2020 Global Climate Regime?
Juncker's Dilemmas: What Will Determine The New EC President’s Success or Failure?
Después de Crimea: ¿una oportunidad rusa para América Latina? (reread)
How Long Will ISIS Last Economically?
In Libya, Is Despair Key to a Turnaround?
Las calves del referéndum escocés
The Consequences of Afghanistan’s 2014 Presidential Election Impasse
Macedonia and the EU: Plunging Headlong into the Past
El proceso de paz en Colombia
A New Russian Conservatism: Domestic Roots and Repercussions for Europe
Beyond Smart Cities: It's Time for Urban Sustainable Development
Pakistan: Back to the Future?
Mind the Gaps - The Political Consequences of the Great Recession in Europe
#EP2014: Scenarios and Implications for European Integration
L'independentisme i la unió europea
Implications of the Ukraine Crisis for the Middle East
Tunisia, from Hope to Delivery
El fantasma del populismo recorre Europa
Siria: inventario de ignominias
Retos de la política de inmigración española ante el cambio de ciclo
Tunisia Should Escape Becoming a Bazaar Economy
European Defence Summit: Time to Move Forward
Britain and Europe: Backing into the Future
Operación Ucraina
Un nuevo capítulo en la negociación UE-Turquia
Syria's War Economy and Prospects of Reconstruction
¿Fin o principio del sueño indio?
Europe's Way out of the Crisis: Time for a “Grand Bargain”
How Will Algeria Reinvent Itself
Still a Long Way to Go for Tunisian Democracy
A Fog of Myths about North Korea
Crisis migratorias en Melilla
Algerian Gas’ Challenges After the Attack on In Amenas
2014: The Other Afghan Withdrawal
Limitaciones auto-impuestas: Por qué la UE pierde relevancia en el Mediterráneo
Self-Imposed Limitations: Why is the EU Losing Relevance in the Mediterranean
Algeria, the Sahel, and the Current Mali Crisis
China's Fifth Generation of Leaders: an Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove
Asia, China, y la reconfiguración de la inserción internacional de América Latina
To Bail Out or Not? Germany "Madame No" and the Euro Crisis
Tunisia: Secular Social Movements Confront Radical Temptations
Siria, ante el horror y la pasividad del mundo
Syria: In Front of a Horrified and Passive World
Esquipulas II + 25: Centroamérica en perspectiva
How to Save the Sahel
The International Economic Crisis: The End of Political Autonomy in Europe?
Resurgence of China and India: A "Profound Transformation"
Which Democracy After the "Arab Spring"
Pakistan: The Status Quo Prevails, or Time for Something Completely Different? (Part Two)
Pakistan: The Status Quo Pervails, or Time for Something Completely Different? (Part One)
Independent Azawad: Tuaregs, Jihadists, and an Uncertain Future for Mali
Indignados in Perspective
Eastern Partnership? More Like Mutual Dependence
Cracking the Myth of Petty Bribery
Beyond Rugby and Cricket: Which Sovereignty to Small Nations?
Identity Confrontations Will Not Create New Jobs in Tunisia
Best European Value for Less (National) Money?
Islamist Spring in Morocco, or a Gattopardo's Effect
Qatar and Europe's Neglect of the Gulf Region
Poland: A First Division Player in the EU?
The Sahara and Sahel After Gaddhafi
LIBYA 2012, an Inclusive Affair
Do Emigrants Finance European Convergence?
Japan: Before and After March 11
The Seven Billionth World Citizen: Crisis, Cities and the Global Agenda
The Long Road to the Spanish Security Strategy
North African Regions and Cities
Libya, From Positive Precedent to Collective Frustration
Reviewing the European Neighbourhood Policy
The Gulf Cooperation Council Enlargement
Dubai, Qatar, and the Gulf Emirates' Uncertain Path to the Future
The Al-Jazeera Moment
Ahead of Spring in Algeria
El consenso Nazarbáyev y sus límites
Punitive European Policy
La démocratisation des Etats arabes redéfinira le dialogue de sécurité en Méditerranée
Estrategia y estrategas
Arab Popular Uprisings Or The Arab Arrival To Political Modernity
Why Should Turkey Play by Western Rules?
Pakistan's Food Crisis: Water, Energy, Agriculture & Power
Polish-Russian/Russian-Polish Rapprochement
Kirguizstán después de las elecciones
Byzantine Mood Swings Over the Greek Debt Crisis
Building Trust Can Take the Form of Investment
La Mauritanie au Carrefour des Menaces Régionales
Pushing Iran Against the Wall
A Winning Rotating Presidency
Is Albania's Moderating Voice in Southeast Europe Taken for Granted?
El reto de las "dos Bolivias": La confrontación entre el Altiplano y el Oriente dificulta el despliegue del proyecto autonómico de Evo Morales
Herman van Rompuy o la "determinación tranquila"
A Missed Opportunity: The Goldstone Report on Gaza and its Consequences in Israel
Turkey's Bold New Visa Diplomacy
Pakistan's "Elephant in the Room"
Out of the Ashes: What Next for the UN in Haiti?
"A War in Congo? Where's The News?"
Croatia, Macedonia and the EU
Mohamed VI, año X: Mito y realidad de la transición marroquí
Who Dares Wins: Afghanistan's Triple Challenge
A l'horizon 2013 : un scénario incertain pour le Maghreb
Who is Going to Die? The Influenza A (H1N1) (Swine Flu) Pandemic and Other Diseases as Global Challenges
Morocco's Local Elections: With a Little Help From My Friend
Pakistan: A Defining Moment?
Algeria's Political Drop-Outs Head to the Polls
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