
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a nonpartisan center for scholars dedicated to producing and disseminating ideas so that policymakers, journalists, students, and interested citizens can better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the US and other governments. CFR Council Special Reports are concise policy briefs that provide timely responses to developing crises, or contributions to current policy dilemmas. They are commissioned when events make a particular situation or conflict ripe for useful intervention, and the window of opportunity is likely to close if action is not taken in a timely manner.

Publishers: Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Publications: Implementing Grand Strategy Toward China
Rebuilding Trust between Silicon Valley and Washington
Securing a Democratic Future for Myanmar
Xi Jinping on the Global Stage: Chinese Foreign Policy Under a Powerful but Exposed Leader
Revising US Grand Strategy toward China
Strengthening Strategic Stability in the Second Nuclear Age
US Policy to Counter Nigeria's Boko Haram
Limiting Armed Drone Proliferation
Reorienting US Pakistan Strategy
Afghanistan after the Drawdown
The Future of US Special Operations Forces
Reforming US Drone Strike Policies
Countering Criminal Violence in Central America
Saudi Arabia in the New Middle East
Partners in Preventive Action
Justice Beyond The Hague
The Drug War in Mexico
UN Security Council Enlargement and US Interests
Congress and National Security
Toward Deeper Reductions in US and Russian Nuclear Weapons
Internet Governance in an Age of Cyber Insecurity
From Rome to Kampala
Strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime
The Russian Economic Crisis
Somalia a New Approach
The Future of NATO
The United States in the New Asia
Intervention to Stop Genocide and Mass Atrocities
Enhancing US Preventive Action
The Canadian Oil Sands
The National Interest and the Law of the Sea
Lessons of the Financial Crisis
Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis
Eurasian Energy Security
Preparing for Sudden Change in North Korea
Averting Crisis in Ukraine
Congo: Securing Peace, Sustaining Progress
Deterring State Sponsorship of Nuclear Terrorism
China, Space Weapons, and US Security
Sovereign Wealth and Sovereign Power
Securing Pakistan’s Tribal Belt
Avoiding Transfers to Torture
Global FDI Policy
Dealing with Damascus
Climate Change and National Security
Planning for Post-Mugabe Zimbabwe
The Case for Wage Insurance
Reform of the International Monetary Fund
Nuclear Energy: Balancing Benefits and Risks
Nigeria: Elections and Continuing Challenges
The Economic Logic of Illegal Immigration
The United States and the WTO Dispute Settlement System
Bolivia on the Brink
After the Surge: The Case for US Military Disengagement from Iraq
Darfur and Beyond: What is Needed to Prevent Mass Atrocities
Avoiding Conflict in the Horn of Africa
Living with Hugo: US Policy Toward Hugo Chávez’s Venezuela
Reforming US Patent Policy
Challenges for a Postelection Mexico
Foreign Investment and National Security
US-India Nuclear Cooperation
Generating Momentum for a New Era in US-Turkey Relations
Neglected Defense: Mobilizing the Private Sector to Support Homeland Security
Peace in Papua
Afghanistan's Uncertain Transition From Turmoil to Normalcy
Preventing Catastrophic Nuclear Terrorism
Getting Serious About the Twin Deficits
Both Sides of the Aisle: A Call for Bipartisan Foreign Policy
HIV and National Security: Where are the Links?
Forgotten Intervention? What the United States Needs to Do in the Western Balkans
A New Beginning: Strategies for a More Fruitful Dialogue with the Muslim World
Power-Sharing in Iraq
Giving Meaning to
Challenges for a Post-Election Philippines
Freedom, Prosperity, and Security: The G8 Partnership with Africa
Addressing the HIV/AIDS Pandemic
What Works in Girls' Education
Stability, Security, and Sovereignty in the Republic of Georgia
Andes 2020: A New Strategy for the Challenges of Colombia and the Region
Iraq's Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Indonesia Commission: Peace and Progress in Papua
Guiding Principles for US Post-Conflict Policy in Iraq
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