
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a nonpartisan center for scholars dedicated to producing and disseminating ideas so that policymakers, journalists, students, and interested citizens can better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the US and other governments. CFR Task Force Reports are consensus documents on US foreign policy published by CFR-sponsored independent task forces. They are published when critical US foreign policy issues arise, and it seems that a group diverse in backgrounds and perspectives may, nonetheless, be able to reach a meaningful consensus on a policy through private and nonpartisan deliberations.

Publishers: Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Publications: Innovation and National Security: Keeping Our Edge
North America: Time for a New Focus
Defending an Open, Global, Secure, and Resilient Internet
US Education Reform and National Security
US-Turkey Relations
Global Brazil and US-Brazil Relations
US Trade and Investment Policy
US Strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan
US Policy Toward the Korean Peninsula
US Immigration Policy
US Nuclear Weapons Policy
Confronting Climate Change: A Strategy for US Foreign Policy
US-Latin America Relations
US-China Relations
National Security Consequences of US Oil Dependency
Russia's Wrong Direction: What the United States Can and Should Do
More Than Humanitarianism: A Strategic US Approach Toward Africa
In the Wake of War: Improving US Post-Conflict Capabilities
In Support of Arab Democracy: Why and How
Building a North American Community
Iran: Time for a New Approach
Renewing the Atlantic Partnership
Nonlethal Weapons and Capabilities
New Priorities in South Asia: US Policy Toward India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan
Finding America's Voice: A Strategy for Reinvigorating US Public Diplomacy
Emergency Responders: Drastically Underfunded, Dangerously Unprepared
Burma: A Time For Change
Meeting the North Korean Nuclear Challenge
Chinese Military Power
Iraq: The Day After
Threats to Democracy: Prevention and Response
America - Still Unprepared, Still in Danger
Terrorist Financing
Enhancing US Leadership at the United Nations
Improving the US Public Diplomacy Campaign In the War Against Terrorism
Building Support for More Open Trade: Recommendations
Beginning the Journey: China, the United States, and the WTO
The United States and Southeast Asia: A Policy Agenda for the New Administration
Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century
A Letter to the President and a Memorandum on US Policy Toward Brazil
State Department Reform
Toward Greater Peace and Security in Colombia
Future Directions for US Economic Policy Toward Japan
Promoting Sustainable Economies in the Balkans
Safeguarding Prosperity in a Global Financial System: The Future International Financial Architecture
US Policy Toward North Korea: Next Steps
Reconstructing the Balkans
Strengthening Palestinian Public Institutions
US Policy Toward Northeastern Europe
The Future of Transatlantic Relations
US-Cuban Relations in the 21st Century
After the Tests: US Policy Toward India and Pakistan
Managing Change on the Korean Peninsula
Promoting US Economic Relations with Africa
US Middle East Policy and the Peace Process
Differentiated Containment: US Policy Toward Iran and Iraq
American National Interests and the United Nations
Making Intelligence Smarter
Lessons of the Mexican Peso Crisis
Non-Lethal Technologies: Military Options and Implications
Working with a Rising India
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