
The Finnish Institute for International Affairs is a private research institute which promotes applied research on current topics. FIIA (UPI) Reports are brief, topical research papers with a focus on EU politics, international affairs, and Finnish foreign policy.

Publishers: Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)
Publications: Strategic Deterrence Redux: Nuclear Weapons and European Security
What Has Remained of the USSR: Exploring the Erosion of the Post-Soviet Space
The Sino-Russian and US-Russian Relationships
EU Foreign Policy in a Networked World: Webs against Politics
The Security Strategies of the US, China, Russia and the EU: Living in Different Worlds
EU Member States and Russia: National and European Debates in an Evolving International Environment
The North Korean Conundrum
Managing Unpredictability: Transatlantic Relations in the Trump Era
Nordic Partners of NATO: How Similar are Finland and Sweden within NATO Cooperation?
Key Actors in the EU´s Eastern Neighbourhood: Competing Perspectives on Geostrategic Tensions
After Rebalance: Visions for the Future of US Foreign Policy and Global Role beyond 2016
Fog of Falsehood: Russian Strategy of Deception and the Conflict in Ukraine
Europe's New Political Engine: Germany's Role in the EU's Foreign and Security Policy
Russia’s Hybrid War in Ukraine: Breaking the Enemy’s Ability to Resist
Not Another Transnistria: How Sustainable is Separatism in Eastern Ukraine?
The Eurasian Economic Union
Managing Conflict after Civil War
Keeping the Door Ajar
Towards the Geopolitics of Flows: Implications for Finland
Pioneers of a European Diplomatic System: EU Delegations in Moscow and Washington
Multi-speed Europe? Differentiated Integration in the External Relations of the European Union
Russia as an International Actor: The View from Europe and the US
Equipping the European Union for the 21st Century
Strengthening the EU's Peace Mediation Capacities
Global Networks of Mediation
Russian Critical Infrastructures
Governing the Blue-Green Baltic Sea
Russia-China Relations
Norden - Making a Difference?
Hard Choices
Tradition in Chinese Politics
Managing Blue Gold
A New World Economic Order
Addressing State Fragility in Africa
Nuclear-Free Security
Controlling Borderlands?
Why the EU Fails
The Great Regression?
Towards a New Climate Regime?
Practise What You Preach: The Prospects for Visa Freedom in Russia-EU Relations
Islamist Opposition Parties and the Potential for EU Engagement
The Trans-Saharan Counter-Terrorism Initiative
From Protecting Some to Securing Many: NATO’s Journey from a Military Alliance to a Security Manager
Peacekeeping - Peacebuilding
EU-Russian Relations
The EU and the UN: A Shared Future
Friends or Family? Finnish, Lithuanian and Polish Perspectives on the EU's Policy Towards Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
China's Transforming Society and Foreign Policy
It's the Taking Part that Counts: The New Member States Adapt to EU Foreign and Security Policy
Beyond ´Big Bang´: The Challenges of the EU´s Neighbourhood Policy in the East
Taiwan's Unresolved Status
International Terrorism and Finland
Rethinking the Respective Strategies of Russia and the European Union
Neutrality and Non-Alignment in Europe Today
Ukraine in Tomorrow's Europe
Towards a Union of Dimensions
Et tu Brute! Finland's NATO Option and Russia
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