
The Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) is a research, documentation and information center on modern Africa for the Nordic countries. This series contains short policy-oriented papers on trade, conflict and migration in Africa.

Publishers: Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)
Publications: Visions of Urban Modernity and the Shrinking of Public Space: Challenges for Street Work in African Cities
Ensuring African Women’s Access to Justice
Who put the Post in the Post-Arab Spring? Towards a fresh Narrative for North Africa
Growing Mistrust – A Threat to Democracy in Ghana: Opportunities and Challenges in the Upcoming General Elections
Sweden´s Bid for a UN Security Council Seat and what Africa Stands to Gain
From Top-Down to Flexible Cooperaton: Rethinking Regional Support to Africa
Eritrea's Refugee Crisis and the Role of International Community
Radicalization and Terrorist Recruitment among Kenya's Youth
Burkina Faso's One-Week Coup and its Implications for Free and Fair Elections
Rethinking the Mediterranean Crisis
Neighbours and Family First
Ebola: Accurate Information Prevents Rumours and Panic
Democracy or One-party System
Reformed Cocoa Market Benefits Liberian Farmers
Why South Sudan Conflict is Proving Intractable
Food Security Now or Wait for Research to Assess Risks?
A Fair Electoral Process Can Ease Divisions in Nigeria
Who Needs to Reconcile with Whom? The Conflict’s Complexity in Northern Mali Calls for Tailored Solutions
Small Farms Under Stress Play a Huge Role for Africa
Thirsty, Hungry and No Power? African Resources in a Global World
Ebola Exhausts Health Systems: More Resources are Needed
Commanders for Good and Bad
If Mayors Ruled Somalia
Participative Design for Urban Housing
Post-Secession State-Building and Reconstruction
Costly not to Consider Local Resistance
Improved Recycling Performance
Self-Determination and Secession
Urban Youth and Post-Conflict Africa
Electoral Violence in Africa
Angola's Sustainable Growth and Regional Role beyond the Elections
Privatising Services as if People Matter
Water and Climate Change in Africa
A Gendered Perspective on the Impact of Conflict in the Horn of Africa
Transnational Islamist (Jihadist) Movements and Inter-State Conflicts in the Horn of Africa
Migrant Remittances, Social Inequality and Restrictive Immigration Regimes
A Gendered Perspective on the Impact of Conflict in the Horn of Africa
Creating a Conducive International Environment for Africa’s Development
India, Brazil and South Africa Dialogue Forum
The World Cup 2010 and the Urban Poor
More Tax, Better Governments
Understanding and Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
South African Female Peacekeepers on Mission in Africa
Comprendre et aborder les violences sexuelles liées aux conflits
Towards More Informed Responses to Gender Violence and HIV/AIDS in Post-Conflict West African Settings
Participation of the Diaspora in the Joint Africa-EU Strategic Partnership
Africa-China-EU Cooperation in Africa
EPAs and the Post-Lisbon Implementation Status
Situating the EPA Negotiations
The Impact of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Reform on Africa-EU Trade in Food and Agricultural Products
Les causes et les remèdes des conflits pétroliers du Delta du Niger
Migrant Remittances
The African Union and the Challenges of Implementing the 'Responsibility to Protect'
Les migrations de travail : Une question qui concerne aussi les enfants et les jeunes
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Peacekeeping Operations in Contemporary Africa
Causes and Cures of Oil-related Niger Delta Conflicts
Impact de la réforme de la politique agricole commune sur le commerce des produits agricoles et alimentaires entre l'Afrique et l'UE
Labour Migration: A Child and Youth Issue
The Starbucks/Ethiopian Coffee Saga
Young Women in African Wars
Effects of Rules of Origin on the European Union–Africa Economic Partnership Agreements
The Development Dimension or Disillusion?
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