
The International Crisis Group (ICG) is an independent, non-profit and non-governmental organization that seeks to prevent and resolve deadly conflicts in over 50 crisis-affected countries and territories across five continents. It pursues these ends by blending field-based analysis, practical policy prescriptions and high-level advocacy. The Crisis Group Europe Reports Series examines current conflicts in this part of the world and speculates on their possible impact on international relations.

Publishers: International Crisis Group (ICG)
Publications: Mitigating Risks for Syrian Refugee Youth in Turkey’s Şanlıurfa
Russia and Turkey in the Black Sea and the South Caucasus
Turkey’s Syrian Refugees: Defusing Metropolitan Tensions
Central Asia´s Silk Road Rivalries
Nagorno-Karabakh´s Gathering War Clouds
Managing Turkey´s PKK Conflict: The Case of Nusaybin
Uzbekistan: The Hundred Days
Turkey´s Refugee Crisis: The Politics of Permanence
The Eurasian Economic Union: Power, Politics and Trade
Nagorno-Karabakh: New Opening, or More Peril?
Turkey and the PKK: Saving the Peace Process
Bosnia’s Future
Ukraine: Running out of Time
The Rising Costs of Turkey’s Syrian Quagmire
Guinée-Bissau: les élections, et après ?
Afrique centrale: les défis sécuritaires du pastoralisme
Divided Cyprus: Coming to Terms on an Imperfect Reality
Too Far, Too Fast: Sochi, Tourism and Conflict in the Caucasus
Crying “Wolf”: Why Turkish Fears Need Not Block Kurdish Reform
The North Caucasus: The Challenges of Integration (III), Governance, Elections, Rule of Law
Blurring the Borders: Syrian Spillover Risks for Turkey
Abkhazia: The Long Road to Reconciliation
Serbia and Kosovo: The Path to Normalisation
Turkey's Kurdish Impasse: The View From Diyarbakir
The North Caucasus: The Challenges of Integration (II), Islam, the Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency
The North Caucasus: The Challenges of Integration (I), Ethnicity and Conflict
Setting Kosovo Free: Remaining Challenges
Armenia: An Opportunity for Statemanship
Aphrodite's Gift: Can Cypriot Gas Power a New Dialogue?
Kosovo and Serbia: A Little Goodwill Could go a Long Way
Bosnia: What Does Republika Srpska Want?
Turkey: Ending the PKK Insurgency
Macedonia: Ten Years After the Conflict
North Kosovo: Dual Sovereignty in Practice
Cyprus: Bridging the Property Divide
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Parallel Crisis
Turkey's Crises over Israel and Iran
Azerbaijan: Vulnerable Stability
Kosovo and Serbia After the ICJ Opinion
South Ossetia: The Burden of Recognition
The Rule of Law in Independent Kosovo
Turkey and the Middle East: Ambitions and Constraints
Abkhazia: Deepening Dependence
Cyprus: Reunification or Partitions?
Serb Integration in Kosovo
Turkey and Armenia
Bosnia's Incomplete Transition
Turkey and Europe - The Decisive Year Ahead
Kosovo's Fragile Transition
Russia vs Georgia - The Fallout
Reunifying Cyprus - The Best Chance Yet
Georgia and Russia - Clashing over Abkhazia
Russia's Dagestan - Conflict Causes
Azerbaijan - Independent Islam and the State
Cyprus - Reversing the Drift to Partition
Georgia - Sliding Towards Authoritarianism?
Kosovo Countdown - A Blueprint for Transition
Nagorno-Karabakh - Risking War
Serbia - Maintaining Peace in the Presevo Valley
Breaking the Kosovo Stalemate - Europe's Responsibility
Turkey and Europe - The Way Ahead
Georgia's South Ossetia Conflict - Make Haste Slowly
Kosovo - No Good Alternatives to the Ahtisaari Plan
Islam and Identity in Germany
Ensuring Bosnia's Future - A New International Engagement Strategy
Abkhazia - Ways Forward
Georgia's Armenian and Azeri Minorities
Kosovo Status - Delay is Risky
Abkhazia Today
Moldova's Uncertain Future
An Army for Kosovo?
Conflict Resolution in the South Caucasus - The EU's Role
La France Face à ses Musulmans - Émeutes, Jihadisme et Dépolitisation
The Cyprus Stalemate - What Next?
Kosovo - The Challenge of Transition
Montenegro's Independence Drive
EU Visas and the Western Balkans
Nagorno-Karabakh - A Plan for Peace
Nagorno-Karabakh - Viewing the Conflict from the Ground
Bridging Kosovo's Mitrovica Divide
Bosnia's Stalled Police Reform: No Progress, No EU
Kosovo after Haradinaj
Serbia's Sandzak - Still Forgotten
Kosovo - Toward Final Status
EU Crisis Response Capability Revisited
Georgia - Avoiding War in South Ossetia
Armenia - Internal Instability Ahead
Moldova - Regional Tensions over Transdniestria
Azerbaijan - Turning over a New Leaf
Collapse in Kosovo
Serbia's U-Turn
Pan-Albanianism - How Big a Threat to Balkan Stability?
Southern Serbia's Fragile Peace
Georgia - What now?
Building Bridges in Mostar
Macedonia - No Room for Complacency
Two to Tango - An Agenda for the New Kosovo SRSG
Moldova - No Quick Fix
Bosnia's Nationalist Governments - Paddy Ashdown and the Paradoxes of State Building
Bosnia's Brcko - Getting in, Getting on and Getting out
Kosovo's Ethnic Dilemma - The Need for a Civic Contract
A Marriage of Inconvenience - Montenegro 2003
Albania - State of the Nation 2003
Return to Uncertainty - Kosovo's Internally Displaced and the Return Process
A Half-Hearted Welcome - Refugee Returns to Croatia
The Continuing Challenge of Refugee Return in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Arming Saddam - The Yugoslav Connection
Moving Macedonia toward Self-Sufficiency - A New Security Approach for NATO and the EU
Finding the Balance - The Scales of Justice in Kosovo
Macedonia's Public Secret - How Corruption Drags the Country Down
Bosnia's Alliance for (Smallish) Change
UNMIK's Kosovo Albatross - Tackling Divisions in Mitrovica
Policing the Police in Bosnia - A Further Reform Agenda
Still Buying Time - Montenegro, Serbia and the European Union
Implementing Equality - The
Courting Disaster - The Misrule of Law in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Belgrade's Lagging Reform - Cause for International Concern
A Kosovo Roadmap (II) - Internal Benchmarks
A Kosovo Roadmap (I) - Addressing Final Status
Kosovo - A Strategy for Economic Development
Macedonia's Name - Why the Dispute Matters and how to Resolve it
Bosnia - Reshaping the International Machinery
Kosovo - Landmark Elections
Bin Laden and the Balkans - The Politics of Anti-Terrorism
The Wages of Sin - Confronting Bosnia's Republika Srpska
Serbia's Transition - Reforms under Siege
Peace in Kosovo - Quick Fix or Long Term Solution
Bosnia's Precarious Economy - Still not Open for Business
Montenegro - Resolving the Independence Deadlock
Macedonia - The Last Chance for Peace
A Fair Exchange - Aid to Yugoslavia for Regional Stability
Albania - The State of the Nation 2001
No Early Exit - NATO's Continuing Challenge in Bosnia
The Macedonian Question - Reform or Rebellion
After Milosevic - A Practical Agenda for Lasting Balkans Peace
Montenegro - Settling for Independence?
Turning Strife to Advantage - A Blueprint to Integrate the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Religion in Kosovo
Bosnia's November Elections - Dayton Stumbles
War Criminals in Bosnia's Republika Srpska
Yugoslavia's Presidential Elections - The Serbian People's Moment of Truth
Current Legal Status of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and of Serbia and Montenegro
Kosovo Report Card
Serbia - The Milosevic Regime on the Eve of the September Elections
Macedonia's Ethnic Albanian's - Bridging the Gulf
Elections in Kosovo - Moving toward Democracy?
Serbia's Grain Trade - Milosevic's Hidden Cash Crop
Kosovo's Linchpin - Overcoming Division in Mitrovica
Bosnia's Refugee Logjam Breaks - Is the International Community Ready?
Serbia's Embattled Opposition
Reality Demands - Documenting Violations of International Humanitarian Law in Kosovo 1999
Montenegro's Socialist People's Party - A Loyal Opposition?
Bosnia's Municipal Elections 2000 - Winners and Loosers
Reunifying Mostar - Opportunities for Progress
Montenegro - In the Shadow of the Vulcano
What Happened to the KLA?
Albania - State of the Nation
Denied Justice - Individual Lost in a Legal Maze
Albanians in Serbian Prisons - Kosovo's Unfinished Business
Rule of Law in Public Administration - Confusion and Discrimination in a Post-Communist Bureaucracy
Starting from Secratch in Kosovo - The Honeymoon is Over
Trepca - Making Sense of the Labyrinth
Violence in Kosovo - Who's Killing Whom?
Is Dayton Failing? - Bosnia four Years after the Peace Agreement
Waiting for UNMIK - Local Administration in Kosovo
Macedonia - Gearing up for Presidential Elections
Who's Who in Kosovo
Transforming Serbia - The Key to Long-Term Balkan Stability
The Policing Gap - Law and Order in the New Kosovo
Preventing Minority Return in Bosnia and Herzegovina - The Anatomy of Hate and Fear
Rule Over Law - Obstacles to the Development of an Independent Judiciary in BIH
Republika Srpska in the Post-Kosovo Era - Collateral Damage and Transformation
Back to the Future - Milosevic Prepares for Life after Kosovo
The New Kosovo Protectorate
Macedonia - Towards Destablisation?
Kosovo - Let's Learn from Bosnia - Models and Methods of International Administration
Milosevic's Aims in War and Diplomacy
Why Will No One Invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
War in the Balkans - Consequences of the Kosovo Conflict and Future Options for Kosovo and the Region
Republika Srpska - Poplasen, Brcko and Kosovo - Three Crises and out?
Macedonia Update - Challenges and Choices for the new Government
Sidelining Slobodan - Getting rid of Europe's last Dictator
Kosovo - The Road to Peace
Unifying the Kosovar Factions - The Way Forward
Breaking the Mould - Electoral Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brcko - A Comprehensive Solution
Macedonia - New Faces in Skopje
The State of Albania
Milosevic - Déjà Vu all over Again?
To Build a Peace - Recommendations for the Madrid Peace Implementation Council Meeting
Change in the Offing - The Shifting Political Scene in Croatia
Breaking the Logjam - Refugee Returns to Croatia
Sandzak - Calm for Now
Intermediate Sovereignty as a Basis for Resolving the Kosovo Crisis
1998 Elections in Macedonia
Too Little too late - Implementation of the Sarajevo Declaration
Whither Bosnia?
Doing Democracy a Service - 1998 Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kosovo's Long Hot Summer - Briefing on Military, Humanitarian and Political Developments in Kosovo
Impunity in Drvar
Changing Course? - Implications of the Divide in Bosnian Croat Politics
The Albanian Question in Macedonia
The View from Tirana - The Albanian Dimension of the Kosovo Crisis
The Konjic Conundrum - Why Minorities have Failed to Return to Model Open Cities
A Tale of Two Cities - Return of Displaced Persons to Jajce and Travnik
Inventory or Windfall - Milosevic's Gains from the Kosovo Dialogue
Minority Return or Mass Relocation?
Again, the Visible Hand - Slobodan Milosevic's Manipulation of the Kosovo Dispute
Kosovo Spring
Rebuilding a Multi-Ethnic Sarajevo - The Need for Minority Returns
A Hollow Promise? - The Return of Bosnian Serb Displaced Persons to Drvar, Bosansko Grahovo and Glamoc
A Peace, or just a Cease-Fire? - The Military Equation in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dayton - Two Years On
Macedonia Report - The Politics of Ethnicity and Conflict
House Burnings - Obstruction of the Right to Return to Drvar
Going Nowhere Fast - Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina
State Succession to the Immovable Assets of Former Yugoslavia
Grave Situation in Mostar - Robust Response Required
Brcko Arbitration - Proposal for Peace
Aid and Accountability - Dayton Implementation
Elections in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Why the Bosnian Elections must be Postponed
Eastern Ukraine: A Dangerous Winter
Turkey: The PKK and a Kurdish Settlement
North Caucasus: The Challenges of Integration (IV): Economic and Social Imperatives
Chechnya: The Inner Abroad
The North Caucasus Insurgency and Syria: An Exported Jihad
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