
With more than 50 years of experience, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) is Norway’s leading independent centre for research and information on international political and economic issues, and on areas of central relevance to Norwegian foreign policy. NUPI undertakes long-term basic research as well as short-term applied research and advisory services. Central to all NUPI’s work is interdisciplinary collaboration, both within the institute and with other institutes and bodies in Norway and abroad. NUPI offers a wide range of publications covering various issues within international relations research. NUPI Publications cover various issues within international relations research. The series contains papers in English and Norwegian.

Publishers: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
Publications: Towards a Comprehensive Results-based Reporting and Performance Assessment Framework: For UN Peacekeeping Operations
Cyber-Weapons in International Politics: Possible Sabotage against the Norwegian Petroleum Sector
Strengthening the Peace and Governance Nexus within the African Union
Knowledge Management and Police Peacekeepers: Experiences and Recommendations
Plug and Play: Multinational Rotation Contributions for UN Peacekeeping Operations
‘Teach a Person How to Surf’: Cyber Security as Development Assistance
Synthesis Report: Reviewing UN Peace Operations, the UN Peacebuilding Architecture and the Implementation of UNSCR 1325
United Nations Peace Operations: Aligning Principles and Practice
Cyber Security Capacity Building: Developing Access
Cyber Security Capacity Building in Developing Countries: Challenge and Opportunities
Strategic Options for the Future of African Peace Operations (2015 - 2025)
Extending State Authority in Liberia
Semipalatinsk Nuclear Testing: The Humanitarian Consequences
Female Bodies and Masculine Norms
Which Way Cuba? Political Transformations, Social Deterioration and Attempted Dialogue
Role of South–South Cooperation and Emerging Powers in Peacemaking and Peacebuilding
Norway, Asia and the Global Value Chains
Obstacles to a Resolution of the Syrian Conflict
Germany in the New Europe
Ukraine in Europe – Europe in Ukraine
NATO in the ‘New’ MENA Region
Synthesis Report of the Baseline Study on Civilian Capacity
Inter-Cultural Dialogue in International Crises
BRICS, Energy and the New World Order
Evaluation of Norwegian People’s Aid Development Programme in Ethiopia
Recent Contributions to Research on Health and Foreign Policy
India in Africa
Contextualizing Peacebuilding Activities to Local Circumstances
Regional Security and Human Rights Interventions
Security and Stability
10 år i Afghanistan – hva nå?
A Stocktaking of Norwegian Engagement in Security Sector Reform
Forhandlingsrunden i WTO
Global Changes and Norwegian Foreign and Development Policy 2010–2020
Security Sector Reform: A New Framework for Securiy Assistance?
The Shifting Geopolitics of the Black Sea Region
Anti-Corruption in Public Procurement
Thinking Beyond: Acting on the Ground
Mobilizing Civilian Capacity
Inter-Mission Cooperation
Unpacking the
Dissonance in Development
Challenges to Protection of Civilians in South Sudan
Report of the Conference on Peacekeeping Vision 2015 Capabilities for Future Mandates
Report of the Conference on Peacekeeping Vision 2015
Report of the Conference on Peacekeeping Vision 2015
Chechen Scholars on Chechnya
Privatization in Kosovo: The International Project 1999–2008
Fresh Insights on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration
Beyond the 'New Horizon'
Norwegian Standby Roster for Civilian Observers (NOROBS)
Services and Development
Global Changes and Norwegian Foreign and Development Policy 2010-2020
Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Peacebuilding
Opportunities and Constraints in Central and South Asia Trade Flows
Pakistan’s Police Between Centralization and Devolution
Strategy and Credible Commitment
Regional Change: How Will the Rise of India and China Shape Afghanistan's Stabilization Process?
Kosovo's Security Transition
Towards a NATO à la Carte?
The Responsibility to Protect
The Responsibility to Protect and 'Root Cause' Prevention
Nordic Approaches to Whole-of-Government
Handover from International to Local Actors in Peace Missions
Civilian Capacities and Non-Governmental Rosters
UNMEE: Deterioration and Termination
Theorising African States
Combating Sexual Violence in the DRC
Evaluation of SAIH's Support For FADCANIC's Wawashang Environmental and Agroforestry Educational Centre
Balancing Acts: Russian-Chinese Relations and Developments in the SCO and CSTO
As Strong as The Weakest Link
The Revival of Atlanticism in NATO?
Regional Conflicts and International Engagement on the Horn of Africa
Norway's Whole-of-Government Approach and its Engagement With Afghanistan
Are We Delivering Coherently in Afghanistan?
Evaluation Report: Save the Children Guatemala
COIN Revisited
End Review of the Norwegian People’s Aid Mine Action Programme in Ethiopia 2005–2007
Norge og alliansene: gamle tradisjoner, nytt spillerom
Utsyn Nord 2018
Afghanistan and Regional Instability
Central Asia: A Testing Ground for New Great-Power Relations
A Culture of Protection? Perceptions of the Protection of Civilians from Sudan
The World Bank and Conflicts
The Protection of Civilians and the Post-Conflict Security Sector
Comprehensive Approach: Challenges and Opportunities in Complex Crisis Management
Etnonasjonalisme i forholdet Iran–Aserbajdsjan
WTO eller EU-medlemskap?
Integration as a Conflict Regulation Mechanism
Maximum or Minimum? Policy Options for Democratisation Initiatives
Norske selvbilder og norsk utenrikspolitikk
Coherence and Coordination in United Nations Peacebuilding and Integrated Missions
Joint Donor Security Sector Needs Assessment (JDSSNA)
Experts, Banks and Politics: What Explains the Making of Basel II?
New Partners, New Possibilities: The Evolution of Inter-Organizational Security Cooperation in International Peace Operations
Words and Deeds: Russian Foreign Policy and Post-Soviet Secessionist Conflicts
The Role of Prison Reform in Transitional Societies
Report on Integrated Missions: Practical Perspectives and Recommendations
Policy Briefs on the Implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Sudanese Women and the Peace Process

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