
The Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) is an independent nonprofit institute founded on the idea that research-based policymaking is vital for the economic welfare of societies. CASE Network Reports is the premiere publication series of the network of CASE organizations. It popularizes the results of significant CASE research projects on the economic challenges of transition, reform, integration and development.

Publishers: Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE)
Publications: Transfer of Know-How for Small and Mid-Size Businesses in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine--White Paper: Georgia
Transfer of Know-how for Small and Mid-Size Businesses in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine--White Paper: Moldova
Transfer of Know-how for Small and Mid-Size Businesses in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine--White Paper: Ukraine
EU Cooperation with Non-Member Neighboring Countries
A Quarter Century of Economic Reforms in Ukraine: Too Late, Too Slow, Too Little
Measuring Financial Stress and Economic Sensitivity in CEE Countries
2012 Update Report to the Study to Quantity and Analyse the VAT Gap in the EU-27 Member States
Impact of Ageing on Curative Health Care Workforce: Country Report Poland
The Impact of Institutional and Socio-Ecological Drivers on Activity at Older Ages
Age and Productivity: Human Capital Accumulation and Depreciation
The Relationship Between Energy and Socio-Economic Development in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean
Study to Quantify and Analyse the VAT Gap in the EU-27 Member States
Labour Migration from the Eastern Partnership Countries - Evolution and Policy Options for Better Outcomes
Economic Development, Trade and Investment in the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean Region
The Costs of VAT
Azerbaijan Transport Sector 2011
Private Sector Development in the South and East Mediterranean Region
Scenarios for the Agricultual Sector in South and East Mediterranean Countries by 2030
Transport Infrastructure for MED11 Countries
The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Public Expenditures on Education and Health in the Economies of the Former Soviet Union
Tourism in the MED 11 Countries
Public Expenditures on Education and Health in the Kyrgyz Republic Before and During the Global Financial Crisis
Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in Asia
Information and Communications Technology in the Middle East: Situation as of 2010 and Prospective Scenarios for 2030
Public Expenditures on Education and Health in Ukraine Before and During the Global Crisis
Public Expenditures on Education and Health in Russian Federation Before and During the Global Crisis
Public Expenditures on Education and Health in Belarus Before and During the Global Crisis
The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Education and Healthcare in the Economies of the Former Soviet Union
Shallow Versus Deep Integration Between Mediterranean Countries and the EU and Within the Mediterranean Region
Modeling Economic, Social and Environmental Implications of a Free Trade Agreement Between the European Union and the Russian Federation
Challenges and Trajectories of Fiscal Policy and PFM Reform in CEE/CIS
Pension Reform Options for Russia and Ukraine
Study on Quality of Public Finances in Support of Growth in the Mediterranean Partner Countries of the EU
Social Security, Labour Market and Restructuring
Economic Integration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Deep Integration with the EU and its Likely Impact on Selected ENP Countries and Russia
Key Competences in Europe
Income and Distribution Effects of Migration and Remittances: an Analysis Based on CGE Models for Selected CIS Countries
Composite Leading Indicators for Ukraine: An Early Warning Model
Economic Impact of a Potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Between the European Union and the Commonwealth of the Independent States
Energy Trade and Cooperation Between the EU and the CIS Countries
Institutional Convergence of CIS Towards European Benchmarks
The Development Gap Between the CIS and EU
Economic Feasibility, General Economic Impact and Implications of a Free Trade Agreement Between the European Union and Armenia
Economic Feasibility, General Economic Impact and Implications of a Free Trade Agreement Between the European Union and Georgia
Scenarios for Health Expenditure in Poland
Development of Scenarios for Health Expenditure in the New EU Member States: Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
Price Convergence in the Enlarged Internal Market
State of the Art
Institutional Harmonization in the Context of Relations Between the EU and Its Eastern Neighbours
Assessing the Development Gap
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Meeting Copenhagen Economic Criteria for Accession to the EU
The New EU Frontier: Perspectives on Enhanced Economic Integration
Regional Free Trade Agreements of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Non-Tariff Barriers in Ukrainian Export to the EU
Prospects for EU-Moldova Economic Relations
Prospects for EU-Ukraine Economic Relations
Tax Wedge and Skills: Case of Poland in International Perspective
Sustaining Low Inflation in Ukraine
Competitiveness of the Polish Manufacturing Sector
Networks and Competitiveness in Polish Foreign-Owned and Domestic Firms
Understanding Reform: The Case of Poland
The Lisbon Strategy at Midterm Expectations and Reality
Russia: Political and Institutional Determinants of Economic Reform
Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson Effect in Selected Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
The Sources of Economic Growth in Ukraine after 1998 Currency Crisis and the Country's Prospects
Poverty Dynamics in Poland Selected Quantitative Analyses
Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Central and Eastern Europe
Currency Crises in Emerging-Market Economies
Secondary Privatisation: The Evolution of Ownership Structures of Privatised Enterprises
The Evolution of Ownership Structure in Firms Privatized Through Wholesale Schemes in the Czech Republic and Poland
Secondary Privatization in Poland (Part II)
Secondary Privatization in Poland (Part I)
Secondary Privatization in Slovenia
Secondary Privatization in the Czech Republic
Restructuring and Development of the Banking Sector in Poland
Currency Crises in Emerging Markets
The Episodes of Currency Crises in the European Transition Economies
The Episodes of Currency Crisis in Latin American and Asian Economies
Credibility of the Exchange Rate Policy in Transition Countries
Fiscal Effects from Privatization
Rational Pension Supervision
Privatization and Company Restructuring in Poland
Effects of Privatization of Industrial Enterprises in Bulgaria
Macroeconomic and Fiscal Challenges Facing Central European Countries During the EU Accession Process
Banking Sector Systemic Risk in Selected Central European Countries
Disinflation, Monetary Policy and Fiscal Constraints
Barriers to Entry and Growth of Private Companies in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Albania and Lithuania
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