
The NATO Defense College (NDC) is the NATO Alliance's flagship academic institution. Its courses concentrate on the high-level political-military issues that confront both civilian and military leadership at the Alliance and national level. NDC Seminar Reports summarize the findings and conclusions of seminars on security and defense issues, such as the Partnership for Peace (PfP) International Research Seminars or the Mediterranean Dialogue International Research Seminars.

Publishers: NATO Defense College (NDC)
Publications: NATO´s Special Meeting in Brussels: Addressing Current Priorities and Restating Core Values
Moscow in the Donbas: Command, Control, Crime and the Minsk Peace Process
Handbook of Russian Information Warfare
Why NATO Needs a New Strategic Concept
The Determinants of Recent Russian Behaviour: What do these Mean for NATO Decision Makers?
Deterring a Nuclear Russia in the 21st Century: Theory and Practice
Turkish-Israeli Rapprochement with NATO
Is Consensus Still Necessary Within NATO?
A Nuclear Free Zone for the Middle East: Implications for NATO
In Troubled Waters: NATO´s New Maritime Activity in the Aegean
We will Conquer your Rome: Italy and the Threat of Jihadi Terrorism
Nuclear Implications of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict
An End-of-Time Utopia: Understanding the Narrative of the Islamic State
What Mid-Term Future for Putin's Russia?
After the Paris Attacks: Implications for the Transatlantic Security Debate
The Wales Summit and NATO's Deterrence Capabilities
Five Long-Term Challenges for NATO beyond the Ukraine Crisis
NATO Enlargement and Russia: Die-Hard Myths and Real Dilemmas
Cold War Deja Vu?
Ukraine's Euromaidan: Questions From the (R)evolution
Does Russia Matter?
The Strategic Dimensions of the Shale Gas Revolution: Shared Views from NATO and Gulf Countries
The Future of Airborne Forces in NATO
The Curious Case of the Egyptian Armed Forces
Political and Military Cooperation or NATO-Russian Roulette
Understanding the Malian Crisis from a Euro-Atlantic Perspective
NATO's Deterrence and Defense Posture after the Chicago Summit
NATO Partnerships in a Shifting Strategic Landscape
The NATO Mission in Afghanistan Post-2014
Towards a Copernican Revolution in the MENA Region
The Transatlantic Link after Chicago
A NATO Transit Hub in Ulyanovsk - What's Behind the Russian Debate?
Flattering to Deceive? Change (and Continuity) in Post Election Russia
Six Strategic Lessons Learned from Libya
What Future for Post-Gaddafi Libya?
Libya: Avoiding State Failure
Libya in Limbo: How to Fill the Security Vaccum
NATO's Role in a Post-Conflict Libya
The NATO Mission in Afghanistan: Transitioning to Afghan Control
Al-Qaeda and Its Prospects After the Arab Revolutions
Six Months After the Start of the Arab Spring: Impact and Challenges for the Countries of North Africa and the Middle East and for NATO Partnerships
NATO in Libya: The Alliance Between Emergence Help and Nation Building
The Arab Explosion: Questions and Options for NATO
What to Expect of the Egyptian Army?
From Lisbon to Munich: Russian Views of NATO-Russia Relations
What to Think of the Political Crisis in North Africa and the Middle East?
Russia, Financial Crisis, Economic Depression, Banking, National Stability
'NATO and Gulf Security'
Muddling Down: The Economic Crisis in Russia and its Political Impact
At The Table or On The Menu?
NATO and Energy Security After the Strasbourg-Kehl Summit
Russia at the Resumption of NATO-Russia Relations
Cooperation Rather than Confrontation
Russia´s Big Idea
10 Things You Should Know About a Comprehensive Approach
NATO's Organizational Evolution
How and Why Did NATO Survive the Bush Doctrine?
The Russo-Georgian Conflict
Russia Will Propose a New Foreign Policy Concept to NATO
NATO Before Bucharest: The Alliance at the Crossroads
Looking to the Future: Common Security Interests and Challanges in the Mediterranean and the Middle East
The South Caucasus: Promoting Values Through Cooperation
Managing Natural Resources and Security Issues in the Mediterranean Region
Security and Defense Reform in Central and Southeastern Europe
NATO Long-Term Defense Planning: Implications for the Future
Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Security Issues in the Mediterranean Region
Ukraine and Regional Cooperation in Security: Looking Ahead
Managing Change: Evolution in the Global Arena and Mediterranean Security
Shaping a New Security Agenda for Future Regional Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region
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