
The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) was founded in 1996 by the governments of Denmark, Germany and Schleswig-Holstein. It is a non-partisan and interdisciplinary institution, which conducts practice-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe. ECMI Reports are summary reports of ECMI's constructive conflict management activities, that is, its workshops, roundtables and seminars.

Publishers: European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)
Publications: Report on the Simulation Game ´Fighting Right Wing Populism´: Flensburg, Germany
Roma Policies for a Positive Change: From Inclusion Towards Empowerment
Expert Workshop on the Distribution of Financial Support to Organizations Representing National Minorities
ECMI Workshop on the Definition of
A Youth Exchange Project
Minorities, Media and Intercultural Dialogue: Opportunities and Challenges
Monitoring Results of Implementation of the National Concept and Action Plan on Tolerance and Civil Integration
Report About the ECMI Workshop on Non-Territorial Autonomy
Election Monitoring Report
The Aspect of Culture in the Social Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities
Ensuring Effective Implementation of Annex 8 Through the Recommendations and Proposed Activities of Experts and Civil Society Representatives
Guide to the Enhancement of Minority-Majority Relations in Kosovo
Securing Implementation of the Ohrid Agreement through Concrete Policy Action: The ‘Policy Dialogue Initiative’
Finding Durable Solutions for the Meskhetians
Enhancing Minority Governance in Romania: The Romanian Draft Law on the Status of National Minorities - A Consultation with Civil Society
Enhancing Minority Governance in Romania: The Romanian Draft Law on the Status of National Minorities - Issues of Definition, NGO Status and Cultural Autonomy
Enhancing Minority Governance in Romania: Report on the Presentation on Cultural Autonomy to the Romanian Government
Addressing the Settlement of Self-Determination Conflicts through Complex Power-Sharing: The Case of Cyprus
Informal International Consultative Meeting in the Area of Minority Issues
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Training Workshop - Regional Integration in the European Union and Western Balkans
The Role of the Interethnic Factor in the Development of the Kaliningrad Region
Towards Linguistic Diversity Management in the Baltic States
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Training Workshop and Study Visit - Council of Europe
National Integration in Estonia and Latvia: 2000-2002
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Fourteenth Meeting
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Thirteenth Meeting
EU Accession and Minority Rights in Serbia, Montenegro and Sandzak/ Sandzak as Part of a EURO-Region?
Supporting Annex 8 of the Dayton Peace Agreement
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Twelfth Meeting
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Eleventh Meeting
Towards Ratification: Conference on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Tenth Meeting
National Minorities and Educational Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Negotiation and Capacity Building in Montenegro: Education
Ensuring Effective Implementation of Annex 8 Through the Establishment of a Cultural Heritage Association
Negotiation and Capacity Building in Montenegro: Administration of Justice
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Ninth Meeting
Legal Aspects of National Integration in Estonia and Latvia
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Eighth Meeting
National-Cultural Autonomies and Interethnic Relations in the Kaliningrad Oblast
Annex 8 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace and the Role of the Preservation of National Monuments in Successful Peace Implementation: Workshop 2
Negotiation and Capacity Building in Montenegro: Economic Development and Cooperation
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: The Establishment of Expert Committees
Negatiation and Capacity Building in Montenegro: Freedom of Movement
The Role of Annex 8 in Bridging Communities, Promoting Reconciliation, and Developing a Unique Identity in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Workshop on Media Issues
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: 5th and 6th Sessions
Negatiation and Capacity Building in Montenegro: Education and Curriculum Development
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Fourth Meeting
NGO Roundtable on Inter-Ethnic Relations in the FYR of Macedonia: Final Report
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Training Workshop - Reconstruction of Health Systems in a War-Torn Society
Social Dimension of Integration in Estonia and Minority Education in Latvia
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Consolidated Report
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Training Workshop - Administration of the Judiciary and Human Rights
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Third Meeting
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Second Meeting
NGO Roundtable on Inter-Ethnic Relations in the FYR of Macedonia: Second Meeting
Power-Sharing in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Strengthening Implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords
Migration and Forced Migration in the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia
Multiculturalism, Minority Education and Language Policy
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group: Constitutive Session
Accession to the European Union and National Integration in Estonia and Latvia
NGO Roundtable on Inter-Ethnic Relations in the FYR of Macedonia: First Meeting
Evaluating Policy Measures for Minority Languages in Europe
Insular Regions and European Integration: Corsica and the Åland Islands Compared
Inter-Ethnic Relations in Transcarpathian Ukraine
Implementing the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Minorities and Majorities in Estonia: Problems of Integration at the Threshold of the EU
From Ethnopolitical Conflict to Inter-Ethnic Accord in Moldova
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