
The Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) is a policy research and strategic gaming organization within the National Defense University (NDU) serving the US Department of Defense, its components and interagency partners. The Institute provides timely, objective analysis and gaming events to senior decision-makers and supports NDU educational programs in the fields of international security and defense policy. The INSS Books series offers inside views of issues closely related with US national security and defense policy.

Publishers: Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS)
National Defense University (NDU)
Publications: Beyond Convergence: World without Order
The Grand Strategy of the United States
The Nightmare Years to Come?
A Low-Visibility Force Multiplier: Assessing China’s Cruise Missile Ambitions
Convergence: Illicit Networks and National Security in the Age of Globalization
Strategic Reflections: Operation Iraqi Freedom
The Chinese Air Force
Council of War
The Transatlantic Bargain
Understanding War in Afghanistan
Monopoly of Force
The Borderlands of Southeast Asia
The Chinese Navy
Economic Security: Neglected Dimension of National Security?
The Paradox of Power
Saddam's Generals: Perspectives of the Iran-Iraq War
Ballistic Missile Defense
America's Security Role in a Changing World
Commanding Heights: Strategic Lessons from Complex Operations
Are We Prepared? Four WMD Crises That Could Transform US Security
Marine Corps Generalship
Transforming NATO: An NDU Anthology
Strategic Challenges
In the Same Light as Slavery
Armies in Homeland Security
Policy Analysis in National Security Affairs
The Information Assurance
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Strategy Essay Competition
Whispers of Warriors
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Strategy Essay Competition: Essays 2003
People's Liberation Army and China in Transition
The United States and the Persian Gulf
Globalization and Maritime Power
Argentine Civil-Military Relations
Transforming America's Military
The Middle East in 2015
Challenges of the Global Century
QDR 2001: Strategy Driven Choices for America's Security
China Debates the Future Security Environment
Korea on the Brink
The Euphrates Triangle
The DOD C-17 Versus the Boeing 777
The Big Three
Acquisition for the 21st Century
Deterrence and Defense in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environment
Egypt at the Crossroads
Mind the Gap
Policing the New World Disorder
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Essay Competition
Chinese View of Future Warfare
US Nuclear Policy in the 21st Century
Military Geography for Professionals and the Public
The Big 'L'
Allied Command Structures in the New NATO
Sun Tzu and Information Warfare
Controlling Threats to Nuclear Security
Crisis in the Taiwan Strait
The Bear Went over the Mountain
NATO Enlargement and Central Europe
Somalia Operations
In Irons: US Military Might in the New Century
NSC-68: Forging the Strategy of Containment
India and the United States
A Breakfast for Bonaparte
Measures Short of War
Firepower in Limited War
Command, Control, and the Common Defense
The United States and Vietnam 1787-1941
Political Warfare and Psychological Operations
France in Black Africa
Creating Strategic Vision
Pure Logistics
The Pentomic Era: The US Army between Korea and Vietnam
Cohesion: The Human Element in Combat
Special Operations in US Strategy
The Politics of Defence Budgeting
US Army Special Warfare: Its Origins
Democratic Ideals and Reality
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