
The British American Security Information Council (BASIC) is a non-partisan, dialogue-based, and inclusive advocacy group and think tank. In the latter case, it focuses its research and analyses on global security issues, policies and strategies. The BASIC Publications Series provides detailed discussions and in-depth analyses of these particular topics and more.

Publishers: British American Security Information Council (BASIC)
Publications: Preserving the Character of the Nation: British Military Attitudes to Nuclear Weapons
Analysis: The P5 Process
The “P5 Process” History and What to Expect in 2015
Toward the 2015 NPT Review Conference
The Experience of Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones
The Challenges of Coherent US Extended Nuclear Deterrence and Assurance
A Progressive Nuclear Weapons Policy for the Next Labour Government
A Conservative Approach to the Forthcoming Debate on Trident
Building Capacity for a WMD-Free Middle East
Belief in the WMD Free Zone
Steps on the Way Forward to a WMD-Free Zone in the Middle East
Finding a Way Out of the Nuclear Dispute with Iran
‘Defending the Future’: A Rational Approach to Britain’s Future Nuclear Arsenal
Summary of Roundtable Discussion on “NATO’s Future Nuclear Posture”
Reading the Findings of the UK Trident Alternatives Review
Trident in UK Politics and Public Opinion
The ‘P5’ Conferences: Past Meetings and Policy Considerations for Geneva 2013
Beyond the Trident Alternatives Review
Taking a Different Starting Point
Nuclear Non-proliferation in the Gulf
The US Nuclear Deterrent: An International Perspective
The UK and Armed Drones
Strengthening Nonproliferation
Russia in the Middle East
Backgrounder on the P5 Conferences: London, Paris, Washington, and the Future
Themes Arising From the BASIC Workshop in Doha
Norway’s Approach to NATO's Deterrence and Defense Posture Review
NATO's Deterrence and Defense Posture
Beyond the United Kingdom: Trends in the Other Nuclear Armed States
Agenda Issues Before the 2012 Conference on a WMD-Free Zone
NATO's Nuclear Posture and Burden Sharing Arrangements
Apocalypse Never
Reducing the Role of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe
Italy’s Tactical Nuclear Weapons
What's Next with Trident in the United States?
The United States, NATO's Strategic Concept, and Nuclear Issues
NATO's Nuclear Deterrence Posture and Baltic Security
New Players in the Dispute Over Iran's Nuclear Program
A Crisis in Financing Britain's Replacement of Trident?
Stopping New START?
Considering NATO's Tactical Nuclear Weapons After the US Nuclear Posture Review
Keeping the Lid On
Treading Water in 2010
Non-Proliferation Requires Disarmament, and Vice Versa
Nuclear Options For NATO
Keeping the "Non" in the Non-Nuclear Weapon States
Peeling the Onion
Mind the Gap: Healing the NATO Rift over US Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe
The Shadow NATO Summit
The Dilemma Between Deterrence and Disarmament: Moving Beyond the Perception of China as a Nuclear Threat
NATO and the Afghan Insurgency: Looking Ahead to Bucharest
The Real Cost behind Trident Replacement and the Carriers
Nuclear Terrorism: A US Perspective
The Newest Anti-Satellite Contender: China’s ASAT Test
The UK Trident Vote Explained
Assessing ISAF: A Baseline Study of NATO's Role in Afghanistan
Present at the Creation: US Perspectives on the Origins and Future Direction of the Proliferation Security Initiative
Oceans of Work: Arms Conversion Revisited
The Proliferation Security Initiative: Targeting Iran and North Korea?
Resolving the Nuclear Dispute with Iran by Negotiation
The Proliferation Security Initiative: Three Years On
The Transatlantic Dimension to the Conflict in Lebanon: Whatever Happened to the Responsibility to Protect?
Trident: Do We Really Need to Make the Decision Now?
New Proposal to Iran: Will It Be Enough to Defuse the Nuclear Crisis?
US 'Prompt Global Strike' Capability: A New Destabilising Sub-State Deterrent in the Making?
UK Political Developments and Likely Impact on US Relations
The UK Defence Industrial Strategy and Alternative Approaches
What Happens When A White Elephant Meets a Paper Tiger?
See, Speak, and Hear No Incompetence
Managing the Dirty Bomb Threat
The IAEA and Iran: Crisis Averted – for the time being
After the Butler Report: Time to Take on the Group Think in Washington and London
NATO and Missile Defence: Stay Tuned – This Could Get Interesting
US-UK Nuclear Weapons Collaboration under the Mutual Defence Agreement: Shining a Torch on the Darker Recesses of the ‘Special Relationship’
Sailing Into Uncharted Waters?
Unravelling the Known Unknowns
The IAEA and Iran’s Nuclear Programme
The Bush Nuclear Posture Review’s First Budget in Congress
European Governments’ Official Positions on Missile Defense
The OSCE: A Forgotten Transatlantic Security Organization?
Bunker Busters: Washington’s Drive for New Nuclear Weapons
“Planning to be surprised”: The US Nuclear Posture Review and Its Implications for Arms Control
Secrecy and Dependence: The UK Trident System in the 21st Century
One Step Forward or Two Steps Back: Upcoming Cuts in the US Nuclear Arsenal
European Missile Defense: New Emphasis, New Roles
The US Nuclear Debate: Issues of Concern
NATO and Arms Control: A Blueprint for Action
Keeping Tabs on Big Brother: UK Debates on US Plans for Ballistic Missile Defenses
A Conflict Prevention Service for the European Union
NMD: Allied Fears in Focus – NATO takes First Look at US Missile Defense
1999 NPT PrepCom: Keys to Success
Nuclear Futures: Western European Options for Nuclear Risk Reduction
Nuclear Futures: Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and US Nuclear Strategy
Combatting Illicit Light Weapons Trafficking: Developments and Opportunities
Chronicling an Absence of Restraint: The 1995 UN Arms Register
NATO Arms Exports to Turkey and Greece
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