
The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is a leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. ODI Natural Resource Perspectives present accessible information on current development issues and are sent to a wide audience of policymakers, researchers and people working in the nongovernmental sector.

Publishers: Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Publications: Globalisation and Policies towards Cultural Diversity
Sustainable Livelihoods, Rights and the New Architecture of Aid
Linking Development with Democratic Processes in India
Globalisation and Livelihood Diversification ^through Non-Traditional Agricultural Products
How Have the Poor Done? Mid-Term Review of India’s Ninth Five-Year Plan
Agri-Tourism Spatial Development Initiatives in South Africa
Redistributive Land Reform in Southern Africa
Re-Examining the ‘More People Less Erosion’ Hypothesis: Special Case or Wider Trend?
Re-Valuing the Communal Lands of Southern Africa: New Understandings of Rural Livelihoods
Linking Formal and Informal Financial Intermediaries in Ghana
GMOs and NGOs: Biotechnology, the Policy Process, and the Presentation of Evidence
The Changing Role of Fisheries in Development Policy
Land Tenure Reform and the Balance of Power in Eastern and Southern Africa
Public Plant Breeding in an Era of Privatisation
Aquaculture, Poverty Impacts and Livelihoods
Policies to Promote Non-Farm Rural Employment in Latin America
A Typology for Public Works Programming
Digging Holes and Filling them in Again? How Far Do Public Works Enhance Livelihoods?
Community Area Based Development Approach (CABDA) Programme
Support for Migrant Workers: The Missing Link in India's Development
Towards 'Smart' Subsidies in Agriculture? Lessons from Recent Experience in Malawi
Rising Food Prices: Cause for Concern
Accra 2008: The Bumpy Road to Aid Effectiveness in Agriculture
Agricultural Advisory Services and the Market
Community Forestry in the Amazon
Making Agriculture Work for the Poor
Community-Based Worker Systems: A Possible Solution to More Services, Reaching Many Communities, and within Budget
Climate Change, Agricultural Policy and Poverty Reduction - How Much Do We Know?
Where the Land is Greener - Experiences Contributing to Sustainable Land Management
Biofuels, Agriculture and Poverty Reduction
Food Security in Southern Africa
Rural Recovery in Fragile States
The Business Side of Sustainable Forest Management
Is Low External Input Technology Contributing to Sustainable Agricultural Development?
How can the Rural Poor Participate in Global Economic Processes?
The Millennium Villages Project: A New Approach to Ending Rural Poverty in Africa
Poverty Reduction Strategies and the Rural Productive Sectors
Walking Tightropes: Supporting Farmer Organizations for Market Access
Responding to HIV/AIDS in Agriculture and Related Activities
Cash Transfers: Mere 'Gadaffi Syndrome' or Serious Potential for Rural Rehabilitation and Development?
Conflict in the Great Lakes Region
Food Security, Social Protection, Growth and Poverty Reduction Synergies
Rethinking Agricultural Policies for Pro-Poor Growth
Reform of Forestry Advisory Services: Learning from Practice in Uganda
People on the Move: New Policy Challenges for Increasingly Mobile Populations
Policy Research and African Agriculture
Social Protection and Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth: What Scope for Synergies?
Making the Link Between Micro and Meso
Livelihoods, Chronic Conflict and Humanitarian Response
Decentralising Natural Resource Management
Post Offices, Pensions and Computers
Poverty Reduction, Equity and Climate Change
The Enabling Environment for Agricultural Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Potential Role of Donors
'Just Wildlife?' Or a Source of Local Development?
Supermarkets and Farming in Latin America
Do Area Development Projects Have a Future?
Rights and Livelihoods Approaches
Combining Growth and Social Protection in Weakly Integrated Rural Areas
Creating a Policy Environment for Pro-Poor Agricultural Extension
Devolution and Community-Based Natural Resource Management
Mainstreaming Cross-Cutting Themes in Programme and Sector Aid
From Supervising 'Subjects' to Supporting 'Citizens'
Biodiversity Management and Local Livelihoods
International Conservation Treaties, Poverty and Development
Ethical Trading - A Force for Improvement, or Corporate Whitewash?
Recognising Diversity: Disability and Rural Livelihoods Approaches in India
Can Tropical Forestry be Made Profitable by ‘Internalising the Externalities’?
Seasonal Climatic Forecasting
Marrying Farmer Cooperation and Contract Farming for Service Provision in a Liberalising Sub-Saharan Africa
Institutional Support for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Southern Africa: Framework and Methodology
Institutional Support for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Southern Africa
Pro-Poor Tourism
Rural Africa at the Crossroads
Godsend, Sleight of Hand, or Just Muddling Through
Women, Human Capital and Livelihoods
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