
The Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) is a policy research and strategic gaming organization within the National Defense University serving the US Department of Defense, its components, and interagency partners. This publication series features short occasional papers dealing with the most timely issues of national security.

Publishers: Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS)
Publications: China´s Future SSBN Command and Control Structure
The Rising Terrorist Threat in Tanzania: Domestic Islamist Militancy and Regional Threats
Strategy and Force Planning in a Time of Austerity
Targeted Killing of Terrorists
The Flawed Strategic Debate on Syria
The Defense Acquisition Trilemma: The Case of Brazil
Next Steps in Syria
Transitional Justice for Syria
The Rebalance to Asia: US-China Relations and Regional Security
Russia Still Matters: Strategic Challenges and Opportunities for the Obama Administration
Trust, Engagement, and Technology Transfer
Offshore Control: A Proposed Strategy for an Unlikely Conflict
Grand Strategy and International Law
Post-Asad Syria: Opportunity or Quagmire?
Space and the Joint Fight
Raising Our Sights: Russian- American Strategic Restraint in an Age of Vulnerability
Sino-American Strategic Restraint in an Age of Vulnerability
Deterrence and Escalation in Cross-Domain Operations
The Emergence of China in the Middle East
Countering the Lord’s Resistance Army in Central Africa
Chinese Military Transparency: Evaluating the 2010 Defense White Paper
The Evolving Threat of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
Iran's Islamic Revolution
Brazil and the United States: The Need for Strategic Engagement
Finland, Sweden, and NATO
European Energy Security
Conventional Prompt Global Strike
Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations
Getting Beyond Taiwan?
Private Contractors in Conflict Zones
Global Commons and Domain Interrelationships
Reforming the Inter-American Defense Board
Somalia's Endless Transition
Prioritizing Strategic Interests in South Asia
Africa's Irregular Security Threats
Strengthening the IAEA
US-Mexico Homeland Defense
Avoiding a Crisis of Confidence in the US Nuclear Deterrent
US-Cambodia Defense Relations
North Korea: Challenges, Interests, and Policy
Burma in Strategic Perspective
Unity of Effort: Key to Success in Afghanistan
Radicalization by Choice: ISI and the Pakistani Army
US-Vietnam Defense Relations
Iraqi Security Forces after US Troop Withdrawal
Aligning Disarmament to Nuclear Dangers: Off to a Hasty START?
US-Mexico Defense Relations: An Incompatible Interface
Managing Strategic Competition with China
Diverging Roads: 21st-Century US-Thai Defense Relations
Hybrid Threats: Reconceptualizing the Evolving Character of Modern Conflict
The United States and the Asia-Pacific Region: National Interests and Strategic Imperatives
Ukraine Against Herself: To Be Euro-Atlantic, Eurasian, or Neutral?
Challenges to Persian Gulf Security
NATO's Uncertain Future: Is Demography Destiny?
The Absence of Europe: Implications for International Security?
Irregular Warfare: New Challenges for Civil-Military Relations
Defense Transformation à la française and US Interests
Energy Security in South Asia: Can Interdependence Breed Stability?
China’s Rising Influence in Asia: Implications for US Policy
After the Surge: Next Steps in Iraq?
The European Union: Measuring Counterterrorism Cooperation
Trans-American Security: What’s Missing?
The Country Team: Restructuring America's First Line of Engagement
Preventing Balkan Conflict: The Role of Euroatlantic Institutions
Can Deterrence Be Tailored?
Combating Opium in Afghanistan
China, Russia and the Balance of Power in Central Asia
Southeast Asian Security Challenges: America’s Response?
Reforming Pentagon Strategic Decisionmaking
Visions of Order: Japan and China in US Strategy
Restructuring Special Operations Forces for Emerging Threats
US-Iran Relations: Normalization in the Future?
Constabulary Forces and Postconflict Transition: The Euro-Atlantic Dimension
Sustaining US-European Global Security Cooperation
US-Australia Alliance Relations: An Australian View
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Toward an Equitable and Durable Solution
Insurgency: Modern Warfare Evolves into a Fourth Generation
Apocalyptic Terrorism: The Case for Preventive Action
Japan's Constitution and Defense Policy: Entering a New Era?
Eliminating Adversary WMD: Lessons for Future Conflicts
Shaping U.S. Policy on Africa: Pillars of a New Strategy
Deploying Missile Defense: Major Operational Challenges
NATO Decisionmaking: Au Revoir to the Consensus Rule?
Turbulent Transition in Iraq: Can It Succeed?
Collision Avoidance: US-Russian Bilateral Relations and Former Soviet States
Partnership for Peace: Charting a Course for a New Era
Securing Afghanistan: Entering a Make-or-Break Phase?
Modernizing China's Military: A High-Stakes Gamble?
Central Asian Leadership Succession: When, Not If
Resolving Korea’s Nuclear Crisis: Tough Choices for China
Preemptive Action: When, How, and to What Effect?
Finding a Kashmir Settlement: The Burden of Leadership
Building an Iraqi Defense Force
The ROK–US Alliance: Where Is It Headed?
Dissuasion as a Strategic Concept
Flashman’s Revenge: Central Asia after September 11
Colombia's War: Toward a New Strategy
China’s Trade Opening: Implications for Regional Stability
Terrorism’s Financial Lifeline: Can It be Severed?
US - Russian Relations: Toward a New Strategic Framework
Anticipating Strategic Surprise on the Korean Peninsula
Homeland Security: The New Role for Defense
Adversary Use of NBC Weapons: A Neglected Challenge
US-Saudi Relations: Rebuilding the Strategic Consensus
China: Making the Case for Realistic Engagement
Do European Union Defense Initiatives Threaten NATO?
Regional Conflicts with Strategic Consequences
A Golden Opportunity: The Next Steps in US-Indian Relations
A Military for the 21st Century: Lessons from the Recent Past
Normalizing US-Russian Relations
Revising the Two-Major Theater War Standard
The US Strategic Posture Review: Issues for the New Administration
Renovating US Strategic Arms Control Policy
The Next Round of NATO Enlargement
China Rising: New Challenges to the US Security Posture
Military Lessons from Desert One to the Balkans

Transforming the Armed Forces of Central and East Europe
The CIS and the Caucasus
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