
The Lowy Institute is an independent international policy think tank based in Sydney. Its objective is to generate new ideas and dialogue on international developments and Australia’s role in the world. The Lowy Institute Perspectives are occasional papers, essays or speeches on international events and policy which make a useful contribution to deepening the debate about international policy. They are more discursive and personal than the other publications produced by the Institute.

Publishers: Lowy Institute for International Policy
Publications: Subprime Nation?
New Voices 2011: Dynamic Asia
Uncharted Waters
Obama's Alliances
Middle-Power Approaches to Resource Politics in the Pacific
The New Public Diplomacy
Risky Business
Australia's Choices in 2011
'But This Time Everything Turns Out Differently'
Our Post-GFC World Economy
Losing Turkey?
Australian and Japan: Ambivalent Asians, Ambitious Regionalists
Our Consensus Future
The Return of Geo-economics: Globalisation and National Security
New Voices 2010: Global Encounters
How Do We Know When We Are at War?
Australia and India: How to Advance
Why Neoconservatism Still Matters
The 'New Middle East' and Why It Matters to Australia
The Vital Place of Nuclear Weapons in 21st Century US National Security Strategy
The Gulf States and Iran: Robust Competitors or Interested Bystanders?
Toward a Nuclear Weapons Free World
After The Perfect Storm
The Case for Australia's UN Security Council Bid
Barack Obama, Kevin Rudd and the Alliance: American and Australian Perspectives
A New Climate Strategy Beyond 2012: Lessons From Monetary History
The Pacific Islands and the World: The Global Economic Crisis
Australasian Anxieties: How Winston Churchill Shaped Australia's Relations with Britain, Japan and the United States for Six Decades
Australia's International Future
New Voices 2009: Networked
International Imbalances and International Policy Coordination
Tackling Extreme Poverty in Papua New Guinea
The Long Rise of China in Australian Defence Strategy
Going Global: A New Australia-Japan Agenda for Multilateral Cooperation
Towards the London Summit: Next Steps for the G-20
Australia and Indonesia: Partners in a New Era
Nuclear Disarmament
All Change or Plus ça Change . . .? The Global Financial Crisis and Four Key Drivers of the World Economy
Obama's Inaugural Address and US Foreign Policy
A Non-Provocative Defence Posture for Australia
Asian Military Modernisation
Engineering Political Stability in Solomon Islands
New Governments, New Beginnings: An Outlook on Korea-Australia Relations
Hizbullah: Walking the Lebanese Tightrope
Labour Mobility: An Australian Seasonal Work Visa Scheme for Pacific Islands Labour
Think Tanks and Foreign Policy
The New Defence White Paper
Liquid Terror: The Dynamics of Homegrown Radicalisation
Institutionalising Interests: Japan-Australia Relations in the 21st Century
Crunched: Lessons from the 2007 TLA Crisis
Africa's Trajectory: Through the Long Lens
Will this be the Pacific Century?
Still Looking to America
The Khmer Rouge Tribunal
Building on Strong Foundations
The Bangkok Challenge
The Water Politics of China and Southeast Asia II
Australia and New Zealand in a Globalising World
Dealing with a Democratic Indonesia
Advancing the National Interest in a Globalizing World
From National to International Climate Change Policy
International Liquidity
Globalization and Capital Flows
After Iraq
Macroeconomic Policy Challenges for New Zealand
Australians and Indonesians
Regional and Global Responses to the Asian Crisis
Is a ´New Middle East´ Possible?
Balancing Australia's Security Interests
Australia-Indonesia Roundtable
In Praise of Hypocrisy
The People Have Spoken: Elections and the Future of Israeli- Palestianian Peacemaking
The Trouble with Trade
Speeches and Foreign Policy
Japan: Ripe for Re-assessment
Japan´s ´New Internationalism´
Shaking the World? China and the World Economy
The Chinese Economy: Impact on Korea and Australia
New Voices 2005
China and the International Economy
Grand Strategy, National Security and the Australia Defence Force
The Pacific: Beyond Post-Colonialism and the Pacific Way, a New Era?
Staying the Course: AUSAID's Governance Performance in Indonesia
A New, New World Order?
Getting the Job Done: Iraq and the Malayan Emergency
The Outlook for the Global Economy in 2005
Parallel Worlds
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Assessing Criticism of the Australia- United States Free Trade Agreement
A La Carte Sovereignty
Wither The Anglosphere
Integration: ´Think Global, Act Regional´
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