
The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) offers solutions to pressing governance challenges, build ideas for global change through world class research and dialogue, and propose innovative solutions to global challenges. CIGI's Policy Briefs in International Governance present topical, policy-relevant research across CIGI's main research themes.

Publishers: Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Publications: Leveraging Media Coverage of Disasters to Support Disaster Risk Reduction
Standards for the Digital Economy: Creating an Architecture for Data Collection, Access and Analytics
World Trade Organization 2.0: Reforming Multilateral Trade Rules for the Digital Age
Green Shift to Sustainability: Co-Benefits and Impacts of Energy Transformation
Greece: Playing with Matches in the Ammunition Warehouse
GDP-indexed Bonds: A Way Forward
Sustainability Innovation in Canadian Small Businesses: What We Need to Know
China: Canada´s Strategic Imperative
Managing Climate Change Risk in Coastal Canadian Communities through Sustainable Insurance
Does Ukraine Receive the Aid it Deserves?
Transfer of Clean Technologies from North to South: Legal Barriers and Mitigations
A Transatlantic Perspective on CETA
How the United States Can Do Much More on Climate and Jobs
Energy in the G20 Finance Track: G20 Energy Transformation during the German Presidency
For the Agenda of the German G20 Presidency: A Global Sovereign Debt Restructuring Regime
Leveraging University-Generated Intellectual Property to Benefit Canadian Industry: Exploring New Roles for Universities in Contributing to an IP and Innovation Strategy
Vulnerability and Debt in Small States
Tapping the Potential of the Silent Majority: The Role of Small Business Entrepreneurs in Building Resilient, Low-Carbon Communities
Domestic Politics and Sustainability Reporting
The G20´s Development Agenda: Fundamental, Not a Sidebar
The Case for Intellectual Property Rights
Populist Movements: A Driving Force behind Recent Renationalization Trends
Conflict Zones, Israel and Diaspora Perspectives in Canadian Foreign Policy
Global Sustainability, Climate Change and Finance Policy
Enhancing Women Migrant Workers' Rights and Mainstreaming Gender in Global Migration Governance
Toward SDG 2: Food and Security and Urbanization in the Global South
A Model-Law Approach to Restructuring Unsustainable Sovereign Debt
Preparedness Rather than Response: A Strategy to Prevent the Next Ebola Crisis
Prioritizing International Monetary and Financial Cooperation for the G20
Cross-border Resolution of Financial Firms
Six Ways to Make Climate Negotiations More Effective
Mexican Perspectives on Sovereign Debt Management and Restructuring
Conducting Global Climate Change Negotiations: Harnessing the Power of Process
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
The IMF's Ukraine Burden
Policy Options Could Increase Ambition in the 2015 Climate Agreement
When Central Banks Surprise: Why it is Important and What Policy Makers Need to Do about It
The Arctic Council Leadership Merry-Go-Round: Words of Advice as the Unites States Assumes the Arctic Council Chairmanship
Further Reform of Sovereign Debt Restructuring: An Agenda for 2015
Identifying and Resolving Inter-Creditor and Debtor-Creditor Equity Issues in Sovereign Debt Restructuring
Bootstrap Immigrants: Assessing the Conservative Transformation of Canada's Immigration Policy
Let Bygones Be Bygones: The Case for India's Inclusion in APEC
The 2014 Survey of Progress in International Economic Governance
Ukraine: Stress at the IMF
Responding to Health Challenges: The Role of Domestic Resource Mobilization
Education in Emergencies
Infrastructure and Sustainable Development Goals in the BRICS-led New Development Bank
The African Union and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
African Climate Change Negotiators Need a New Strategy
National Ownership and Post-Conflict Peace Building
The Politics of the ´Unfinished Business´: Bosnian Police Reform
IMF Lending Practices and Sovereign Debt Restructuring
The Northwest Territories and Arctic Maritime Development in the Beaufort Area
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
China's Long March toward Economic Rebalancing
The IMF's Preferred Creditor Status: Does it Still Make Sense after the Euro Crisis?
Central Bank Independence in North Africa
A Failure to Cooperate? Raising the Risks and Challenges of Existing Unconventional Monetary Policies
Shifting IMF Policies since the Arab Uprisings
More Inclusive Decision-Making Processes in Foreign Land Leasing
Hot Air, Guilt and Arbitration
Climate Change, a Dead Horse and Realpolitik
Black Swans / White House: Why JFK Matters a Half Century After Dallas
Strengthening Transnational Justice in Bosnia: Regional Possibilities and Parallel Narratives
Arbiters Amiss: The Failings and Shortcomings of Institutions Governing the Global Financial System
The Sovereign Debt Forum
The Responsibility to Protect: Ensuring the Norm's Relevance after Libya, Cote d'Ivoire and Syria
Hedging Against an Unstable China: Measures to Enhance Regional and Global Resilience
Big Data, Big Responsibilities
Nunavut and the New Arctic
Effectively Engaging Diasporas under the New Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Improving Participartory Water Governance in Accra, Ghana
East Asian States, the Arctic Council and International Relations in the Arctic
Coordination Critical to Ensuring the Early Warning Exercise is Effective
Post-Doha Trade Governance
Canada's Return To East Asia: Re-engagement Through Maritime Diplomacy
Canada-US Arctic Marine Corridors and Resource Development
Responding to Disaster: Neglected Dimensions of Preparedness and their Consequences
Unleashing the Nuclear Watchdog
This Time is Not Different: Blaming Short Sellers
Brazil as an Emerging Environmental Donor
How Are Key 21st-Century Powers Arranging Themselves -- For Competition, Coexistence, or Cooperation?
Improving the Governance of the Food Aid Convention
The Environment and Corporate Governance in Zimbabwe
Developing Countries - Even China - Cannot Rescue the World Economy
Bridging the North-South Divide on Climate Post Copenhagen
Issues, Obstacles and Outlook for the Copenhagen International Climate Change Negotiation
The Summitry of Small States
The G20 and Green Protectionism
The Oil-Producing Gulf States, the IMF and the International Financial Crisis
Sense and Nonsense about Deflation
The G20 Leaders' Summit and the Regulation of Global Finance: What Was Accomplished?
The End of Monetary Dominance? How Crises Can Influence Monetary Policy Decisions and Institutions
Towards the G20 Summit: From Financial Crisis to International Regulatory Reform
International Payments Imbalances and Global Governance
Global Governance for a Global Age
China's Growing Economic Presence in Africa
Refocusing the WTO after the Cessation of Doha Round Negotiations
Climate Change-Related Border Tax Adjustments
Higher Educational Transformation in China and Its Global Implications
India's Rising and Shining: Will it Prove a False Dawn?
The Logic of the B(R)ICSAM Model for G8 Reform
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