
The Center for Global Development (CGD) is an independent, not-for-profit think tank that works to reduce global poverty and inequality by encouraging policy change in the US and other rich countries through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community. The CGD Briefs contain information in a compact form on topics that are related to these goals, such as international trade policy, aid and development.

Publishers: Center for Global Development (CGD)
Publications: Commitment to Development Index 2014
Publishing Government Contracts: Addressing Concerns and Easing Implementation (Brief)
The Brazil-Norway Agreement with Performance-Based Payments for Forest Conservation
The Quality of Official Development Assistance 2014
Stopping Deforestation: What Works and What Doesn't
Delivering on a Data Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa
Time for FAO to Shift to a Higher Gear
Results-Based Payments Reduce the Real Costs of Corruption in Foreign Aid
Making Large-Scale Wind and Solar Power a Reality
Revisiting the Quality of Agricultural Official Development Assistance
Food Aid for the 21st Century: Saving More Money, Time, and Lives
Time-Bound Labor Access to the United States
A New Deal
Implementing a Results-Based Approach to Strengthen IDA Support for Fragile States
Innovating for Food Security and Smallholder Livelihoods
A Proposal for IDA-17
Restoring US Leadership on Trade and Development
US Spending in Haiti
The Need for More Local Procurement in Haiti
Wanted: A Climate Agency for a Bottom-Up World
Greenprint: Three Big Changes for Countries to Take Action on Climate Change
Building a Biometric National ID
Getting Better Value for Money in Malaria Control
Priority-Setting in Health
Energizing Rio+20
Quantifying the Quality of Health Aid
Due Diligence: An Impertinent Inquiry into Microfinance
Global Health and the New Bottom Billion
Commitment to Development Index 2012
Commitment to Development Index 2011
Measuring the Quality of Aid: QuODA Second Edition
Migration as a Tool for Disaster Recovery
Safer, Faster, Cheaper: Improving Clinical Trials and Regulatory Pathways to Fight Neglected Diseases
Achieving an AIDS Transition
International Finance Corporation
The ABCs of the General Capital Increase
Regional Development Banks
International Monetary Fund
World Bank
Leadership Selection at the International Financial Institutions
The Commander's Emergency Response Program in Afghanistan: Five Practical Recommendations
Affordable Interventions to Prevent Noncommunicable Diseases Worldwide
Beyond Aid: Migration as a Tool for Disaster Recovery
GAVI's Future: Steps to Build Strategic Leadership, Financial Sustainability, and Better Partnerships
Growing Business or Development Priority?
The New Bottom Billion
The Challenge of Aid in Pakistan
Focus UNFPA: Four Recommendations for Action
Commitment to Development Index 2010
Cash on Delivery: A New Approach to Foreign Aid
Emerging Africa: How 17 Countries Are Leading the Way
Think Long Term: How Global AIDS Donors Can Strengthen the Health Workforce in Africa
Reviving AGOA
Start with a Girl: A New Agenda for Global Health
The Race Against Drug Resistance
Billions More for International Institutions? The ABCs of the General Capital Increases (GCI)
A New and Improved African Development Bank?
Making Trade Preferences Work for the Poorest Countries
Every Dollar Counts: How Global AIDS Donors Can Better Link Funding Decisions to Performance
Growing Pains in Latin America
Going Beyond Gender as Usual: Why and How Global HIV/AIDS Donors Can Do More forWomen and Girls
Performance Incentives for Global Health
Africa's Private Sector: What's Wrong with the Business Environment and What to Do About It
How to Unlock the $ 1 Trillion that Developing Countries Urgently Need to Cope with the Crisis
We Don't Need No Education? Why the United States Should Take the Lead on Global Education
Report of the UNAIDS Leadership Transition Working Group
From Innovation to Impact: Next Steps for the Millennium Challenge Corporation
Commitment to Development Index 2009
What's Behind the Recent Declines in US Foreign Assistance?
The 2008 Commitment to Development Index
Round Six of the MCA: Which Countries Are Most Likely to Be Selected for FY2009?
The Age of Turbulence and Poor Countries: The Case for MDB Help with Risk Management
Aid for Education
More Growth with More Income Equality in the Americas
US Trade Policy and Global Development
Tripping Over Health: US Policy on Patents and Drug Access in Developing Countries
Why Global Development Matters and What the Next US President Should Do About It
Getting the Focus Right: US Leadership in the Fight Against Global Corruption
"Can You Hear Me Now?" How Cell Phones are Transforming Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Age of Turbulence and Poor Countries
Which Countries Make the FY2009 Corruption Cut?
Seizing the Opportunity on AIDS and Health Systems
Power and Roads for Africa
US Foreign Assistance for the 21st Century
Global Warming: An Opportunity for Greatness
Healthy Foreign Policy
Don't Close the Golden Door
A Little Less Talk
El Salavador Field Report
Opportunities for Presidential Leadership on AIDS
Japan, China and Thailand Can Solve the Rice Crisis
Integration in the Americas: One Idea for Plan B
The Numbers Behind the Stories
Commitment to Development Index for Africa
U.S. Development Assistance to Africa and to the World
Young Democracies in the Balance: Lessons for the International Community
Round Five of the MCA: Which Countries are Most Likely to be Selected for FY 2008
The Impact of FY2008 Funding Options on the Millenium Challenge Account
PEPFAR Reauthorization: Improving Transparency in US Funding for HIV/AIDS
Following the Funding for HIV/AIDS
Global Warming and Agriculture
Trade Policy for Development
The 2007 Commitment to Developent Index
A White House Focus on Social Justice in Latin America?
Does the IMF Constrain Health Spending in Poor Countries?
Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts? - Assessing “Whole of Government” Approaches to Fragile States
A Risky Business: Saving Money and Improving Global Health through Better Demand Forecasts
Generating Political Priority for Public Health Causes in Developing Countries: Implications from a Study on Maternal Mortality
Will the Poor Be Flooded Out? The IPCC’s Predicted Flood Disasters and Their Implications for Development Aid
Lessons from Seven Countries: Reflections on the Millennium Challenge Account
Will the Millennium Challenge Account Be Caught in the Crosshairs? A Critical Year for Full Funding
A Trickle or a Flood: Commitments and Disbursement for HIV/AIDS from the Global Fund, PEPFAR, and the World Bank’s Multi-Country AIDS Program (MAP)
A Better Way Forward on Trade and Labor Standards
Inexcusable Absence:Why 60 Million Girls Still Aren’t in School and What to Do About It
Bilateral Guest Worker Agreements: A Win-Win Solution for Rich Countries and Poor People in the Developing World
Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health
Expand and Enhance: A Proposal to Strengthen the MCA Eligibility Process When Adding the Natural Resource Indicators
Saving the Doha Round Requires Further Cuts in US Agricultural Support
Agriculture and the Doha Round
US Aid to Africa After the Midterm Elections? A “Surprise Party” Update
Freetown to Hollywood: The Kimberley Process Takes on Africa’s ‘Blood Diamonds’
China ExIm Bank and Africa: New Lending, New Challenges
Fixing International Financial Institutions: How Africa Can Lead the Way
Africa’s Investment Climate Facility: Does it Deserve U.S. Support?
Tackling Healthcare Corruption and Governance Woes in Developing Countries
Learning from Development: the Case for an International Council to Catalyze Independent Impact Evaluations of Social Sector Interventions
The Globalizers in Search of a Future: Four Reasons why the IMF and World Bank Must Change, and four Ways They Can
Vaccines for Development
In World Bank Corruption Fight, Independent Evaluation is Key
How Countries Get Rich
Education and the Developing World
Global HIV / AIDS and the Developing World
US Assistance for Global Development
Global Trade and Development
Why Global Development Matters for the US
State Building and Global Development
Global Trade, Jobs and Labor Standards
After Mugabe, Zimbabwe Will Need Post-Conflict Response
Foreign Investment and Economic Development: Evidence from Private Firms in East Africa
Food Aid: Doing Well by Doing Good
Achieving a Grand Bargain in the Doha Round
Looking For the Devil In the Doha Agricultural Negotiations
Rich Country Tariffs and Subsidies: Let’s Do the Numbers
Are the Proposed Cuts in EU and US Agricultural Subsidies Real?
The Global Migration of Talent: What Does it Mean for Developing Countries?
What’s Wrong with the Millennium Development Goals?
The 2005 Commitment to Development Index: Components and Results
US Pledges of Aid to Africa: Let’s Do the Numbers
Costs and Causes of Zimbabwe’s Crisis
Grants for the World’s Poorest: How the World Bank Should Distribute Its Funds
Big Sugar and the Political Economy of US Agricultural Policy
Resolving Nigeria’s Debt Through a Discounted Buyback
Gold for Debt: What’s New and What Next?
Making Markets for Vaccines–Ideas to Action
Connecting the Poor to Economic Growth: Eight Key Questions
Adjusting to the MFA Phase-Out: Policy Priorities
Double Standards on IDA and Debt: The Case for Reclassifying Nigeria
No Child Left Behind—Anywhere
Overcoming Stagnation in Aid-Dependent Countries
Making it Pay to Stay in School
A Better Globalization: Legitimacy, Reform, and Governance
On the Road to Universal Primary Education
Trading Up: How Much Should Poor Countries Pay to Support Pharmaceutical Innovation?
Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health
Trading Up: Labor Standards, Development, and CAFTA
Toward a New Social Contract in Latin America
Privatization in Latin America
Trading Up: Trade Policy and Global Poverty
Trading Up: Strengthening AGOA’s Development Potential
The Millennium Challenge Account: Soft Power or Collateral Damage?
From Promise to Performance: How Rich Countries Can Help Poor Countries Help Themselves
Beyond TRIPS: A New Global Patent Regime
How much GO in AGOA?
Delivering on Debt Relief
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