
Afrobarometer is an independent, nonpartisan research project that measures the social, political and economic atmosphere in Africa. Its surveys are conducted in more than a dozen African countries and are repeated on a regular cycle. They compare countries systematically and track trends in public attitudes. The Afrobarometer Briefing Papers provide information on developments in countries such as Ghana, Kenya and South Africa, focusing on popular opinions, economic conditions and governance.

Publishers: Afrobarometer
Publications: Guinéens apprécient l’influence de la Chine mais préfèrent le modèle des Etats-Unis
'Lived Poverty' Can Inform Swazi Anti-Poverty Efforts
Perceptions Contrastées sur l’Economie dans la Communauté Est-Africaine: Pourquoi les Burundais Sont-Ils Différents?
Going in the Wrong Direction? Ugandans Report Declining Government Effectiveness
Democratization in Kenya: Public Dissatisfied with the Benefit-less Transition
Malgré la Crise Vécue, les Ivoiriens Affirment leur Soutien pour la Démocratie
Les Burkinabè préfèrent l’impartialité politique de leurs chefs traditionnels
Au Sénégal, les progrès en education à la traîne malgré les iInvestissements
L’opinion publique pousse à l'égalité des genres au Burkina Faso
Au Niger, le soutien est fort mais pas unanime pour l’adoption de la sharia dans la Constitution
Gender Equality and the Participation of Women in Public Office in Swaziland
East African Federation
Botswana’s Economic Performance Rating Slips
The Perils and Complexity of Democratic Values in Namibia
Les grands écarts d’opinions liées au genre au Togo
La place de la femme dans l’opinion des Togolais
Redevabilite sociale et attentes des Malgaches envers leurs dirigeants
Gouvernance, corruption et confiance a l’egard des institutions a Madagascar
Democratie et reformes institutionnelles : Perceptions et attentes des Beninois
Situation economique et sociale sationale : Perceptions des Beninois
The Practice of Democracy in Ghana
Political Accountability in Ghana
The Employment Status of Zambians
Interrogating Citizens’ Economic Well-being, Government Economic Performance and Social Service Delivery in Sierra Leone
Zambia’s Economic Performance
Examining Government and Public Officials’ Accountability and Responsiveness
Chieftainship (Bogosi) Endures Despite Democratic Consolidation in Botswana
Ghanaian Evaluations of Economic and Living Conditions in 2012
Basotho’s Difficulties Accessing Household Services from the Government
Support for Democracy in Lesotho
Are Malawian Adults Turning Pink?
Examining the Relevance of Political Parties in Malawi
Tax Administration in Ghana: Perceived Institutional Challenges
Governance and Democracy Attitudes in Higher Performing African Countries
Unemployment Biggest Problem for Basotho, Who Also Endorse Illegal Migration to Get Jobs
Popular Attitudes Toward Democracy in Mauritius
Islands Drifting Apart? A Comparative Analysis of the Socio-economic Experience of Rodrigues and Mauritius
Tanzania: Citizen's Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Taxation, Tax Enforcements and Tax Officials
A Tale of Two Presidents: Assessments of ‘Chitsulo Cha Njanje’ and ‘Amayi’ in Malawi
Trapped in Underdevelopment: The Permanence of Poverty and Food Insecurity in Malawi
Zimbabweans' (Mostly) Tolerant Views on Citizenship
Zimbabwean's Views on Empowerment: Jobs vs Business Takeovers
The Popular Quest for Devolution in Zimbabwe
Crisis in Mali: Ambivalent Popular Attitudes on the Way Forward
Citizens Perception on Migration in South Africa
Citizen Perceptions of Democracy in Uganda
Perceptions and Realities of Corruption in South Africa
The Constitution of Kenya 2010: Kenyans Give a Thumbs Up
Party Identification in South Africa
Freedom of Expression in Kenya: Exploring Public Use of Old and New Media
Declining Confidence in Economic Performance in Kenya
Trends in Popular Attitudes to Multiparty Democracy in Africa, 2000-2012
Public Attitudes Towards the President of the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma
Voting Intentions in Zimbabwe: A Margin of Terror?
Protest and Political Participation in South Africa
Public Perceptions of Uganda's Economy: In Crisis?
Public Perceptions on Constitutional Reform in Zimbabwe
Trends in Public Opinion on Health Care in Zimbabwe: 1999-2010
The Uses of the Afrobarometer in Policy Planning, Program Design and Evaluation
Zimbabwe: The Evolving Public Mood
Is Crime Dividing the Rainbow Nation?
La gouvernance locale au Sénégal
La gouvernance politique au Sénégal
The Uses of the Afrobarometer in Promoting Democratic Governance
What Can the Afrobarometer Tell Us About Service Delivery in Africa?
Kenyans and the Coalition Government
Integration in East Africa
Local Government in Kenya
Namibia Political Party Prospects Leading to the 2009 Elections
Economic Conditions, Living Conditions and Poverty in Mozambique
Observance of the Rule of Law in Mozambique
The Public Mood on Zimbabwe’s Inclusive Government
Green Shoots of Hope
Zimbabwe: People’s Development Agenda in 2009
Tolerance in South Africa
Citizen Perceptions of the Economic and Living Conditions in Zambia
Zambian Citizens, Democracy and Political Participation
Les opinions des burkinabè sur la chefferie traditionnelle
Le performance du gouvernement du Mali
Situation socioéconomique des Burkinabè et performance du gouvernement
Proportional Representation and Popular Assessments of MP Performance in South Africa
A Country Turning Blue?
Spot the Difference: A Comparison of Presidents' and Governments' Performance Since 1999
Popular Opinions on Democracy in Liberia, 2008
Land Disputes in Liberia
Popular Appraisals of Socio-Economic Conditions in Liberia, 2008
Are Democratic Citizens Emerging in Africa?
Citizens of the World? Africans, Media and Telecommunications
Poverty Reduction, Economic Growth and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa
Neither Consolidating Nor Fully Democratic
Popular Views on Crime in Tanzania
Perceptions de la situation économique et des performances du gouvernment
Les Malgaches et la démocratie
La gouvernance à Madagascar
Jobs and Widespread Wealth Elude even a Well Managed Economy
Demanding Democratic Rule: Batswana Support Democracy and Reject Non-Democratic Alternatives
Batswana Support Press Freedom and Critical Speech
Tanzanians and Their MPs
Popular Perceptions of Shari'a Law in Nigeria
Conditions de vie et situation économique au Bénin, 2008
Demande et offre de démocratie au Bénin: Qu'en est t'il?
Perceptions et incidence de la corruption au Benin
East African Federation: Tanzanians Favor Greater Economic Integration, but Wary of Stronger Political Links
Public Opinion and Local Government in Nigeria, 2008
Popular Opinions on Local Government in Ghana, 2008
Popular Attitudes to Democracy in Ghana, 2008
Economic Conditions in Ghana in 2008
How Ghanaians Rate the Performance of the NPP Administration
Ethnicity and Violence in the 2007 Elections in Kenya
Les Malgaches et la politique
The Status of Democracy, 2005-2006
Performance and Legitimacy in Nigeria's New Democracy
The Public Agenda: Change and Stability in South Africans’ Ratings of National Priorities
South Africans' Rating of Government Performance
Resurgent Perceptions of Corruption in South Africa
Surging Economic Optimism Amid Enduring Poverty
Is South Africa's Public Service "User Friendly"?
Instruments de mesure, d’analyse et de suivi de la gouvernance
Local Government and Democracy in Lesotho
Changing Attitudes Toward Democracy in Lesotho
Despite Economic Growth, Tanzanians Still Dissatisfied
Term Limits, the Presidency, and the Electoral System
Delivery of Social Service on Mainland Tanzania
Combating Corruption in Tanzania
Give Us a Chance! Uncovering Latent Political Participation Among Malawians
Responsiveness and Accountability in Malawi
Public Perceptions of Operation Murambatsvina in Zimbabwe
People's Development Agenda and Government's Policy Performance in Zimbabwe
Support for Democracy and Democratic Institutions in Zimbabwe
Kenyans and the Economy: Disillusionment Despite Improved Performance
Corruption in Kenya, 2005
Kenyans and Democracy
Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana
Accès aux services publics et conditions économiques : des inégalités entre les riches et les pauvres… mais pas de discriminations ethniques
La démocratie à Madagascar : un soutien marqué mais un fonctionnement à améliorer
Gouvernance et corruption à Madagascar : perceptions et réalité
Perception de la situation économique et des performances du gouvernement
Despite Reforms, Dissatisfaction Persists with Economic Conditions in Ghana
Sustained Support for Democracy in Ghana
AIDS and Public Opinion in South Africa
Lived Poverty in South Africa
Démocratie au Bénin
Is There a Political Gender Gap in Uganda?
Ugandans Divided on Political Transition
Public Opinion and HIV/AIDS
Lived Poverty in Africa
Africa’s Unemployment Crisis
Democracy and Electoral Alternation
Africans' Views of International Organizations
Freedom of Speech, Media Exposure, and the Defense of a Free Press in Africa
Trends in Political Party Support in South Africa
The Changing Public Agenda
Poverty, Poverty Measurement, and Democracy in Southern Africa
Islam, Democracy, and Public Opinion in Africa
Violent Social Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria
Key Findings About Public Opinion in Africa
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