
The Peace Research Institute Frankfurt is to date the largest as well as the oldest peace research institute in Germany. PRIF's work is directed toward identifying the causes of violent international and internal conflicts, carrying out research into the conditions necessary for peace and spreading the concepts of peace. Within the framework of its political counseling, research results are converted into practically orientated options for action that find their way into the public debate. The contents of the PRIF Reports are in English and directed at opinion makers abroad.

Publishers: Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)
Publications: Lernende Künstliche Intelligenz in der Rüstungskontrolle
Dealing with China in the South China Sea: Duterte Changing Course
´Plural Peace´ – Principles of a New Russia Policy
3D Printing and International Security: Risks and Challenges of an Emerging Technology
The Quest for Social Justice in Tunisia: Socioeconomic Protest and Political Democratization post 2011
US Alliance Obligations in the Disputes in the East and South China Seas
Japan´s Policy towards the South China Sea – Applying ´Proactive Peace Diplomacy´?
Civil-Military Relations in Thailand since the 2014 Coup
Which Gets Protection: Belief or Believer?
Setting the Model: Reforming Policing in Guinea-Bissau
From Closing Space to Contested Spaces
Facing China: Crises or Peaceful Coexistence in the South China Sea
Ten Years R2P: What Doesn‘t Kill a Norm Only Makes it Stronger?
Afghanistan and Central Asia in 2015
Transformation of an Order Through Reversal of a Norm-Hierarchy
The Fortunate Ones and the Ones Still Waiting: Reparations for War Victims in Sierra Leone
Undermining Human Security
Growing Up Rough: The Changing Politics of Justice at the International Criminal Court
The Reform of Guinea-Bissau’s Security Sector
Assessing Contemporary Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia
Friend or Foe? Developing Partnerships in Natural Resource Governance
Highly Enriched Uranium, a Dangerous Substance that Should Be Eliminated
Development Cooperation or Competition?
Designing Elections in Conflict-Prone Divided Societies: The Case of South Sudan
Unruly Boots: Military Power and Security Sector Reform Efforts in Thailand
Balanced Minimalism: The Biological Weapons Convention after its 7th Review Conference
Verified Transparency: New Conceptual Ideas for Conventional Arms Control in Europe
Pakistan's Rise to Nuclear Power and the Contribution of German Companies
Cambios en la justicia comunitaria y factores de influencia
Mafia-style Domination in the Philippines: Comparing Provinces
A Thirsty Dragon: Rising Chinese Crude Oil Demand and Prospects for Multilateral Energy Security Cooperation
From Meltdown to Showdown? Challenges and Options for Governance in the Arctic
Mafia-Style Domination: The Philippine Province of Pampanga
Libya and the Future of the Responsibility to Protect
Promoting or Demoting Democracy Abroad?
Violence as a Means of Control and Domination in the Southern Philippines
Domination in Negros Occidental: Variants on a Ruling Oligarchy
The European Union Peacebuilding Approach: Governance and Practices of the Instrument for Stability
Nairobi Burning
Democracy, the Armed Forces and Military Deployment
Promoting or Demoting Democracy Abroad?
Violence as a Means of Control and Domination in the Southern Philippines
The Contested 'Parliamentarisation' of EU Foreign and Security Policy
Re-engaging Latin America‘s Left?
Militarized Versus Civilian Policing: Problems of Reforming the Afghan National Police
Debatte vertagt?
The EU and Belarus Engaged: No Wedding in Sight
Robot Warriors
The Roo and the Dragon
Keeping Space Safe
Nuclear Transparency and Registers of Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Materials
Whither to, Obama?
Binding Non-State Armed Groups to International Humanitarian Law
Democratic Security Sector Governance in Serbia
Philippine Governance: Merging Politics and Crime
Between Morality and Military Interests: Norm Setting in Humanitarian Arms Control
Between Impositions and Promises
China in the South Pacific
Military Confidence Building and Arms Control in Unresolved Territorial Conflicts
Private Security Companies and the State Monopoly on Violence
'Natural Friends'? Relations Between the United States and India After 2001
In Doubt for the Monarchy
After the Caucasian War
Farewell Non-Alignment?
Bad Guys, Good Guys, or Something in Between?
Violence in a Homeostatic System: The Case of Honduras
Between Ground Zero and Square One
From Exodus to Exitus - Causes of Post-War Violence in El Salvador
Light at the End of the Tunnel? The Sixth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention
Turkey: Islam and Laicism Between the Interests of State, Politics and Society
Nuclear Weapons Research and Modernization Without Nuclear Testing
Violence in Peace: Forms and Causes of Postwar Violence in Guatemala
Peace on the Korean Peninsula
Europe's New Neighborhood on the Verge of War: What Role for the EU in Georgia?
Democratic Consolidation in Georgia after the
Framing Violence: Nation- and State-Building
Political Clans and Violence in the Southern Philippines
Doctrine and Practice of Preventive War: Its Impact on European Security
US Nuclear Policy After the Cold War
Looking for a Demarcation Between Nuclear Transparency and Nuclear Secrecy
Arrogance of Power – Arrogance of Impotence: The Iraq Conflict, US
Poverty Reduction Through Democratisation?
The Role of the EU in the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: The Way To Thessaloniki and Beyond
Terrorism Using Biological and Nuclear Weapons: A Critical Analysis of Risks after 11 September 2001
Applying Theories of Ethno-Cultural Conflict and Conflic Resolution to Collective Violence in Indonesia
Confidence and/or Control? Seeking a new Relationship between North and South Korea
Demarcation versus Cooperation: Peculiarities of Western Democracy Promotion in Russia
A Case for Justice? Reflections on the Foundations and Perspectives of the German Arms Export Politics
From Confrontation to Integration: The Evolution of Ethnopolitics in the Baltic States
Principles of the Verfication for a Future Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT)
Unilateralism as Sole Foreign-Policy Strategy?
Positioning Europe as a Credible Actor in the
Nuclear Weapons and German Interests: An Attempt at Redefinition
Switzerland – A Model for Solving Nationality Conflicts?
A Nuclear Weapon Free World - Can It Be Verified?
Free Trade + Democratization = Development? The European Union's Maghreb Policy
The Nuclear Weapons Register - A Good Idea Whose Time has Come
Security in a Nuclear Weapons Free World: How to Cope with the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons Threat
'Talk to Them? No Way!' Models of Dispute Settlement in Multicultural Urban Societies
A Treaty on the Cutoff of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons - What to Cover? How to Verify?
Unilateral Strains in Transatlantic Relations: US Sanctions Against Those Who Trade With Cuba, Iran and Lybia, and Their Effects on the World Trade Regime
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