
Oxford Research Group (ORG) is an independent nongovernmental organization which seeks to bring about positive change on issues of national and international security. ORG International Security Monthly Briefings provide a concise monthly overview of the international security situation, focusing on the "war on terror," the related conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the implications of US and UK foreign policy for the majority world.

Publishers: Oxford Research Group (ORG)
Publications: The Syria Attack: Motives and Consequences
Trump and Bolton: Making a Greater American Century?
Limited Nuclear Wars – Myth and Reality
Climate Change, Migration and Security
After Mosul: Islamic State´s Asian and African Future
Manchester, the General Election and Britain´s Security Narrative
Trump, North Korea and the Risk of War
Sustainable Security in the Trump Era
Understanding Your Enemy: Donald Trump and IS
Islamic State: In Retreat or Transition?
Looking Beyond Stalemate in the Middle East
Russia's Intervention in Syria: Implications for Western Engagement
The UK’s Creeping Intervention in Syria
Islamic State and Revolts from the Margins
Responding to the Tunisia Attack
Afghanistan after the Western Withdrawal
Is Islamic State Now Evolving into a Transnational Movement
Is Islamic State Here to Stay?
The United States and Iran: A Complicated Relationship
Is Islamic State in Retreat?
2015: A Perfect Storm
From Arab Awakening to Islamic State
The Evolution of the Islamic State Conflict
The Islamic State and its Potential
The Iraq Crisis (Part IV)
Gaza: Context and Consequences
The Iraq Crisis (Part III): Is Baghdad at Risk?
The Iraq Crisis (Part II)
The Iraq Crisis: A Note on ISIL Advances and Potential Military Intervention
The War in Syria: Responding to Stalemate
The Ukraine Crisis in Relation to Syria and Iran
Responding to Climate Disruption - Developing the Agenda
Iranian Foreign Policy after a Nuclear Agreement
Al-Qaida: An Idea in Search of a Cause
Syria and Iraq: Planning for a Long War and a Long Recovery
Syria, Russia and the Winter Olympics
The Syrian Chemical Weapons Agreement in Perspective
The Evolution of the Al-Qaida Movement
Fighting Climate Change Denial: Climate Disruption in Perspective
Syria: Deteriorisation or Compromise?
Syria: The Transnational Dimension and the Chance of Compromise
North Korea: Taking Account of the View from Pyongyang
Al-Qaida and the Wider Jihadist Phenomenon
Syria: The Evolving Problem of Competing Militias
ORG Special Briefing: Chances for Peace in the Second Decade
Al-Qaida - The Potency of an Idea
The Iranian and Syrian Crises: The Dangers of Linkage
Iran: The Significance of Fordo
The Jihadist Element in Syria and its Implications
Food Security and Climate Change
Mali: The Risk of Intervention
The Current Status of Al-Qaida
Nigeria: The Generic Context of the Boko Haram Violence
The Potential for Israeli Military Action Against Iran’s Nuclear Facilities
The Political Context of the Iran Crisis
A World Divided - Or Coming Together?
Afghanistan and the New American Way of War
After Durban - The Big Climate Change Questions
After Iraq
After Libya - Now Thrive the Armourers
A War Gone Badly Wrong - The War on Terror Ten Years on
Awakening and Famine in the Global Context
Al-Qaida and the Arab Awakening
Libya at the Centre
Arab Spring or Autumn?
Libya, Bahrain and NATO
After Egypt
Tunisia and Egypt in Context
Insecurity and Policy Choices
The Strategic Defence Review
The Iraq War in Context
Climate Change and Security
A Complex War in the Shadows
Afghan Options
Reviewing Britain's Security
Progress in Part
A Hint of Victory?
Three Connected Conflicts
The al-Qaida Movement – Status and Prospects
The Afghanistan Decision
A Prize Worth Having?
Afghanistan and NATO
The Afghanistan War: Origins and Consequences
Arc of Conflict
The Obama Cairo Speech
Israel, Iran and the Nuclear Issue
Britain's National Security Strategy - One Year on
From Recession to Slump - Crisis or Opportunity?
Gaza - The Aftermath
The Gaza Conflict
Irregular Warfare and Revolts From the Margins
The Financial Crisis and Sustainable Security
Multiple Conflicts and Old Thinking
A Shift of Focus
Israel and Iran - A Risk of Crisis
Food, Poverty and Security
A Different Surge
Britain's Security: A New Approach?
A Suez Moment?
NATO - A Sense of Crisis
Change - From Iraq Through to Pakistan
From Evil Empire to Axis of Evil
Drift to War
Into Year Seven
Iraq After the Surge
Mixed Messages From the Brown Government
Change in Pakistan and Britain
A Thirty Year War?
Four Years On
Iraq Options and US Politics
Environment and Development: The Underlying Global Issues
A Surge in Two Wars?
Responding to the Baker Report
After the US Elections
Insecurity in Iraq
The Afghan Summer of War
The Lebanon Aftermath
A Third War
Spring Offensives in Two Wars
Oil Security and the Iraq War
From Cold War to Long War
Iran - Sliding to War?
Iraq - Three Years On
Iraq, Afghanistan and Now Iran Once Again
Control Without the Consequences
The Politics of War
Iraq in a Wider Perspective
The US Military and the
London, Sharm al Sheikh and the al-Qaida Movement
Gaza in Context
Iraq, Afghanistan and US Public Opinion
US Options in Iraq
The Iraq Impasse
The Bush Administration, Insurgencies and Iran
Limitations of Power
Elections and Their Consequences
Towards the Third Year of War
Fallujah and its Aftermath
Iraq, al-Qaida and a Renewed Caliphate
Iraq and a Wider War
A Change of Direction?
Iran Comes Into the Frame
Transfer of Power or Client Regime?
A Turning Point?
After Madrid: Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan
Iraq, al-Qaida and the US Presidential Election
A Widening War?
Problems on Two Fronts
Iraq, Insurgency and US Plans
Afghanistan, Iraq and the War on Terror
US Options in Iraq
Iraq and Insecurity
Uneasy Victory?
Iraq - Liberation or Occupation?
Losing the Peace
After the War
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