
The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is an independent policy research institute dedicated to producing sound policy research leading to constructive solutions to the challenges facing Europe today. The CEPS Working Papers are intended to give an early indication of work in progress within CEPS research programs and to stimulate reactions from other experts in the field.

Publishers: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Publications: The Donbas Blockade: Another Blow to the Minsk Peace Process
European Fiscal Union: Economic Rationale and Design Challenges
Policy Uncertainty and International Financial Markets: The Case of Brexit
Potential Economic Effects of TTIP for the Netherlands and the EU
Ukraine, Russia and the EU: Breaking the Deadlock in the Minsk Process
Cameron's 'Renegotiations' (or Russian Roulette) with the EU
Measuring Progress in Eco-Innovation
A Household Energy-Saving Initiative for Ukraine
The 'Visible Hand' of the ECB's Quantitative Easing
Does the Growth in Higher Education Mean a Decline in the Quality of Degrees?
Extending Working Lives: The Case of Denmark
The Relevance of International Spillovers and Asymmetric Effects in the Taylor Rule
EU Sanctions Policy towards Russia: The Sanctioner-Sanctionee’s Game of Thrones
Reinsurance of National Unemployment Benefit Schemes
Russia’s Punitive Trade Policy Measures Towards Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia
Labour Market Reforms and Current Account Imbalances
Trade Policy Issues in the Wider Europe
ECB Policy and Eurozone Fragility: Was De Grauwe Right?
Disappearing Government Bond Spreads in the Eurozone
Exports and Capacity Constraints
The EMS Crisis of the 1990s: Parallels with the Present Crisis?
The Potential Evolution of the European Energy System to 2020 and 2050
The EU's Use of
Future of Skills in Europe Convergence or Polarisation?
The Crowding-out Effect of Mandatory Labour Market Pension Schemes on Private Savings
Framing Banking Union in the Euro Area
Extending Working Life in Finland
Extending Working Life in Belgium
Proposal for a Stabilisation Fund for the EMU
How Much Did China's WTO Accession Increase Economic Growth in Resource-Rich Countries?
Economic Policy Coordination in the Economic and Monetary Union
When Do Adults Learn? A Cohort Analysis of Adult Education in Europe
The EU and Brazil: Partnering in an Uncertain World?
EU Policy on Climate Change Mitigation since Copenhagen and the Economic Crisis
Emergent Brazil and the Curse of the ‘Hen’s Flight’
In Search of a Feasible EU-Mercosul Free Trade Agreement
The Mercosur-EU Preferential Trade Agreement
Brazilian Perspectives on the Changing Global Order and Security Challenges
Europe's Continental Regionalism
Continental Regionalism: Brazil’s Prominent Role in the Americas
Brazilian Climate Policy since 2005
EU-Mercosur Trade Relations
Brazil and the EU in the Global Economy
Public and Private Regulation: Mapping the Labyrinth
Shale Gas and the EU Internal Gas Market
What Germany Should Fear Most is its Own Fear
A Simple Model of Multiple Equilibria and Default
Self-Fulfilling Crises in the Eurozone: An Empirical Test
Russian Foreign Policy: What is not Seen From the Kremlin
A European Deposit Insurance and Resolution Fund
Escaping the Vicious Cycle of Poverty
Regulatory Quality in the European Commission and the UK
Mispricing of Sovereign Risk and Multiple Equilibria in the Eurozone
Eschewing Choice: Ukraine’s Strategy on Russia and the EU
Do Germans Support the Euro?
The Enduring Popularity of the Euro Throughout the Crisis
Education Policy and Welfare Regimes in OECD Countries
Why Has the Crisis been Bad for Private Pensions, but Good for the Flat Tax?
Global Matrix: A Conceptual and Organisational Framework for Researching the Future of Global Governance
Restrictions of Passage, Accidents and Oil Transportation Norms
Strategic Oil Stocks and Security of Supply
Armed Conflicts and Security of Oil and Gas Supplies
Distributional Consequences of Climate Change Impacts on the Power Sector
Is the EU Internal Market Suffering from an Integration Deficit?
Adjustment Difficulties and Debt Overhangs in the Eurozone Periphery
The Governance of a Fragile Eurozone
The New Stability and Growth Pact
Living Standards in an Ageing, Greener, Knowledge Economy
Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage in Europe
CO₂ Highways for Europe
The Key Role of Education in the Europe 2020 Strategy
The Same Old Modernisation Game?
Has the Financial Crisis Spurred Demand for Stronger State Regulation?
Does Intangible Capital Affect Economic Growth?
The Financial Crisis and Citizen Trust in the European Central Bank
Do the European Union's Bilateral Investment Treaties Matter?
Product Market Reforms in EU Countries
Towards a Common European Border Service?
Job Quality and Labour Market Performance
Beyond Flexibility and Security
The Foreign Policy of the EU in the Palestinian Territory
Remaking Europe's Borders Through the European Neighbourhood Policy
Adjustment Difficulties in the GIPSY Club
The Political Economy of India's Climate Agenda
Future Impacts of Climate Change across Europe
Who Can Be Trusted After the Financial Crisis?
The Externalisation of the EU's Labour Immigration Policy
Reshaping Civil Society in Morocco
The EU Passenger Name Record (PNR) System and Human Rights
Bilateral Disputes between EU Member States and Russia
Consumer Bankruptcy Regimes in the US and Europe
Lost Voters
The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Systemic Trust
Global Welfare Implications of Carbon Border Taxes
The European Parliament – More Powerful, Less Legitimate?
What Lessons from the 1930s?
Challenges and Prospects for the EU's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Illusion of Power
Russia and Its 'New Security Architecture' in Europe: A Critical Examination of the Concept
Long-Term Energy Security Risks for Europe
Democracy's Plight in the European Neighbourhood
Islamist Radicalisation
The Post-2010 Lisbon Process
The Struggle for a Civilised Wider European Order
The Challenge of Measuring Inflation... When Business is not as Usual
Financial Impacts of Climate Change
Stock Prices and Monetary Policy
The External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs: Tools, Processes, Outcomes
At What Cost Price Stability?
Adaptation to Climate Change in the European Union: Efficiency vs Equity Considerations
Financial Impacts of Climate Change: Implications for the EU Budget
Energy: A Reinforced Obstacle to Democracy?
Canada and the European Union: Prospects for a Free Trade Agreement
The EU's New Black Sea Policy
The Evolution of Flexible Integration in European Defence Policy
The Trade and Climate Change Joint Agenda
The US Housing Bust and Soaring Oil Prices
Let's Stop Being Gloomy About Europe
Is European Democracy Promotion on the Wane?
The United States: A Normative Power?
EC Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements
How to Achieve a Better Budget for the European Union?
The Other Side of Moon
Promoting Human Rights in Russia by Supporting NGOs
Democracy in the European Union
India as a Foreign Policy Actor – Normative Redux
Schengen: Achievements and Challenges in Managing an Area Encompassing 3.6 million km²
Rebranding Russia: Norms, Politics and Power
China as a Normative Foreign Policy Actor
The European Union as a Normative Foreign Policy Actor
China and India: Implications for the EU Economy
Profiling Normative Foreign Policy
Europe's External Energy Policy
Fusing Security and Development
The Intersection between Justice and Home Affairs and the European Neighbourhood Policy
A Longer-Term Comparative Analysis of Housing Prices in Europe and the US
Fake, Partial and Imposed Compliance - The Limits of the EU's Normative Power in the Western Balkans
Is Europe Back on Track? Impetus from the German EU Presidency
EU Policy in the South Caucasus
Whole, Free and Integrated? A Transatlantic Perspective on the European Neighbourhood
Political Islam in Syria
Political Islam in Morocco
Political Islam in Algeria
The Armenian Road to Democracy
Political Islam in Egypt
Political Islam in Turkey
Political Islam and Europe
Fruit of the Poisonous Tree: Member States’ Indirect Use of Extraordinary Rendition and the EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy
State Capture and Widespread Corruption in Serbia
The EU Border Management Strategy
Europe’s Unrecognised Neighbours: The EU in Abkhazia and South Ossetia
EU Justice and Home Affairs Strategy in the Western Balkans
Integration: An Ever-Closer Challenge
Legal Migration
Building a Common Policy on Labour Immigration
Policing Bosnia and Herzegovina 2003-05
Variable Geometries: Mapping Ideas, Institutions and Power in the Wider Europe
Perspectives on EU–India Relations
EU Core Groups: Specialisation and Division of Labour in EU Foreign Policy
When FDI Flows from Rich to Poor Countries
Getting Europe to Work: The Role of Flexibility in Tapping the Unused Potential in European Labour Markets
Reverse Balkanisation? Trade Integration in South-East Europe
Priorities for the Finnish Presidency, July-December 2006
The Responsibility for Implementing the Community Budget
Fiscal Policy: When Theory Collides with Reality
The Political Economy of Environmental Taxation in European Countries
The Effects of Trade Liberalisation on Agriculture in Smaller Developing Countries
Being Taken to the Cleaners? Foreign Investment in the US (II)
Disappearing in a Black Hole? Foreign Investment in the US (I)
Exporting Legitimacy: The Record of EU Election Observation in the Context of EU Democracy Support
Ukraine and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Ensuring the Free Movement of Goods and Services
Moldova's Convergence with the Acquis: A Pro-Growth and Pro-Integration Strategy
Bubbles in Real Estate: A Longer-Term Comparative Analysis of Housing Prices in Europe and the US
Promoting Democracy Through Civil Society: How to Step up the EU's Policy Towards the Eastern Neighbourhood
The Wrong Sort of Rebate: The Need to Reform the UK Budget Adjustment
Security and the Two-Level Game: The Treaty of Prüm, the EU and the Management of Threats
Enlargement and Industrial Competitiveness
Economic Regimes for Export: Extending the EU's Norms of Economic Governance into the Neighbourhood
An EU Approach to Labour Migration: What is the Added Value and the Way Ahead?
No Constitutional Treaty? Implications for the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice
The EU Budget Process and International Trade Liberalization
European Neighbourhood Policy in the Mashreq Countries
The EU as an 'Intergovernmental' Actor in Foreign Affairs
Integrated Border Management at the EU Level
The Case for Regionalism: Security and Integration in the EU Neighbourhood
Russia-EU Relations: The Present Situation and Prospects
Prospects for the Lisbon Strategy
The Reluctant Debutante: The European Union as Promoter of Democracy in its Neighbourhood
Trade Adjustments Following the Removal of Textile and Clothing Quotas
Conflict Resolution in the Neighbourhood: Comparing the Role of the EU in the Turkish-Kurdish and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
From Barcelona Process to Neighbourhood Policy
‘Integration‘ as a Process of Inclusion for Migrants
Models for the European Neighbourhood Policy
The Widening Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality in EU Policy Towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Europe and Iraq: From Stand-off to Engagement?
European Neighbourhood Policy: Strategy or Placebo?
Europeanisation as a Gravity Model of Democratisation
Integration of the EU Consumer Credit Market
Problems and Solutions for New Member States in Implementing the JHA Acquis
Towards Closer Partnerships: Requirements for More Effective JHA Cooperation in an Enlarged EU
What About the Neighbours? The Impact of Schengen Along the EU's External Borders
Russian Banking since the Crisis of 1998
What Does Freedom of Movement Mean in an Enlarged EU?
R&D and the Financing of Ideas in Europe
Are the Balance of Payment Deficits in the Baltic Countries Sustainable?
Measuring the Economic Impact of an EU-GCC Free Trade Agreement
Why is there a Productivity Problem in the EU?
Theorising European Strategic Culture
Economic Policy Coordination in EMU: What Role for the SGP?
Economic Prospects for Kaliningrad
Business Cycle Synchronisation in the Enlarged EU
Searching for the Determinants of IT Investment
Towards a Proactive Immigration Policy for the EU?
Does Venture Capital Investment Spur Employment Growth?
Better Safe Than Sorry: Applying the Precautionary Principle to Issues of International Security
European Institutional Models as Instruments of Conflict Resolution in the Divided States of the European Periphery
Progress and Obstacles in the Area of Justice and Home Affairs in an Enlarging Europe
Fiscal Policy in the New Open Economy
Public Opinion and Enlargement
Monetary Policy Rules and the International Monetary Transmission
Estimating the Effects of Fiscal Policy in OECD Countries
Improving the Governance of European Foreign Aid
The Economic Impact of Enlargement on the European Economy
Outsourcing and Inequality
The Precautionary Principle in the European Union and its Impact on International Trade Relations
Who Needs Foreign Banks?
Inderdependent Growth in the EU
Making EU Trade Agreements Work
The Reform of EU Development Policy
Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms
The Development of European Citizenship and its Relevance to the Integration of Refugees
Shaping European Migration Policy: New Regimes for the Employment of Third Country Nationals
The Declining Use of Unskilled Labor in Italian Manufacturing
What Are the Limits to Economic Integration?
Fiscal Policy Spillovers in the Euro Area
Extending Citizenship Rights to Third Country Nationals: The Correlation Between Migration and Integration
Seigniorage: An Argument for a National Currency?
Democracy Promotion: The Case of European Union Strategy
A Fischler Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy?
How Strong Was the Bundesbank?
21st Century Kemalism
The Extent of Economic Integration in Europe
Is the ECB Sufficiently Accountable and Transparent?
Transition Without Accession: The Effects of Differential Integration on Trade and Welfare in Europe
Economic Integration Between the EU and the CEECs
Some Paradigms for the Evolving Map of Europe
Just Good Friends? The EU-Russian
Skill Upgrading and Production Transfer Within Swedish Multinationals in the 1990
What’s Trade Got to Do with it? Relative Demand for Skills Within Swedish Manufacturing
Who Needs an External Anchor?
Trade and Jobs in Portugal: A Microeconomic Approach
Globalisation and Social Exclusion in the EU
Institutions & Structural Unemployment: Do Capital-Market Imperfections Matter?
Turkey's Performance in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment
The Impact of Economic Integration on FDI and Exports
Patents and the European Internal Market
Maastricht and the Choice of Exchange Rate
A Stability Pact for the Caucasus In Theory and Practice
Adjustment to Globalization: A Study of the Footwear Industry in Europe
The Changing Nature and Determinants of EU Trade Policies
The ‘Cyprus Question’: Reshaping Community Identities and Elite Interests within a Wider European Framework
The Future of the Caucasus after the Second Chechen War
The International Trade of Multinational Firms
A Stability Pact for the Caucasus
Technical Barriers to Trade in the European Union: Importance for Accession Countries
Ten Years Later: What is Special About Transition Countries?
Trends in Disaggregated Import and Export Prices in Europe
Good Bye, Agenda 2000 - Hello, Agenda 2003
Establishing Suitable Strategies to Improve Sustainable Development in the Portuguese Ultraperipheral Regions of Madeira and the Azores
One Size Must Fit All: National Divergences in a Monetary Union
EU Enlargement, Agriculture and the WTO
Towards a Credible Excessive Deficits Procedure
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