
Afrobarometer is an independent, nonpartisan research project that measures the social, political and economic atmosphere in Africa. Its surveys are conducted in more than a dozen African countries and are repeated at a regular cycle. They compare countries systematically and track trends in public attitudes. The Afrobarometer Working Papers provide information on the perception of democracy in Africa, commenting on elections, governance and political identities.

Publishers: Afrobarometer
Publications: Deliberate Disengagement: How Education Decreases Political Participation in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes
On the Primacy of Weak Public Service Provision in Rural Africa
The Face of African Infrastructure: Service Availability and Citizens’ Demands
Do Men and Women Have Different Policy Preferences, and if so, Why?
Are South Africa’s Youth Really a ‘Ticking Time Bomb’?
South Africa’s Emerging Black Middle Class: A Harbinger of Political Change?
Solidarity with a Sharp Edge: Communal Conflict and Local Collective Action in Rural Nigeria
Why do Some Africans Pay Bribes While Other Africans Don't?
A Vote of Confidence: Retrospective Voting in Africa
What Drives Quality of Schools in Africa?
Another Resource Curse? The Impact of Remittances on Political Participation
Social Desirabilty Bias and Reported Vote Preferences in African Surveys
To Pay or Not to Pay? Citizens' Attitudes Towards Taxation in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa
Ethnicity and Individual Attitudes Towards International Investors
Pre-Colonial Political Centralization and Contemporary Development in Uganda
Can Donors and Non-State Actors Undermine Citizen's Legitimating Beliefs?
Exploiting the Poor: Bureaucratic Corruption and Poverty in Africa
From Vice to Virtue? Civil War and Social Capital in Uganda
Perceptions Versus Reality: Assessing Popular Evaluations of Election Quality in Africa
The Political Participation of Africa's Youth: Turnout, Partisanship, and Protest
Museveni and the 2011 Ugandan Election
Sources of State Legitimacy in Contemporary South Africa
Too Poor to Care?
Separate and Suspicious: Local Social and Political Context and Ethnic Tolerance in Kenya
The "Born Frees"
When Politicians Cede Control of Resources
Mapping Ideologies in African Landscapes
The Roots of Resilience: Exploring Ppular Support for African Traditional Authorities
Voting Intentions in Africa
Why Do Citizens Assent to Pay Tax?
Ethnicity and the Willingness to Sanction Violent Politicians
Understanding Citizens Attitudes to Democracy in Uganda
Democratizing the Measurement of Democratic Quality
Anchoring the "D-Word" in Africa
Urban-Rural Differences in Support for Incumbents Across Africa
Citizen Perceptions of Local Government Responsiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Ethnicity Distraction? Political Credibility and Partisan Preferences in Africa
African Perspectives on Africa-China
Do Voters Have Different Attitudes Toward Corruption?
Support You Can Count On? Ethnicity, Partisanship and Retrospective Voting in Africa
Vote-Buying and Political Behavior: Estimating and Explaining Vote-Buying's Effect on Turnout in Kenya
Religious Faith and Democracy
National Versus Ethnic Identity in Africa
Weak States and Political Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa
Looking Toward the Future: Alternations in Power and Popular Persperctives on Democratic Durability in Africa
The Limited Impacts of Formal Education on Democratic Citizenship in Africa
The Quality of Democracy and Governance in Africa: New Results from Afrobarometer Round 4
Cross-Cutting Cleavages and Ethnic Votes
Is Clientelism at Work in African Elections? A Study of Voting Behavior in Kenya and Zambia
Rationality, Cosmopolitanism, and Adjustment Fatigue: Public Attitudes to Economic Reform in Zambia
Do Free Elections Foster Capable Governments?
Tribalism as a Minimax-Regret Strategy: Evidence from Voting in the 2007 Kenyan Elections
Corruption and Trust in Political Institutions in sub-Saharan Africa
Frustration relative de démocratie en Afrique
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Evolution of Mistrust in Africa
Vote Buying and Violence in Nigerian Election Campaigns
The Material and Political Bases of Lived Poverty in Africa
Looking Behind the Window: Measuring Instrumental and Normative Reasoning in Support for Democracy
Social Capital and Political Trust in West Africa
Voting in Kenya
Rejecting the Disloyal Opposition?
Traditional Leaders In Modern Africa
Ethnically Dominated Party Systems and the Quality of Democracy
'Uncritical Citizenship' in a 'Low-Information' Society
Social Capital and Political Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa
Political Sources of Ethnic Identification in Africa
Narrowing the Legitimacy Gap
Young and Old in Sub-Saharan Africa
Corruption, Institutional Discredit, and Exclusion of the Poor
Perceived Corruption, Public Opinion and Social Influence in Senegal
Quality of Elections, Satisfaction with Democracy, and Political Trust in Africa
Corruption And Institutional Trust In Africa
Political Rights versus Public Goods
Ethnicity as a Political Cleavage
Democracy Without People
Political Transition, Corruption, and Income Inequality in Third Wave Democracies
It's All Relative
Support for Competitive Politics and Government Performance
Optimism and Poverty in Africa
Education and Support for Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Legitimating Beliefs: Sources and Indicators
The Micro-Dynamics of Welfare State Retrenchment and the Implications for Citizenship in Africa
Identity Voting and the Regional Census in Malawi
A Vicious Circle of Corruption and Mistrust in Institutions In Sub-Saharan Africa
Kenyans and Democracy: What Do They Really Want From It, Anyway?
Corruption and the Inequality Trap in Africa
Identity, Institutions and Democracy in Nigeria
Public Opinion Research in Emerging Democracies: Are the Processes Different?
Ethnic Fractionalization, Electoral Institutions, and Africans' Political Attitudes
Are You Being Served? Popular Satisfaction with Health and Education Services in Africa
Crime and Support for Democracy
Voters But Not Yet Citizens: The Weak Demand For Political Accountability in Africa's Unclaimed Democrats
Delivery or Responsiveness? A Popular Scorecard of Local Government Performance in South Africa
Citizens and the State in Africa: New Results from Afrobarometer Round 3
Where is Africa Going? Views from Below
Popular Reactions To State Repression: Operation Murambatsvina in Zimbabwe
The Political Gender Gap In Africa: Similar Attitudes, Different Behaviors
Support For Democracy in Malawi: Does Schooling Matter?
Poor People and Democratic Citizenship in Africa
Free and Fair or Fradulent and Forged: Elections and Legitimacy in Africa
Democracy and Primary School Attendance
Seeking the Democratic Dividend: Public Attitudes and Attempted Reform in Nigeria
Who Votes in Africa? An Examination of Electoral Turnout in 10 African Countries
The Democratic Impact of Cultural Values in Africa and Asia: The Cases of South Korea and South Africa
Electoral Institutions, Partisan Status, and Political Support
The Durability of Political Goods? Evidence From Nigeria's New Democracy
Democracy Without Democrats?
Ten Years of Democracy in Malawi: Are Malawians Getting What They Voted For?
Democrats with Adjectives: Linking Direct and Indirect Measures of Democratic Support
State Building and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Fowards, Backwards, or Together?
Sources of Ethnic Identification in Africa
The Power of Propaganda: Public Opinion in Zimbabwe
Satisfaction with Democracy and Performance of the New Deal Government: Attitudes and Perceptions of Zambians
The Micro-Foundations of Ethnic Voting: Evidence From South Africa
Political Institutions and Satisfaction with Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Understanding Identity in Africa
Marginalisation in Southern Africa: Transformation from Below?
Libéralisme, patriomonialisme ou autoritarisme atténué
Démocratie et légitimation du marché
Afrobarometer Round 2: Compendium of Comparative Results from a 15-Country Survey
A New Dawn? Popular Optimism in Kenya After the Transition
The State of Democracy in Lesotho
Learning About Democracy in Africa: Awareness, Performance, and Experience
Eight Years of Multiparty Democracy in Mozambique: The Public's View
Development as Freedom: A Virtuous Circle?
The Growth of Democracy in Ghana Despite Economic Dissatisfaction
Insiders and Outsiders: Varying Perceptions of Democracy and Governance in Uganda
Does Ethnicity Determine Support for the Governing Party?
Democracy, Market Reform, and Social Peace in Cape Verde
Democratic Governance in South Africa
Poverty, Survival and Democracy in Southern Africa
Mozambicans' Views of Democracy and Political Reform
Examining HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa Through the Eyes of Ordinary Southern Africans
Examining HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa Through the Eyes of Ordinary Southern Africans
Down to Earth: Changes in Attitudes Toward Democracy and Markets in Nigeria
Wide but Shallow: Popular Support for Democracy in Africa
Uncritical Citizens or Patient Trustees? Tanzanians' Views of Political and Economic Reform
Afrobarometer Round 1: Compendium of Comparative Data from a Twelve-Nation Survey
Challenges to Democratic Consolidation in Zambia
Public Opinion and the Consolidation of Democracy in Malawi
Public Opinion and the Consolidation of Democracy in Namibia
Public Attitudes Toward Democracy, Governance, and Economic Development in Botswana
Citizen Perceptions of Democracy, Governance, and Political Crisis in Lesotho
Popular Economic Values and Economic Reform in Southern Africa
Uganda's Referendum 2000
Democracy and National Governance in Zimbabwe
Democratic and Market Reforms in Africa
Democracy and Economy in Uganda
Views of Democracy in South Africa and the Region
Public Opinion and the Consolidation of Democracy in Southern Africa
Attitudes to Democracy and Markets in Nigeria
Support for Democracy in Africa
Popular Perceptions of Good Governance in Mali
Popular Perceptions of Good Governance in Mali
Attitudes to Democracy and Markets in Ghana
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