
The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) supports humanitarian mine action by providing operational assistance, research, and support to those implementing the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention. It is an independent foundation supported by 18 governments. It works towards a world free of anti-personnel landmines and towards the reduction of the humanitarian impact of war by providing assistance, creating and sharing knowledge, and supporting instruments of international law. This series features publications and manuals on mine action and demining published and produced by the GICHD.

Publishers: Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)
Publications: Guide de la Lutte Antimines
National Capacities and Residual Contamination: Liberia
National Capacities and Residual Contamination: Nicaragua
The Humanitarian and Developmental Impact of Anti-Vehicle Mines
“Do No Harm” and Mine Action
Guide to Strategic Planning in Mine Action
Strategic Planning in Mine Action Programmes
10 Steps to a National Quality Management System
Safety, Security and Socio-Economic Wellbeing in Somaliland
Strategic Planning in Mine Action Programmes - Mozambique
Geographic Information Systems in Mine Action
Handover of Released Land: Common Procedures and Good Practices
A Guide on Transitioning Mine Action Programmes to National Ownership
Mine Action Support for Armed Violence Reduction
Land Rights and Mine Action: Frequently Asked Questions for Mine Action Organizations
Land Rights and Mine Action
HALO Trust’s Reintegration of Former Combatants into Demining
Mines Advisory Group's Physical Security and Stockpile Management Programme
UNMAS Rapid Response Project
UNMAS Physical Security and Stockpile Management Pilot Programme
OAS SALW and Munitions Destruction Programme
Handicap International’s SALW Risk Awareness Project in Libya
Mines Advisory Group’s Physical Security and Stockpile Management Project
Using Mine Action Capacity for UXO Hotspots Clearance
DanChurchAid's SALW Awareness Raising and Risk Education
Action on Armed Violence: Post-Conflict Rehabilitation and Reintegration
Danish Demining Group Community Safety Program: Somaliland
Danish Demining Group Community Safety Program: Uganda
A Guide to Contracting in Mine Action: Second Edition
Mines Other Than Anti-Personnel Mines
A Review of External Post-Clearance Inspection in Mine Action
Sourcebook on Socio-Economic Survey
Remote Explosive Scent Tracing REST
Priority-Setting in Mine Action: Values, Criteria and Indicators for Priority-Setting in Mine Action
Priority-Setting in Mine Action: Establishing the Prioritisation System and Adapting it Over Time
Priority-Setting in Mine Action: The Need for National Prioritisation Systems
Priority-Setting in Mine Action: Introduction and Basic Concepts
A Guide to Liability and Insurance in Mine Action
Land Release and Cluster Munitions
A Guide to Land Release
Landmines and Land Rights in Conflict Affected Contexts
Land Release and Explosive Submunitions
La Convention sur l’interdiction des mines antipersonnel
A Guide to Mine Action
The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention
Mechanical Demining Equipment
A Guide to Contracting in Mine Action
Linking Mine Action and Development: Mine and ERW Operators
Linking Mine Action and Development: State Affected by Mines
Coordinating Risk Education
Emergency Risk Education
Monitoring Risk Education
Community Liaison in Mine Action
Communication Risk Education
Planning Risk Education
Needs Assessment for Risk Education
A Guide to International Mine Action Standards
A Handbook of Mechanical Demining
A Guide to Cluster Munitions
Detectors and Personal Protective Equipment
A Guide to Marking and Fencing in Mine Action Programmes
A Guide to Ammunition Storage
Mine and ERW Risk Education
Linking Mine Action and Development: Humanitarian and Development NGOs
A Guide to Land Release: Non-Technical Methods
Linking Mine Action and Development: Official Development Cooperation Agencies
Linking Mine Action and Development: National Mine Action Centres
Mine Action and the Implementation of CCW Protocol V on Explosive Remnants of War
A Guide to Road Clearance
Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2008
Land Release: A Guide for Mine and ERW Affected Countries
A Guide to Cluster Munitions
A Guide to Mine Action and Explosive Remnants of War
Lao PDR Risk Management and Mitigation Model
Evaluation of NPA’s Humanitarian Mine Action Project and Review of Ethiopia’s Mine Action Programme
Identifying Synergies between Mine Action and Small Arms and Light Weapons
Understanding the Ottawa Convention's Obligations to Landmine Victims
A Guide to the International Mine Action Standards
A Study of the Role of Survey in Mine Action
Developing Mine Action Legislation: A Guide
The Road to Mine Action and Development
Environmental Applications in Demining
The Accuracy of Measuring Perimeter Points: Use of GPS vs. Bearing and Distance
Mine Action: Lessons and Challenges
Throwing out Mines: Effects of a Flail
Time and Motion Studies for Demining: Snapshots of Operations
Regional Cooperation in Mine Action: The Case of South-Eastern Europe
A Study of Scrap Metal Collection in Lao PDR
Mine Detection Dogs: Operations
Mine Action Lessons and Challenges
Training of Mine Detection Dogs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (NPA Global Training Centre)
A Guide to Socio-Economic Approaches to Mine Action Planning and Management
The Role of the Military in Mine Action
International Mine Action Standards
The GICHD Regional Support Centre: An Approach to Regional Information Management
Colombia: Mine Action and Armed Conflict
Optimising the Use of REST for Mine Detection
A Study of the Development of National Mine Action Legislation
A Study of Local Organisations of Mine Action
Humanitarian Impact from Mines other than Anti-Personnel Mines
Explosive Signature Flux from Field Recovered Landmines
ERW: States Conclude a Protocol
Machines Can Get the Job Done Faster
A Guide to Improving Communication in Mine Risk Education Programmes
Systematic Test & Evaluation of Metal Detectors
Mechanical Application in Demining
Scientific Contributions to Demining Technology
REST in Bosnia: A Pilot Test of Detection Capability
Opportunities for Regional Cooperation in Mine Action in Southeastern Europe
Explosive Remnants of War
The Role of the Military in Mine Action
Explosive Remnants of War (ERW): Information Requirements
Explosive Remnants of War (ERW): Warnings and Risk Education
Metal Detectors Catalogue 2003
Remote Explosive Scent Tracing: Genuine or a Paper Tiger
An Investigation into the Drevers’ Potential as a Breed of Mine Detection Dog
Improving Mine Detection Dogs
The GICHD Mechanical Application in Mine Clearance Study
Bringing the Minefield to the Detector: Updating the REST Concept
Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2003
Explosive Remnants of War (ERW): Undesired Explosive Events in Ammunition Storage Areas
The Role of Mine Action in Victim Assistance
Mine Action Equipment: Study of Global Operational Needs
Mine Action Technology Now and in the Future
Socio-Economic Approaches to Mine Action: An Operational Handbook
Improving Communication in Mine Awareness Programmes
Communication in Mine Awareness Programmes
Explosive Remnants of War (ERW): A Threat Analysis
A Training Program for Filter-Search Mine Detection Dogs
Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) - A “Quick Look” Threat Analysis
Designer Dogs: Improving the Quality of Mine Detection Dogs
Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Definitions
A Study of Socio-Economic Approaches to Mine Action
What the Dog’s Nose Knows
Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2002
Implementing Landmine Awareness Programs
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