
The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) was founded in 1959 as one of the first centers of peace research in the world. PRIO concentrates on the driving forces behind violent conflict and on ways in which peace can be built, maintained and expanded. PRIO publications examine diverse factors influencing intra- and inter-state conflicts, such as political instability, corruption and political systems, with a particular focus on empirical analysis. The series contains papers in English and Norwegian.

Publishers: Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Publications: Conflict Trends in Africa, 1989–2018
India in the World: Emerging Perspectives on Global Challenges
Urban Social Disorder: An Update
Negotiating the Nation: Implications of Ethnic and Religious Diversity for National Identity
Catalan Sovereignty in Practice
Voyages of Women in Manipur: Towards a Peaceful Society
The European Far Right: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Options for Measuring Conflict Deaths in Goal 16
Modèles Locaux de Prévention et de Gestion des Conflits dans le Sud-Est et le Sud-Ouest d’Haïti
Unintended Consequences of Education for Pakistani Immigrants and their Descendants in the United Kingdom
Peacekeeping Works: An Assessment of the Effectiveness of UN Peacekeeping Operations
The Cyprus Peace Dividend Revisited
Preventing Diversion: The Importance of Stockpile Management
The Role of the White Army in the Current Conflict in South Sudan
The Persian Gulf and Afghanistan: Iran and Saudi Arabia’s Rivalry Projected
Aiming for Control: The Need to Include Ammunition in the Arms Trade Treaty
Soft Politics and Hard Choices: An Assessment of Turkeys New Regional Diplomacy
Water Scarcity in Bangladesh: Transboundary Rivers, Conflict and Cooperation
The Cyprus Hydrocarbons Issue
Why Waves? Global Patterns of Democratization, 1816-2008
Egypt at the Rafah Border and the Prospects for Gaza
The Legacy of War Time Rape
Central Asia and Afghanistan: Insulation on the Silk Road, Between Eurasia and the Heart of Asia
Engaging Men
The Social Bond, Conflict and Violence in Haiti
Local Models of Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management in the South-East and South-West of Haiti
Prospects for Peace in Myanmar
Life Stories: Greek Cypriot Community (Report 1)
Life Stories: Turkish Cypriot Community (Report 2)
Legal Framework in the Republic of Cyprus (Report 3)
Displacement in Cyprus: Consequences of Civil and Military Strife
The Political Psychology of War Rape
Claims About Global Decline in Sexual Violence Spark Debate
‘Gender, Empowerment and Conflict in South Asia’
A Peace Nation Takes Up Arms
A Reluctant Warrior
Defining the Mission
Faithful Ally
Peace From the Bottom-Up?
The Sudan Referendum and Neighbouring Countries: Egypt and Uganda
A Systematic Bibliography on Return Migration
Achieving Durable Peace: Afghan Perspectives on a Peace Process
Religious Institution Building in Afghanistan
South Asia and Afghanistan: The Robust India-Pakistan Rivalry
Drifting Apart?
Defining Conlict-Affected Countries
The European Court of Human Rights and the Cyprus Property Issue
Sensitivity Analysis of Climate Variability and Civil War
Hamas’s Concept of a Long-term Ceasefire
Do Quotas Promote Ethnic Solidarity?
Beyond Borders: Diversity and Transnational Links in Afghan Religious Education
Regulation of Informal Value Transfer Systems
Engaging Diasporas in Development
Women’s Political Participation and Influence in Post-Conflict Burundi and Nepal
The Public Services under Hamas in Gaza
Participation of Diasporas in Peacebuilding and Development
Afghanistan in a Neighbourhood Perspective
Understanding Warlordism
Media Narratives, Politics and the Cyprus Problem
Land, Security and Peace Building in the Southern Sudan
Armed Conflict Deaths Disaggregated by Gender
Natural and Conflict Related Hazards in Asia-Pacific
Illicit Trading in Nepal: Fueling South Asian Terrorism
Law in Peace Negotiations
Criteria for Prioritizing and Selecting Core International Crimes Cases
The Backlog of Core International Crimes Case Files in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Day After II: Reconstructing a Reunited Cyprus
Private Military Contractors and US Grand Strategy
Gender Mainstreaming in Mine Action: The Ethiopian Case
Post-Conflict Power Sharing: The Case of Nepal
Nepal's Terai: Constructing an Ethnic Conflict
Human Rights, Civil Society and Conflict in Cyprus
Policy Challenges Facing Cape Verde in the Areas of Migration and Diaspora Contributions to Development
Migration and Development in Cape Verde: Consultations with the Diaspora
Remittances for Peace? The Transnational Political Engagements of Somalis in Norway
Intra-Island Trade in Cyprus
History Education in Divided Cyprus: A Comparison of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Schoolbooks on the
The Day After: Commercial Opportunities Following a Solution to the Cyprus Problem
Remittances for Peace?
National Military Manuals on the Law of Armed Conflict
The Political Economy of a Cyprus Settlement: The Examination of Four Scenaria
From Guerrilla Movement to Political Party: The Restructuring of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement
What is New and What is Old in NATO’s Strategic Concept?
Norway, Article V and the New Strategic Concept
Economic Deprivation and Civil War Events: A Disaggregated Study of Liberia
Democracy Depraved: Corruption and Institutional Change 1985-2004
Democratic Jihad? Military Intervention and Democracy
Democratic Waves? Global Patterns of Democratization, 1800-2000
Gender Aspects of International Military Interventions: National and International Perspectives
Non-military Security Challenges
Risk, Gender and the Real: Lacan for Risk Analysis
The Role of Diasporas in Civil War
Legal, Rapid and Reasonably Priced? A Survey of Remittance Services in Norway
Disconnected and Discounted? Religious Actors and Civil Society in Post-2001 Afghanistan
Integrating Small Arms Measures into Development Programmes
The Current Role of International Military Force in Peace Operations
The Caspian Direction in Putin's
Tracking the Guns: International Diversion of Small Arms to Illicit Markets in Rio de Janeiro
Islam's Bloody Innards?
Power-Sharing and Postconflict Peace Periods
Developing National Mine Action Capacity in Sudan: The Impact of Conflict, Politics, and International Assistance
Adventures in the Second Image: The Intervention-proneness of Ethnically Dominant States
Energy Security in Asia: China, India, Oil and Peace
Integrating Development into the UN Programme of Action Process
From Laws to Practice - Options for Regulatory Controls over Arms Brokering
Green Giant or Straw Man? Environmental Pressure and Civil Conflict, 1961–99
Evading European Controls on Arms Transfers – Means and Methods
Population, Resources and Political Violence: A Sub-National Study of India 1956-2002
The Ethical Transformation of Risk
In Search of the Peace Dividend: The Southern Sudan One Year after the Signatures
Insecurity of the European Community of Values
Post-Conflict Justice and Sustainable Peace
Presidential Recruitment: Selection of Presidential Candidates in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
Rulers as Mass Murderers: Political Institutions and Human Insecurity
Theorising the International Escalation of ‘Ethnic’ Conflict
Transnational Ethnic Dimensions of Third-Party Interventions in Civil Wars
The Property Regime in a Cyprus Settlement
Institutional Inconsistency and Political Instability
The Property Regime & Property Markets under Annan V
Regionale stormakters globale rolle: Kina, India, Brasil og Sør-Afrika
Geography, Strategic Ambition, and the Duration of Civil Conflict
Mapping the Terrain: The Role of Religion in Peacemaking
Population Size, Concentration, and Civil War: A Geographically Disaggregated Analysis
Climate Conflict: Common Sense or Nonsense?
Brokering of Small Arms and Light Weapons
Introducing ACLED: An Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset
Fra Nigeria til Europa: Innvandring, menneskesmugling og menneskehandel
Migrant Remittances and Development Cooperation
The Sangha and its Relation to the Peace Process in Sri Lanka
Options for States Interested in Further Extending Regulatory Controls over Brokering Small Arms and Light Weapons
Resolution 1325: From Rhetoric to Practice
Maximizing the Impact: Tailoring Mine Action to Development Needs 
Beyond Numbers: An Inquiry into the Political Integration of the Turkish ‘Settlers’ in Northern Cyprus
Reclaiming the Fields of War: Mainstreaming Mine Action in Development
Beyond Blueprints: Civil Society and Peacebuilding
Afghan Refugees in Iran: From Refugee Emergency to Migration Management
Drugs, Governance and Civil Conflict
Mellom to hjemland
Conflicts over Shared Rivers: Resource Wars or Fuzzy Boundaries?
Towards a Global Civil Peace
Why Civil Wars Come in Different Sizes
Preparing the Ground for Peace: Mine Action in Support of Peacebuilding
Research on Sri Lanka in the Period 1998-2002: Future Challenges
Conflict and Development: Framework for a Proposed Research Area
Crossing the Divide: Landmines, Villagers and Organizations
Regionalism and Security in East Asia: Stability or Calm Before the Storm?
Guatemala: Five Years After the Peace Accords
Assessing Landmine Impact at the Community Level
The Devil in the Demographics: The Effect of Youth Bulges on Domestic Armed Conflict, 1950–2000
Kartografisk visualisering av konflikter
Trade, Size Asymmetry, and Militarized Conflict
The Liberal Peace Argument in the Middle East: Ali in Wonderland or Crude (Oil) Reality?
Community Studies in Practice
Reassessing the Impact of Humanitarian Aid Action
To Cultivate Peace: Agriculture in a World of Conflict
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