
The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) is an independent, nongovernmental think-tank which aims to promote a wider and more informed understanding of international issues among South Africans. It seeks also to educate, inform and facilitate contact between people concerned with South Africa's place in the world, and to contribute to the public debate on foreign policy. SAIIA Policy Briefings are intended for use by policymakers, whether in government or business. They are concise, providing a brief analysis of the issue at hand, and make policy recommendations. Included among these are various historical briefings produced by SAIIA, including China in Africa Policy Briefs and Trade Policy Briefings.

Publishers: South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)
Publications: The Nexus Between Prosperity in the African Maritime Domain and Maritime Security
Why Isn´t Tech for Accountability Working in Africa?
Invasive Plants and Food Security in Africa: The Potential of Earth Observation Data
Can Workplace Secondments Build Trust in the Mining Sector?
Emerging Trends in Africa´s Electoral Processes
Zambia´s Constitutional Groundhog Day: Why National Debate about Constitutional Reform is not Going Away Anytime Soon
South Africa´s Drought Preparedness in the Water Sector: Too Little Too Late?
The 2016 World Conservation Congress: Exploring a Win-Win Agenda for the People and the Planet
The Foreign Policies of African States in the Age of Democracy and Human Rights
Property and Prosperity: Reforming Landholding in Africa
Successful Youth Policy: Lessons from the African Peer Review Mechanism
Water Governance in Botswana
Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa's Mining Industry
Next Time Better? Conducting the APRM's
A Good Governance Driver: Is the African Peer Review Mechanism Up to It?
Climate Finance: Lessons From Rwanda
Advancing Africa's Position on Global Climate Finance
Preventive Diplomacy and the AU Panel of the Wise in Africa’s Electoral-Related Conflicts
What Role for Natural Resources in Botswana’s Quest for Economic Diversification?
Strengthening the African Peer Review Mechanism: Insights from National Governing Councils
R2P and the Protection of Civilians: South Africa’s Perspective on Conflict Resolution
R2P, the International Criminal Court and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities in Africa
Australia’s Policy Priorities in a Global Era
Why the African Peer Review Mechanism Must Remain Voluntary
Achieving an Inclusive Blue Economy for Small-Scale Fishers
Making AGOA Work for Africa
Zimbabwe and South Africa: Security Takes Precedence over Economy
Increasing the Economic Value and Contribution of Protected Areas in Africa
A Promise Betrayed: Policies and Practice Renew the Rural Dispossession of Land, Rights and Prospects
Towards Agenda 2063: Re-Inventing Partnership on Extractive Governance
Maximising Positive Impacts of Mining Projects: Stakeholders and Partnerships
Water Governance and International Co-operation: Lessons from the Cubango- Okavango River System
Lessons from Implementing the APRM National Programme of Action
Community Forests in Namibia: Ensuring Sustainable Local-Level Forest Management
Can the Bali Package Resolve the Doha Impasse and Secure the Future of the WTO?
The G-20 and Development: Ensuring Greater African Participation
Illegal Sand Mining in South Africa
‘Energetic’ Dialogues in South Africa: The US Example
Maintaining Momentum? Civil Society and the APRM in Zambia
Kenya’s Regional Relations: Between Principle and Practice
Ethiopia’s Regional Diplomacies: A Dominant Interpretation of the Horn of Africa
Nigeria’s Continental Diplomatic Thrusts: The Limits of Africa’s Nominally Biggest Economy
The DRC and its Neighbourhood: The Political Economy of Peace
Africa and the Global Human Rights Agenda: The African Group at the UN Human Rights Council
South Africa’s Diplomacy 20 Years On: Implementing the African Agenda around Core Values, Principles and Issues
Consolidating the Regional Diplomacy of Côte d’Ivoire
Promoting Peer Review as a Compliance Mechanism for Regional Integration
Will Rising Democracies Adopt Pro-Human Rights Foreign Policies?
Challenging the Negative Discourse on Human Rights in Africa
‘Good Citizens’: Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa
Corporate Governance in Africa’s State-owned Enterprises: Perspectives on an Evolving System
Building an African Corporate Governance
Navigating the US Congressional Process of Reauthorising AGOA
South Africa’s Implementation of the APRM
The 2013 Elections in Kenya and Zimbabwe: Lessons for Africa and Beyond
The Way Forward for the Southern African Development Community Economic Partnership Agreement
Consolidating the African Governance Architecture
Africa's Extractive Governance Architecture
Revamping Artisanal Gold Mining in Zimbabwe to Catalyse Poverty Reduction
Nationalism with Chinese Characteristics
Governance: Linchpin of Dryland Natural Resource Management
Southern Africa’s Dryland Forests and Climate Change Adaptation
Emerging Insights into Governance and Sustainable Management of Africa's Natural Ecosystems
The Reed that Lies Low in a Flooded River
‘Oil for Housing’: Chinese-built New Towns in Angola
Seabed Mining: Lessons from the Namibian Experience
Mining and Development: Lessons Learnt from South Africa and Beyond
'Energetic' Dialogues in South Africa
The G-20 and Africa: A Critical Assessment
Mining for Development in Guinea: An Examination of the Simandou Iron Ore Project
The OAU/AU at 50
Releasing the Prisoners from their Dilemma
State-Civil Society Relations: The Potential Contribution of the African Peer Review Mechanism
Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference: The Stakes for Africa
The G-20 and Financial Regulation in Africa
China–South Sudan: Governance in Emerging Relations
Strengthening Peer Learning in the African Peer Review Mechanism: The Case for Best Practices
Russia-South Africa Relations: Beyond Revival
Governing Africa’s Mangroves: A Sustainable Future
G-20 Food Security in Africa: Measures to Strengthen the G-20 Agenda
Small-Scale Fisheries in Mozambique
China’s Silent Storm in Sierra Leone
Will Tax Reform Drive Equitable Development in Oil-Dependent Angola?
Brazil–Africa Technical Co-operation: Structure, Achievements and Challenges
Foreign-policy Positioning through Multilateralism: South Africa in the UNSC
Japan & the TICAD Process
Aligning NPOA with Other Frameworks for National Development
Corporate Governance of State-Owned Extractive Companies: What Uganda Can Learn From Norway
BRICS FDI: A Preliminary View
BRICS Summit 2013
Is the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Relevant for Reducing Diversions of Public Revenue?
The Right to Own Property
Blue Carbon: The Opportunity of Coastal Sinks for Africa
Raising Mozambique: Development through Coal
Managing Expectations and Tensions in Ghana's Oil-Rich Western Region
Implementing Development Corridors: Lessons from the Maputo Corridor
Mozambique’s Gas: An Opportunity for South Africa?
The Timber Trade in Africa’s Great Lakes: Implications for Uganda and the Region
Chinese Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones in Africa: Facing the Challenges
What Does Hydrocarbon Wealth Mean for Foreign Aid in Mozambique?
Leveraging Services Trade Liberalisation for Enhanced Food Security in SADC
Refining Relations: Chad's Growing Links with China
Rising Powers, South-South Co-Operation and Africa
South Africa as Africa's Gateway
The Tripartite FTA and the Services Sector
When is Foreign Direct Investment Beneficial to a Country and When Is It Not?
Zimbabwe’s Marange Diamonds and the Need for Reform of the Kimberley Process
Linking South Africa's Immigration Policy and Zimbabwe Diplomacy
The Zambia–China Cooperation Zone at a Crossroads
Placing African Fisheries on the COP 17 Agenda
The Evolving Nature of Chinese Telecommunications Investment in the DRC
COP 17: What Role for South Africa as an Agent of Change?
Chinese Banking Interests in Mozambique
China and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Africa
The Land Factor in Mining Gold Reserves in Tanzania
Forest Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo
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