
The Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS) was established in August 1996 as an independent think tank devoted to studying security issues related to South Asia. Over the years leading strategic thinkers, academics, former members of the civil services, foreign services, armed forces, police forces, paramilitary forces and members of the media have been associated with the institute in its endeavor to chalk out a comprehensive framework for security studies - one which can cater to the changing demands of national, regional and global security. The IPCS Issue Briefs provide concise and condensed information on important security and policy issues relevant to the South Asia region.

Publishers: Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS)
Publications: Contemporary Taiwan: Domestic Politics, External Relations and India’s Interests
China’s Dams & Regional Security Implications: An Indian Perspective
Reviving the Dialogue with Pakistan: A New Agenda for India
Indo-US Relations: After Narendra Modi’s Visit
The Indo-Pacific & the Indo-US Relations
Deterrence, Second Strike and Credibility
Developments in Syria and Iraq
Patterns of Naxal Recruitment
Policy Options for India in Afghanistan
Caught in the India-China Rivalry: Policy Options for Nepal
An Agenda for the New Government: Policy Options for India in Bhutan
An Agenda for the New Government: Policy Options for India in Maldives
Post Afghanistan 2014: Options for India and Iran
India's Strategy Towards the Koreas and Japan
China, Indian Ocean & The Nuclear Deterrence
The NTI Index 2014: An Assessment
Inside China: Third Party Plenum, November 2013
Moscow-Beijing Strategic Partnership & Beyond
India & China: Looking Beyond Border Incursions & Li Keqiang’s Visit
Contemporary Ladakh: Culture, Commodification and Tourism
Contemporary Ladakh: A Subtle Yet Strong Patriarchy
Contemporary Ladakh: Evolving Indigenous and Quality Education
Contemporary Ladakh: Communal Divide in Kargil & Leh
Contemporary Ladakh: Identifying the “Other” in Buddhist-Muslim Transformative Relations
China and its Peripheries: Limited Objectives in Bhutan
China and Its Peripheries: Securing Nepal in South Asia
China and Its Peripheries: Contentious Relations with North Korea
Pakistan’s Internal Security Challenges: Will the Military Cope?
Destruction of the First Temple
Upper House Elections & Political Stability in Japan
Zero Option & Afghan Stability
Social Media: Sri Lanka's New War Zone
Governance and Domestic Politics in Indonesia
Cracks in Muslim Democracy Model: Radicalization in Contemporary Indonesia
Towards a New Asian Security Architecture? India and Japan
Myanmar's Ethnic Divide and Conflicts
Strategic Significance of Tibet: China and its Peripheries
Beijing, Xinjiang & Han-Uyghur Schism
A New Security Architecture for the Gulf
Beijing and India-Sri Lanka Relations
Beijing and the BCIM
Beijing's Myanmar Strategy
Growing Tensions in South China Sea
Japan and ASEAN
Beijing's Strategies Towards South China Sea
The American Pivot and Rebalancing
The North Korean Threat: More Bark than Bite
China’s New Leadership
India, China and the Nathu La: Securing Trade and Safeguarding the Eco System
India, China and the Nathu La: Realizing the Potential of a Border Trade
India, China and the Nathu La: Understanding Beijing’s Larger Strategy towards the Region
India, China and the Nathu La: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
India, China and the Nathu La: Converting Symbolism into Reality
Elections in South Korea
China's 18th Party Congress: Trends and Analysis
Rudderless & Drowning in Tears
Contemporary China
China and Japan: Tensions in East China Sea
Dual Use or Proliferation? China’s Janus Face
Undermining Deterrence? The Non State Actors and India’s Nuclear Doctrine
Iran and the Nuclear Conundrum
Iran, International Community & Nuclear Weapons
The Crisis State: Pakistan’s Security Dilemma
Afghanistan-Pakistan-Iran: Radical Islam, Nuclear Weapons and Regional Security
North Korea’s Rocket Launch
Afghanistan & the International Community
Connecting South Asia: Experimenting with the Greater Mekong Sub-Regional Model
Connecting South Asia: The Stilwell Road & Sub-Regional Networks
Nathu La & the Sino-Indian Trade: Why the Lull?
Sino-Indian Strategic Economic Dialogue
Sino-Indian Strategic Dialogue: An Assessment
Sino-Indian Economic Dialogue: Global Business Plan for an Asian Century
Sino-Indian Strategic Economic Dialogue
Nathu La & the Sino-Indian Trade: Understanding the Sensitivities in Sikkim
National Counter Terrorism Centre for India
Alternative Regional Strategy for India
Sri Lanka and the Peace Makers
India’s Credible Minimum Deterrence
Sino-Indian Economic Strategic Dialogue: Beyond the Beijing Round
Linking with Southeast Asia
Linking India’s Northeast with Southeast Asia
China’s New Development Strategy
Technology and Nuclear Proliferation
Defence Reforms and National Security
Election in Thailand
The Nuclear Debate in Japan
Defining India’s Security
Preventing Terror Attacks
The African Safari: Understanding the Sino-Indian Competition in Africa
The Discontent in West Asia
Alternative Strategies for India Towards Tibet
Alternative Strategies Towards Myanmar
Alternative Strategies Towards China
Alternative Regional Strategy for India
India-China Relations: Negotiating a Balance
Pakistan's Stability: The Global Stakes
Fighting Corruption
Countering Terrorism: Role of Intelligence and Investigative Agencies
Is Pakistan Re-Positioning Itself in Kashmir?
Between China, India and the Refugees
What Next After the All Party Delegation Visit?
India and China
American Military Operations Inside Pakistan
Understanding the Transformation in Ladakh
The Fragile Regions of South Asia
Understanding Religious Radicalization
Rajouri and Poonch: Identifying Early Warning Signals and Addressing New Challenges
Tourism as a CBM in J&K
India-China Relations: Impressions from a Dialogue with Beijing
Pir Panjal Regional Festival
India and Maldives: Towards Consolidation
India and Myanmar: Looking East Through a Strategic Bridge
Reviving the Stilwell Road: Challenges and Opportunities for India
Meeting Maritime Challenges
India and Sri Lanka
Indian Diplomacy in 2009
Naxalites' Urban Push
India and Bangladesh: Internal Challenges and External Relations
Indo-Nepal Relations
Gulf of Aden vs Malacca Strait
China-Myanmar Energy Engagements
Resolving Southeast Asian Territorial Disputes
India-Pakistan Joint Investigation
Two Decades of Indo-Pak CBMs
Expanding Cross-LoC Interactions:Perspectives from India
Expanding Cross-LoC Interactions: Perspectives from Pakistan
Harnessing the Indus Waters
Indo-Pak Joint Anti-Terrorism Mechanism
Resolving Siachen: Perspectives from India
Resolving Siachen: Perspectives from Pakistan
Afghanistan: Evolving an Indo-Pak Strategy: Perspectives from Pakistan
Enhancing Indo-Pak Trade: Perspectives from Pakistan
Harnessing the Indus Waters
Terrorism, Religious Radicalism and Violence: Perspectives from Pakistan
Terrorism, Religious Radicalism and Violence: Perspectives from India
Enhancing Indo-Pak Trade: Perspectives from India
Afghanistan: Evolving an Indo-Pak Strategy: Perspectives from India
Sino-Indian Border Skirmishes
India, Southeast Asia and the FTA
India, Bangladesh and Southeast Asia
Resuming the Dialogue
Drones of War
Afghanistan: Understanding German Objectives and Strategies
Banning the Naxalites
War on Terrorism in South Asia
India's Northeast and Southeast Asia: Strengthening an Integrated Economic Space
India’s Northeast and Southeast Asia: Chinese Interests and Strategies
India's Northeast: The Super-highway to Southeast Asia?
Linking India's Northeast and Southeast Asia
India in 2009: The First Quarter
Afghanistan in 2009: The First Quarter
Chinese Aircraft Carrier Program
Failure or Functional Anarchy?
Sino-Indian Trade
US and the Af-Pak Strategy
Violence Against Women in Swat
7th India-ASEAN Summit
Maritime Security
Afghanistan: Talking to Taliban
Naxal Conflict in 2008
Sri Lanka: Challenges Ahead
Guaranteeing Borders in South Asia
Bangladesh in 2009
India-Japan Security Cooperation: Chinese Perceptions
Fighting Terrorism
Sri Lanka: The War Against Peace?
Bangladesh: Forthcoming Elections
Violence in Assam
Losing Ground: Pak Army Strategy in FATA & NWFP
"I Have a Dream for Pakistan"
Afghan Cauldron
Towards a New Asian Architecture
Impeaching Musharraf
South Asian Union
India's Myanmar Policy
Thinking Outside the Box
Failing and Failed States: The Global Discourse
Asia-Pacific Community
Nathu La
Pakistan's Economy
War by Other Means
Asia's Economic Transformation
A Reformed Military Junta in Myanmar: In India’s Strategic Interests
Where Phalcons Dare: India-Israel Defence Relations
A Federal Democratic Myanmar: India’s Strategic Imperative
Cross-LoC Trade: Challenges and Opportunities in J&K
China’s Rising Defence Expenditure: Implications for India
Shaping a ‘New Forward Policy’: Tibet and India’s Options
Situation in Sri Lanka: Options for India
Malaysia: March Elections
Return of the Democrats: Pakistan After Elections
Lords of Jade: Mismanaging Myanmar’s Natural Resources
Pakistan Elections 2008
Connecting India: A Road Map for New Roads
Talking to 'Moderate' Taliban
ASEAN Summit 2007: Setting India’s Agenda
Indian Border Security: Poor Management in Evidence
Some New Thoughts on India’s Look East Policy
Indian Fishermen Catch Gunfire: Maritime Dilemmas Pestering Indo-Sri Lanka Relations
Joint Naval Exercises: A Post-Malabar-2007 Appraisal for India
The Samurai and the Swami Rediscover Each Other
India-Sri Lanka Accord: Does It Still Flicker?
Sino-Indian Ties: 20th Century Borders for Stable 21st Century Relations
China’s New War Concepts for 21st Century Battlefields
Indo-US Civilian Nuclear Cooperation: Reprocessing Issue Reconstructed
Demilitarisation of the Siachen Conflict Zone: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Air Tigers' Maiden Attack
Afghanistan: The Spring Offensive
India-Japan Relations
Indo-US Nuclear Deal: Unending Drama in Many Acts
Sustaining the Peace Process in Assam
Indo-US Strategic Partnership: Are we there yet?
Akbar Bugti and After: Implications for Balochistan and Pakistan
Peace Agreement in Waziristan: New Beginning or a False Dawn?
Parsing the Separation Plan: The Indo-US Subsidiary Deal
Experts' Letter to the US Congress: A Response
War Clouds Over Sri Lanka: An Analysis of Prabhakaran and Pottu Amman's Heroes' Day Speeches
Separation of Civilian and Military Nuclear Facilities
PSI and the Emerging Non-Proliferation Regime
The NPT Review Conference: A Policy for India
Nepal - Where Do We Go From Here?
Pakistan in 2005: Implications for India and Indo-Pak Dialogue
The Crisis in Nepal
Agitations in Manipur: The Trade Off Between Security and Freedom
Naga Peace Talks: Can Delhi Convert The Truce Into A Deal?
Nuclear CBMs Between India and Pakistan
War in Waziristan: Implications for Pakistan and India
Nuclear CBMs: What Is Possible?
The 10th National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China
The Crisis in Nepal: Implications for India
T-90S “Bhishma”
Bhutan’s “Operation All Clear”: Implications for Insurgency and Security Cooperation
Military Operations in South Waziristan
Constitutional Crisis and the Peace Process in Sri Lanka
Madrassas in India
New Indian Initiatives in Kashmir
Deadlock at Cancun: A New Beginning
Madrassas in Pakistan
Redefining the Non-Proliferation Norm
Sectarian Violence in Pakistan
Precision Guided Munitions and Reduced Collateral Damage
Preemptive Strike: Will it Secure Indian Interests?
War on Iraq: Implications for Pakistan
Peace Process in Sri Lanka
Impending Elections in Pakistan
The North Korean Bomb
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