
The East-West Center contributes to a peaceful, prosperous and just Asia Pacific community by serving as a hub for cooperative research, education and dialogue on critical issues of common concern to the Asia Pacific region and the US. The East-West Center Working Papers focus on issues of social, economic and political development in that region.

Publishers: East-West Center (EWC)
Publications: Myanmar: Cross-Cutting Governance Challenges
Global Strategic Patenting and Innovation: Policy and Research Implications
Electrifying North Korea: Bringing Power to Underserved Marginal Populations in the DPRK
The Shadow of Urbanization: The Periurban Interface of Five Indian Cities in Transition
Is the Information Technology Agreement Facilitating Latecomer Manufacturing and Innovation? India's Experience
Collective Self-Defense and US-Japan Security Cooperation
Standards, Innovation, and Latecomer Economic Development - A Conceptual Framework
Industrial Upgrading Through Low-Cost and Fast Innovation - Taiwan's Experience
The People Behind the Press: Building Social Capital in New Media Ecologies
Europe’s Innovation Union - Beyond Techno-Nationalism?
Global Technology Sourcing in China's Integrated Circuit Design Industry: A Conceptual Framework and Preliminary Findings
The Microeconomics of North-South Korean Cross-Border Integration
Networks, Trust and Trade
Diverging Trajectories: Economic Rebalancing and Labor Policies in China
America's Voluntary Standards System - A "Best Practice" Model for Innovation Policy
An Evaluation of Overseas Oil Investment Projects Under Uncertainty Using a Real Options Based Simulation Model
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Asia-Pacific Integration: A Quantitative Assessment
Trade in Environmental Goods, with Focus on Climate-Friendly Goods and Technologies
Resource Management and Transition in Central Asia, Azerbaijan, and Mongolia
A Brief History of Standards and Standardization Organizations: A Chinese Perspective
Myanmar's Perpetual Dilemma: Ethnicity in a "Discipline-Flourishing Democracy"
Environmental Security and its Implications for China's Foreign Relations
Inflationary Effect of Oil-Price Shocks in an Imperfect Market: A Partial Transmission Input-Output Analysis
Multivariate Life Table Methodology for Estimating the Effect of Child Mortality on the Total Fertility Rate and its Components
The Role of MNCs in China's Standardization
Further Development of Methodology for Multivariate Analysis of the Total Fertillity Rate and its Components Based on Birth-History Data
A Research Strategy for the Pacific Climate Information System
Assessing China's Carbon Intensity Pledge for 2020: Stringency and Credibility Issues and Their Implications
Population Aging and Economic Progress: A Bumpy Road Ahead?
Post-Conflict Planning and Reconstruction: Lessons from the American Experience in Korea
Copenhagen and Beyond: Reflections on China's Stance and Responses
Political Attitudes Under Repression: Evidence from North Korean Refugees
The Challenge of Patent Governance in ICT Standards: Seen from a Patent Authority's Perspective
China in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy
Multivariate Analysis of Parity Progression–Based Measures of the Total Fertility Rate And Its Components
The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation: Implications for China's Policy on Information Security Standards
Standardization Strategy of China - Achievement and Challenges
Population Policy, Economic Reform, and Fertility Decline in Guangdong Province, China
Oil Price Shocks and Their Short- and Long-Term Effects on the Chinese Economy
Can the Knowledge-Capital Model Explain Sectoral Foreign Investment?
Labor Skills and Foreign Direct Investment in a Dynamic Economy
Twilight of the God?
The (Non) Impact of UN Sanctions on North Korea
Famine in North Korea Redux?
India's National Innovation System
Multivariate Analysis of Parity Progression-Based Measures of the Total Fertility Rate and Its Components Using Individual-Level Data
Can Chinese IT Firms Develop Innovative Capabilities Within Global Knowledge Networks?
Innovation Offshoring and Asia's 'Upgrading Through Innovation' Strategies
Governing the Global Knowledge Economy
Integration Strategies for ASEAN
Income Distribution and Poverty Alleviation for the Native Hawaiian Community
Public Perceptions of Urban Air Pollution with a Focus on Developing Countries
Entrepreneurship and Political Guanxi Networks in China's Private Sector
Commuters' Exposure to Particulate Matter and Carbon Monoxide in Hanoi, Vietnam
The US New Trans-Pacific Initiative
Building an East Asian Regional Order
Disincentives for Democratic Change in China
Total Factor Productivity and R&D Capital in Manufacturing Industries
Challenges and Solutions in Improving Tuberculosis Care Among Aboriginal People in Taiwan
The Impact of 9/11 and Other Terrible Global Events on Tourism in the US and Hawaii
The Koizumi Government and the Politics of Normalizing Japanese - North Korean Relations
An Economic Diagnosis of Palau Through the Liechtenstein Lens
Insinuations on China's Emergent Capitalism
Terrorism and Tourism in the Asia Pacific Region
China's Rise as an International Trading Power
Ending an Era
Foreign Direct Investment in China: 1981-2001
Strategic Cooperation Between China and South Korea and Strategic Structure of Northeast Asia
Terrorism in Indonesia
The Development of 23 Industrial Sectors in Western China
The Philippine Supreme Court and the Mining Act Ruling Reversal
Effects of Pension Payments on Savings in the Philippines
Effectiveness Analysis of Capita Adequacy Regulation in China
Dance for Development: Uyghur Women in the Chinese Diaspora Creating Self-Empowerment Through Dance
Colonial Construction of Malayness
Norms, Structures, and Japan's "Northern Territories" Policy
China as a Risk Society
What Has Driven Chinese Monetary Policy Since 1990?
The IMF and the Liberalization of Capital Flows
The Roh Moo Hyun Government's Policy Toward North Korea
The Experience of European Integration and the Potential for Northeast Asian Integration
From Entourage to Ideology?
East Asian Economic Development
Institutional Change in Japan
Introduction to Institutional Change in Japan
The Designated Hitter Rule and Team Defensive Strategy in Japan's Professional Baseball League
How Inefficient Are Small-Scale Rice Farmers in Eastern India Really?
Trade, Foreign Firms, and Economic Policy in Indonesian and Thai Manufacturing
Relative Economic Decline and Unrealized Demographic Opportunity in the Philippines
Japan's Baby Bust
FDI and Trade
Technical Efficiency in the Iron and Steel Industry
Electric Power Grid Interconnection in Northeast Asia
A Short Review on Pyongyang's Foreign-Policymaking Process
Capital Controls: The Case of Malaysia and Lessons for Vietnam
From "Power to the People" to "Civil Empowerment"
"Glamorous" Violence? Aggressive Dating Behavior of Women in Beijing
Increasing Integration Among Asia Pacific Equity Markets
Integrating Gender Perspectives in Evaluating the Efficiency of Community-Oriented Financial Intermediaries
The Ethnolinguistic Situation in East Timor
The Impacts of Competition-Policy Reforms on the Efficiency of Philippine Commercial Banks
The Roots of Ecological Catastrophe Patrimonialism
Global Production Networks and Industrial Upgrading in China
Impact of Population Aging on Japanese International Travel to 2025
Civil Society, Nuclear Disarmament, and the U.S. Alliance
American Military Presence in the Southern Philippines
Endogenous Financial and Trade Openness
Limits to Modularity
Interregional Burden-Sharing of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in the United States
Towards an Effective Implementation of CDM Projects in China
The World Bank's Prototype Carbon Fund and China
China's WTO Accession and Its Effect on State-Owned Enterprises
The Reasons for and the Impact of Antidumping Protection
Policy as Warrant
Searching for a New Role in East Asian Regionalization
Estimation of the J-Curve in China
Late Innovation Strategies in Asian Electronic Industries
What Do We Know About Health Effects of Smoke from Solid Fuel Combustion?
Covariates of Overweight and Obesity Among Women in North India
Effect of Obesity on Asthma Among Adult Indian Women
Maternal Exposure to Biomass Smoke and Reduced Birth Weight in Zimbabwe
Sex Differentials in Childhood Feeding, Health Care, and Nutritional Status in India
Muslims/Non-Muslim Differentials in Fertility and Family Planning in India
Islam and Economic Development in New Order's Indonesia (1967-1998)
Fiscal Consequences of Asian Crisis
Financing Public Goods through Markets
Textile and Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka
Benchmarking the Efficiency of Philippines Electric Cooperatives Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis
An Empirical Analysis of the Averch-Johnson Effect in Electricity Generation Plants
The Sources of Growth
Gonorrhea, Infertility, and Population Decline in Yap during the Japanese Occupation
Towards a New Foreign Policy
Seizing the Highest High Ground
Sovereignty, Internationalism, and the Chinese In-Between
The Development of a Peer Competitor
Pathways to Innovation in Asia's Leading Electronics Exporting Countries
Modularity and the Organization of International Production
Global Production Networks, Innovation and Work - Why Chip and System Design in the IT Industry are Moving to Asia
Internationalisation of Innovation
Trade and Workers: Evidence from the Philippines
The Amended US Compacts of Free Association with the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Poverty and Economic Freedom: Evidence from Cross-Country Data
Trade Reforms, Labor Regulations, and Labor-Demand Elasticities
The New Mobility of Knowledge: Digital Information Systems and Global Flagship Networks
Pathways to Innovation in the Global Network Economy
Open Trade With the US Without Compromising Canada's Ability to Comply With Its Kyoto Target
How Sustainable are Benefits from Global Production Networks?
Key Players in the Asia Pacific Oil Market
Globalization and Industrial Labor Markets in South Asia
What Do We Know About Carbon Taxes? An Inquiry into Their Impacts on Competitiveness and Distribution of Income
US - India Technology Cooperation and Capability Building
R&D Services and Global Production Networks
Daily Exposure to Air Pollution in Indoor, Outdoor, and In-vehicle Micro-environments
Fertility in Nepal 1981-2000: Levels, Trends, and Components of Change
Why Did the Energy Intensity Fall in China's Industrial Sector in the 1990s?
Multinational Firms and the Evolution of the Indian Software Industry
Exposure of Infants to Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollution in Low-Income Urban Areas
Determining Spatial Patterns in Delhi's Ambient Air Quality Data Using Cluster Analysis
Trade and Labour Market Linkages in India
Democratic America in Northeast Asia
Land Tenure: An Introduction
Production Networks of Japanese and American Automobile Industry
E-Business and the Semiconductor Industry Value Chain
Global Production Networks and Information Technology
A Comparative History of Age-Structure and Social Transitions Among Asian Youth
Digital Information Systems and Global Flagship Networks
Small is Viable
The Economic and Environmental Implications of the US Repudiation of the Kyoto Protocol and the Subsequent Deals in Bonn and Marrakech
A Weak State and the Solomon Islands Peace Process
Global Production Networks in East Asia's Electronics Industry and Upgrading Perspectives in Malaysia
Do Global Production Networks and Digital Information Systems Make Knowledge Spatially Fluid?
National Sovereign Economy, Global Market Economy, and Transnational Corporate Economy
Domestic Climate Policies and the WTO
Globalization and Workers in Developing Countries
Intellectual Property Rights in China
The Impact of Minimum Wage Policy on Wages and Employment in Developing Countries
Transnational Communities and the Evolution of Global Production Networks
An Asian Comparative Description of Events in the Transition to Adulthood
Cross-National Comparison and the Importance of Sub-Groups Within Countries
Early Marriage and Childbearing in Indonesia and Nepal
Effect of Education on Premarital Sex and Marriage in Taiwan
On Their Own
Sex and Marriage
The Youth Tobacco Epidemic in Asia
The Power Structure of the Hong Kong Chinese Family
Promiscuous Husbands and Loyal Wives
Notes on Youth and Education in Indonesia
How Can Young Adult Reproductive Health (YARH) Surveys Play a Role in Program Design and Evaluation
The Risk of Premarital Sex Among Thai Youth
Initiation of Smoking, Drinking, and Drug-Use Among Filipino Youths
Family Influences on the Lifestyle of Filipino Youth
Drinking, Smoking, and Drug Use among Thai Youth
From Digital Divides to Industrial Upgrading
The Timing of Union Formation and Sexual Onset
The National Youth Populations of Asia
Surveying Adolescent Sexuality
Events Information and the Life Course Framework in Young Adult Reproductive Health (YARH) Survey Studies of Adolescent Risk
Implications, Challenges, and Prospects for Taiwan in the Knowledge-Based Economy
Private Profit or Public Purpose? Corporate Governance Convergence and the Asian State
Governing Electronic Commerce in a Global Environment
The Internet's Effects on Global Production Networks
The Impact of Trade and Labor Market Regulations on Employment and Wages
Trade Liberalization, Labor Markets and Imperfect Competition
The Evolution of a "Digital Economy"
Does Investing in Technology Affect Exports?
Globalisation, Economic Crisis and Labor Market Policy
Global Production Networks, Knowledge Diffusion, and Local Capability Formation
Global Production Networks and Industrial Upgrading
Globalization and Wage Inequality in Indonesia
Multinational Corporations and Endogenous Growth
Trade Policy Reform and Labor Market Dynamics
Interantional Economic Integration and Labor Markets
The "Hidden" Side of the "Flying-Geese" Model of Catch-Up Growth
Electronics Contract Manufacturing
E-Commerce and the Semiconductor Industry Value Chain
Global Production Networks and Local Capabilities
Industrial Districts, ITC and Global Production Networks
Inter-Firm Linkages and Development of Capabilities in the Indian Telecom Software Sector
Understanding Technological Change
Trade Relations of Korea and Japan
Moving Beyond the Commodity Trap?
Knowledge Management: A New Perspective for Development Strategy
Moving Beyond the Commodity Trap?
Gambling on a Gambler
Global Production Networks and the Changing Geography of Innovation Systems
The Economics of Electronics Industry
Information Technology in the Learning Economy
Placing the Networks on the Web
The Impact of Imported and Domestic Technologies on Productivity
Coups, Conflicts, and Crises
Crisis of Cross-Border Knowledge Diffusion
Catching-Up and Post-Crisis Industrial Upgrading
Inter-Organizational Knowledge Outsourcing
Corruption and Public Trust: Perspectives on Japan and East Asia
Saving, Wealth and the Democratic Transition in East Asia
Materials for the Demographic History of Southeast Asia
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