
The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is an independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. The ODI focuses on high-quality applied research, practical policy advice, and policy-focused dissemination and debate. It is engaged with partners in the public and private sectors, in both developing and developed countries. The ODI Working Papers cover such issues as development politics, aspects of public policy for poverty reduction and economic analyses.

Publishers: Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Publications: Climate Finance for Cities
The Development Agency of the Future: Fit for Protracted Crises?
Do Organisational and Political Models for Development Cooperation Matter for Development Effectiveness?
Developmental Revolution or Bretton Woods Revisited?
The Oil Price Shock of 2014
Targeting Zero Zero: Achieving Zero Extreme Poverty on the Path to Zero Net Emissions
Financial Regulation in Ghana: Balancing Inclusive Growth with Financial Stability
Institutional Challenges for Effective Banking Regulation and Supervision in Sub-Saharan Africa
Global Goals and International Agreements: Lessons for the Design of the Sustainable Development Goals
Progress on Women’s Empowerment: From Technical Fixes to Political Action
The Effectiveness of Climate Finance: A Review of the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience
Taking the Sustainable Development Goals from "Main Basis" to Effective Vision - What's the Roadmap?
Improving Access to International Climate Finance within Sub-Saharan Africa
Incredible Budgets
From Best Practice to Best Fit
Debt Sustainability in HIPCs in a New Age of Choice
Carbon Taxes in South Africa
The Role of Multilateral Climate Funds in Mobilising Private Investment
The Effectiveness of Climate Finance
The Radical Right in the European Parliament
The Effectiveness of Climate Finance
When is Redistribution Popular?
Financial Inclusion, Regulation and Inclusive Growth in Ethiopia
Security in Post-Conflict Contexts
Responding to a Crisis
The Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Africa’s Water Sector
Monitoring and Evaluation of Policy Influence and Advocacy
Financial Regulation in Low-Income Countries: Balancing Inclusive Growth with Financial Stability
Financial Regulation in Kenya: Balancing Inclusive Growth with Financial Stability
An Urban Dimension in a New Set of Development Goals
The Effectiveness of Climate Finance
A Guide to Managing in the Face of Complexity
Employment in a Post-2015 framework
World Vision’s Resilience Programming: Adding Value to Development
Why Neglected Tropical Diseases Matter in Reducing Poverty
Scientific or Political? Assessing Options for the 11th European Development Fund Allocation Method
The Post-2015 Delivery of Universal and Sustainable Access to Infrastructure Services
Eradicating Global Poverty
The Origins of Modern Finance
Linking PFM Dimensions to Development Priorities
Who Are the Poor?
The Effectiveness of Climate Finance
The Effectiveness of Climate Finance: A Review of the Amazon Fund
The Effectiveness of International Climate Finance
The Future of EU Aid in Middle-income Countries
Paying for Progress
Exploring Political and Socio-Economic Drivers of Transformational Climate Policy
The Role of Development Finance Institutions in Promoting Jobs and Structural Transformation
The Changing Nature of Private Capital Flows to Sub-Saharan Africa
Climate Change Mitigation Policies
Low Carbon Competitiveness
Energy and Low-Carbon Competitiveness
Building Blocks for Equitable Growth: Lessons from the BRICS
The Age of Choice: Developing Countries in the New Aid Landscape
Uncertain Frontiers: Mapping New Corporate Engagement in Water Security
The Economic Case for Adopting Low-Carbon Trajectories in Low-Income Countries
Who Foots the Bill after 2012? What New Trends in Development Finance Mean for the Post-MDGs
Shockwatch Bulletin: Monitoring the Impact of the Euro Zone Crisis, China/India Slow-Down, and Energy Price Shocks on Lower-Income Countries
Water Security: From Abstract Concept to Meaningful Metrics
Can Aid Address Key Governance Constraints in Public Service Delivery?
Energy Price Shocks
Increasing the Effectiveness of Aid for Trade
Localizing Aid: Can Using Local Actors Strengthen Them?
Common Constraints and Incentive Problems in Service Delivery
The Effects of Sector Characteristics on Accountability Relationships in Service Delivery
Reassessing Aid to Middle-income Countries: The Implications of the European Commission's Policy of Differentiation for Developing Countries
The UK’s Approach to Linking Development and Security
The Euro Zone Crisis and Developing Countries
The Political Economy of the Urban Water-Pricing Regime in Freetown, Sierra Leone
Designing Public Sector Interventions to Mobilise Private Participation in Low Carbon Development
Capacity, Complexity and Consulting
Citizen Voice and State Accountability
Climate Change in UK Security Policy
Scaling up Rural Sanitation in Vietnam
Public Engagement in International Animal Welfare
Lessons from Deliberative Public Engagement Work
Children and Social Protection in the Middle East and North Africa
Climate Change, Water Resources and WASH
Aid Effectiveness: Bringing Country Ownership (and Politics) Back In
Analysing the Governance and Political Economy of Water and Sanitation Service Delivery
Water Reforms During the Crisis and Beyond
Linkages Between Researchers and Legislators in Developing Countries
The Role of Aid to Middle-Income Countries
Taking Responsibility for Complexity
Does Donor Support to Public Financial Management Reforms in Developing Countries Work?
Policy Responses to the Spatial Dimensions of Poverty
Spatial Disadvantages or Spatial Poverty Traps
Spatial Inequality and Urban Poverty Traps
Patterns of Poverty in Remote Rural Areas
Spatial Poverty Traps and Ethnic Conflict Traps
Migration, Remote Rural Areas and Chronic Poverty in India
Isolation and Poverty
Spatial Poverty Traps
Rethinking Social Protection Using a Gender Lens
Responding to a Changing Climate
Opportunities and Challenges in Promoting Policy- and Practice-Relevant Knowledge on Child Rights
Practical Approaches to the Aid Effectiveness Agenda
The Global Financial Crisis and Developing Countries
Development, Trade and Carbon Reduction
Trade, Growth and Poverty: Making Aid for Trade Work for Inclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction
Climate Negotiations and Development
Equity in Development
Impact of the Economic Crisis and Food and Fuel Price Volatility on Children and Women in the MENA Region
Analysing and Managing the Political Dynamics of Sector Reforms
Understanding and Operationalising Empowerment
Aiding Economic Growth in Africa
The Global Financial Crisis and Developing Countries
The Implications of the Global Financial Crisis for Developing Countries' Export Volumes and Values
The Global Financial Crisis and Sub-Saharan Africa
The Global Financial Crisis and Remittances
Taking Stock: What Do PEFA Assessments Tell us About PFM Systems Across Countries?
Governance and Citizenship from Below
Improving Impact Evaluation Production and Use
Impact of the Global Financial and Economic Situation on Agricultural Markets and Food Security
Poverty and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Overview of the Issues
The Contribution of Services to Development and the Role of Trade Liberalisation and Regulation
A Review of Ethical Standards and Labels: Is There a Gap in the Market for a New "Good for Development" Label?
Swings and Roundabouts: A Narrative on Water Policy Development in Sri Lanka
Painful Lessons: The Politics of Preventing Sexual Violence and Bullying at School
Political Science? Strengthening Science-Policy Dialogue in Developing Countries
A "New" Approach to Global Value Chain Analysis
Practical Approaches to Transboundary Water Benefit Sharing
Doing the Right Thing Approximately Not the Wrong Thing Precisely: Challenges of Monitoring Impacts of Pro-poor Interventions in Tourism Value Chains
Donor Support to Private Sector Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Gambian Tourist Value Chain and Prospects for Pro-Poor Tourism
Economic Partnership Agreements: A "Historic Step" Towards a "Partnership of Equals"?
Exploring the Science of Complexity
Governance Assessments for Local Stakeholders
The Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty
The Use of Subsidies by Development Finance Institutions in the Infrastructure Sector
Closing the Deal: Assessing the Opportunities and Risks for Bretton Woods Governance Reform in 2007
Rethinking Governance in Water Services
Making a Difference: M&E of Policy Research
The Impact of Investing in Children
Is Zambia Contracting Dutch Disease?
Participation by the Poor in Luang Prabang Tourism Economy
Reforming the International Aid Architecture
Bringing Community-Learnt Knowledge into the Policy Debate
Building Effective Research Policy Networks
Aid and the MDG Poverty Target
(Re)building Developmental States
CSO Capacity for Policy Engagement
Understanding Networks: The Functions of Research Policy Networks
What's Next in International Development? Perspectives from the 20% Club and the 0.2% Club
What Political and Institutional Context Issues Matter for Bridging Research and Policy?
Growth and Poverty in Asia: Where Next?
Informal Traders Lock Horns with the Formal Milk Industry
Learning From Experience? A Review of Recipient-Government Efforts to Manage Donor Relations and Improve the Quality of Aid
What Would Doubling Aid do for Macroeconomic Management in Africa?
The Role of Public Investment in Poverty Reduction: Theories, Evidence and Methods
Politics and Poverty Reduction Strategies: Lessons from Latin American HIPCs
Capacity Development for Policy Advocacy: Current Thinking and Approaches Among Agencies Supporting Civil Society Organisations
Which Way the Future of Aid?
Poverty Reduction Strategies and the Rural Productive Sectors: Insights from Malawi, Nicaragua and Vietnam
Facilitating Pro-Poor Tourism with the Private Sector
Closing the Sovereignty Gap: An Approach to State-Building
Partnerships and Accountability: Current Thinking and Approaches Among Agencies Supporting Civil Society Organisations
Globalisation and Education: What Do the Trade, Investment and Migration Literatures Tell Us?
Networks and Policy Processes in International Development: A Literature Review
CSO Participation in Health, Research and Policy: A Review of Models, Mechanisms and Measures
Spyglass. Spigot. Spoon. Or Spanner. What Future for Bilateral Aid?
How Civil Society Organisations Use Evidence to Influence Policy Processes: A Literature Review
Incentives for Harmonisation and Alignment in Aid Agencies
Poverty Monitoring Systems: An Analysis of Institutional Arrangements in Tanzania
Poverty Monitoring Systems: An Analysis of Institutional Arrangements in Uganda
Change, Violence and Insecurity in Non-Conflict Situations
Implementing Knowledge Strategies: Lessons from International Development Agencies
Drivers of Change and Development in Malawi
The Washington Consensus is Dead! Long Live the Meta-Narrative!
Missing Links in the Politics of Development: Learning from the PRSP Experiment
Fracture Points in Social Policies for Chronic Poverty Reduction
Politics and the PRSP Approach: Georgia Case Study
Politics and the PRSP Approach: Vietnam Case Study
Politics and the PRSP Approach: Bolivia Case Study
The Search for Synergies between Social Protection and the Productive Sectors: The Agriculture Case
Livelihood Options? The Political Economy of Access, Opportunity and Diversification
Politics and the PRSP Approach: Uganda Case Study
Politics and the PRSP Approach: Synthesis Paper
The International Aid System 2005-2010: Forces For and Against Change
Why Cooperate? A Multi-Disciplinary Study of Collective Action
Food Security and the Millennium Development Goal on Hunger in Asia
Communication of Research for Poverty Reduction
Smart Governance?
The Outreach/Viability Conundrum
A New Equity Agenda?
Hidden Livelihoods? Natural Resource-Dependent Livelihoods and Urban Development Policy
Grounding the State
Institutional Alternatives and Options for Decentralised Natural Resource Management in India
Seasonal Migration for Livelihoods in India
State Transfers to the Poor and Back
Livelihood Diversification and Non-Timber Forest Products in Orissa
Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning: An International Development Perspective
The PRSP Initiative: Multilateral Policy Change and the Role of Research
Bridging Research and Policy: Insights from 50 Case Studies
Policy Processes: An Annotated Bibliography on Policy Processes, with Particular Emphasis on India
How the Sphere Project Came into Being: A Case Study of Policy-Making in the Humanitarian Aid Sector and the Relative Influence of Research
Sustainable Livelihoods: A Case Study of the Evolution of DFID Policy
Results-Oriented Expenditure Management: Case Study of Ghana
Livelihoods, Chronic Conflict and Humanitarian Response
Seasonal Labour Migration in Rural Nepal
European Development Cooperation to 2010
Animal Health Care in Kenya: The Road to Community-Based Animal Health Service Delivery
Out of Reach: Local Politics and the Distribution of Development Funds in Madhya Pradesh
Trends and Prospects for Poverty Reduction in Rural India
Poverty Reduction Outcomes in Education and Health Public Expenditure and Aid
Results-Oriented Expenditure Management: The Case of Burkina Faso
Results-Oriented Public Expenditure: Case Study of Mali
Strengthening the Enabling Environment for Agicultural Technology Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Targets and Results in Public Sector Management: Uganda Case Study
Results-Oriented Expenditure Management Country Study - Tanzania
Results-Oriented Public Expenditure in Cambodia
Resident Capital Outflows: Capital Flight or Normal Flows?
Measuring Capital Flight: Estimates and Interpretations
Understanding the Dynamics of Socio-Economic Mobility: Tales from Two Indian Villages
Results-Orientated Budget Practice in OECD Countries
Managing Public Expenditure for Development Results and Poverty Reduction
Results-Based Public Management in Bolivia
Decentralisation in India: Poverty, Politics and Panchayati Raj
Devolution as a Threat to Democratic Decision-making in Forestry?
Rural Non-farm Employment: An Analysis of Rural Urban Interdependencies
Conducive Conditions: Livelihood Interventions in Southern Somalia
Conducive Conditions
A Critical Review of Approaches to Assessing and Monitoring Livelihoods in Situations of Chronic Conflict and Political Instability
The Use of Participatory Methods for Livelihood Assessment in Situations of Political Instability
Assessment of Needs of Internally Displaced Persons in Colombia
Food Economy in Situations of Chronic Political Instability
Food Economy in Situations of Chronic Political Instability
Understanding and Monitoring Livelihoods Under Conditions of Chronic Conflict
The Consequences of Conflict: Livelihoods and Development in Nepal
Livelihoods and Chronic Conflict: An Annotated Bibliography
Supporting Livelihoods in Situations of Chronic Conflict and Political Instability
Diversification and Livelihood Options
Peoples’ Social Movements: An Alternative Perspective on Forest Management in India
ICTs and Rural Development: Review of the Literature, Current Interventions and Opportunities for Action
Indian Public Expenditures on Social Sector and Poverty Alleviation Programmes During the 1990s
Welfare Policies and Politics: A Study of Three Government Interventions in Andhra Pradesh, India
Democratic Process and Electoral Politics in Andhra Pradesh, India
Caste, Class and Social Articulation in Andhra Pradesh
Moving Mud, Shifting Soil
Reaching the Poor: The Influence of Policy and Administrative Processes on the Implementation of Government Poverty Schemes in India
Bridging Research and Policy: An Annotated Bibliography
Bridging Research and Policy: Context, Evidence and Links
Decentralisation in Madhya Pradesh, India
Good Practice in the Development of PRSP Indicators and Monitoring Systems
Violence in the Central American Region
How, When and Why Does Poverty Get Budget Priority? Poverty Reduction Strategy and Public Expenditure in Five African Countries
How, When and Why Does Poverty Get Budget Priority? Poverty Reduction Strategy and Public Expenditure in Mozambique
How, When and Why Does Poverty Get Budget Priority? Poverty Reduction Strategy and Public Expenditure in Malawi
How, When and Why Does Poverty Get Budget Priority?
How, When and Why Does Poverty Get Budget Priority?
How, When and Why Does Poverty Get Budget Priority?
Information Communication Technologies and Governance
Sustainable Livelihoods Approaches in Urban Areas
Pro-Poor Growth in India
Safety Nets and Opportunity Ladders
Extension, Poverty and Vulnerability: The Scope for Policy Reform
Extension, Poverty and Vulnerability in India
Sector Wide Programmes and Poverty Reduction
Social Protection Policy and Practice in Bolivia
Extension, Poverty and Vulnerability in Bolivia and Colombia
The Choice of Financial Aid Instruments
Extension, Poverty and Vulnerability in Vietnam
Extension, Poverty and Vulnerability in Uganda
Extension, Poverty and Vulnerability in Nicaragua
Towards Accountability: Narrowing the Gap Between NGO Priorities and Local Realities in Thailand
The Potential of Using Sustainable Livelihoods: Approaches in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
The Basic Budgeting Problem
Complex Problems…Negotiated Solutions
Rights, Claims and Capture: Understanding the Politics of Pro-Poor Policy
Extension, Poverty and Vulnerability: Inception Report of a Study for the Neuchâtel Initiative
Social Protection Concepts and Approaches: Implications for Policy and Practice in International Development
The Status of Sector Wide Approaches
Aid and Public Expenditure: A Guide
New Approaches to Development Co-operation
Equity and Efficiency in Contract Farming Schemes
Sustainable Livelihoods and Political Capital
Poverty and European Aid in Zambia
Conflict Management in Community-Based Natural Resource Projects
Adopting a Sustainable Livelihoods Approach to Water Projects
Enhancing Livelihoods Through Participatory Watershed Development in India
Do the Poor Matter? A Comparative Study of European Aid for Poverty Reduction in India
Applying Livelihood Approaches to Natural Resource Management Initiatives
The Reality of Trying to Transform Structures and Processes
The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and Programme Development in Cambodia
Developing Methodologies for Livelihood Impact Assessment
The Impacts of Tourism on Rural Livelihoods
Sustainable Livelihoods and Project Design in India
The Lahaul Potato Society
Land Tenure and Economic Development in Rural South Africa
Traditional Livestock Breeds
Understanding Rangeland Biodiversity
Information and Power: Implications for Process Monitoring
Relativism in Agricultural Research and Development
The Policy Process
Drought and Livestock in Semi-Arid Africa and Southwest Asia
European Aid for Poverty Reduction in Tanzania
Netherlands Aid Policies for Poverty Reduction
Panchayati Raj and Watershed Management in India
Reaching the Poor?
Food Aid and Food Security in the 1990s
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